Unexplained boreholes in Egypt, evidence of advanced technology?

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Archaeologists occasionally uncover strange granite cylinders in Egypt that fascinate and impress the public. What was the purpose of these mysterious objects? How could they be made in such a hard rock without modern equipment? Is this the proof of the use of an advanced technology that rivals with our current tools?

Narration : Denis S.

Sources and references (in the disorder):

Nikolay Vasutin - expérimentations

Reconstitution expérimentale des techniques de forage de la pierre en Crète minoenne

7,500 year-old drill bit found at prehistoric village in Turkey’s Bursa province

La perforation des perles en calcédoine : approche mécanique des techniques harappéennes

Tribologie et couplages multiphysiques

Hidden Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Technology

Дополнения к статье об эксперимненте по сверлению гранита

A Brief History of Drills and Drilling

Hand powered drilling tools and machines

Ancient Egyptian Stoneworking Tools and Methods

L'Homme avant les métaux

Les haches perforées du Néolithique final.

Evidence for the use of corundum abrasive in Egypt from the Great Aten Temple at Amarna

Stoneworking Tools and Toolmarks

Experiments in Egyptian Archaeology


Video clips
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Who needs aliens when antique egyptians were already using cool tech like this


It also would be helpful to mention Olga Vdovina, who made granite vase recently. Cheers!


You're right, the whole world must know that we have the worst pyramidiots ever ^^


This completely, 100%, debunks all “advanced technology in ancient times”
I mean this is very advanced! But still completely possible for the time! Great work, and thank you for expanding my knowledge on this topic.


Yeah, man! Show us the power of true science!


Sorry pal but those cylinders were cut by something tipped with diamond! At the scale and precision the ancient Egyptians worked it has been shown copper tools were inadequate.


Mensonges! Les anciens avaient inventé le cuivre, mais pas encore le sable! Mais j'ai mal pour ceux qui avaient le crâne ouvert ainsi, comment se poursuivait leur vie???


Incrédible, amazing, wonderful, … en zo voort … ^^


Two questions that render your argument obsolete btw!
How did they start the cut? And how do you make the cut with one continuous motion from start to finish? Speaking as someone who has done probably about 10, 000 granite core cuts and seen the work in Egypt!


Bulls|-|it, the ancient Egyptians didn’t cut those holes, just like they didn’t build the Sphinx or the pyramids. Oh and they probably didn’t know who did either.


Heureusement qu'il y à les images car j'ai rien compris à se qu'il à dit 😅


Do you ever wonder that these aliens, that gave them the tools were us in the far future? We have such similar tools...


Sans guide, on voit que les carottes ne sont pas parfaitement rondes, la main de l'homme provoque toujours des défauts (pas la meme force à chaque effort, fatigue, angle d'attaque, endroit de prise en main)... le système de double guide en bois permet un forage préçis et parfaitement rond. Impeccable!


To ANYONE who would dare to criticize this video:
Listen, it's plain simple: The vast majority of the great teenage scholars here who drag their
weighty diapers around, all have upmost relevant opinions on this question. Besides having that same rotten milk, old sweat and exploded pimples smell in common, they all seem to also generally agree on the fact that THEY know the Truth, which is as follow:

WE know how EVERYTHING has been built, also WHO built it and WHEN !!! There is nothing simpler than that: a handful of fingers, some basic skills, some chunks of wood and elbow oil is all you need. It's as simple as it gets.

Don't ever forget that these new superheroes are CONNECTED, right? which means they are EDUCATED. Don't make me say they never bored a single hole in their (long) life... or read a book.

And please stop arguing, ok? Especially if you have a 30 yrs long experience in stonemasoning, architecture, or simply housebuilding... You just don't know nothing about nothing. You don't know it yet but that's just how it is. So back off and shut the f... up. Your place is not on a scientific educational platform like YOUTUBE. That is.


How about steam powered drills I'm thinking about something like the aeolipile just thinking out the box here


You managed to make a video tackling a controverdial subject that does zero critical thinking or work. Good job, lmao


You sure have no clue what you're talking about. The boreholes in Egypt whatever they were using was more efficient and more powerful than anything we have today it went five times deeper per revolution than modern power tools what's titanium in tungsten carbide tips explain that
