GUARANTEED GOOSEBUMPS ! | Evidence of Ancient Technology

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Stone came from Extraterrestrial found in Egypt
Alien stone in the Egyptian desert came from a rare supernova, scientists say
A strange extraterrestrial space rock unearthed in the Sahara Desert could be the first evidence on Earth for a rare type of supernova

Mysterious extraterrestrial rocks are unlike anything ever found on Earth, according to scientists.

The Hypatia stone – pebbles found in Egypt, which once came from a huge rock that was several meters wide – have long been known to have come to Earth from somewhere else. But new research shows they are even more alien than we thought, having been formed outside of our solar system and even before our sun existed.

That's the conclusion of new research that looked at how the strange rocks were formed, by exploring what minerals can be found inside them.

#ancientsecrets #unsolvedmysteries #ancientaliens
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Good job this is epic the more you know keep it up, your doing amazing


Great job. My channel is launching very soon. BTW the Nagas were indeed the Mayans js


I could probably reenact this with s bath bomb shake like this with a magnet in the middle of it lol 😆


What happen if they throw that stone to the sea?


Did you not know there energy every where. Some u make some is manipulation. There's any are somewhere where there no gravity on earth n things float
