Proof of Advanced Technology in Ancient Egypt?

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This little known, 5000 year old, Egyptian Artifact could be the best evidence of Advanced Technology in our Ancient Past because according to the experts who examined Core7...there's no other way to explain it...and I'm gonna tell you all about it in 3 Minutes or Less.

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The people who used core drill bits very likely found those leftover tools from some previous, technologically advanced population.


Research is gathering facts until an hypothesis is obvious.
Prejudice is mashing the facts to fit the preconceived idea.
In this video we have facts presented, period.
Good job!


Between the three 'greater pyramids' the ancients had to quarry over nine million metric tonnes of stone, transport it hundreds of miles down the Nile r. and lift it perfectly into position with the ropes and pullies of that age. Impossible.


i work for a general contracting company, and you would actually be surprised just how hard it can be to keep the core nice and straight too. it always wants to veer off and the core drill can get jammed fairly easy. so you're always taking out fairly small chunks of concrete from inside the bit. now i could not imagine trying it into stone, but to think how clean it looks like they were doing this, is insanely impressive. Plus lets not forget, we had electricity in the 1880s fairly mainstream. if they had adept knowledge of mathematics, physics our solar system, and so on. So how is it they wouldnt have understood indepth about electricity?


If the ancient Egyptians didn't have the technology, (which they did not), Then they were built by someone before who did, and the Egyptians just re-claimed them and spruced them up a bit.👍


What if you are looking at this wrong? This may not be a core sample? What if it is actually a recording like Edison's wax cylinders. Made to last a milleniea!


💯 - think about it. The buildings (pyramids) are unmatched today. If you forget everything that the three letter people say, and let the evidence speak for itself, then it's plain as the day is bright and the night dark, that they were far more advanced. Over time, we've descended into chaos, lost knowledge, understanding and technology. Instead, we live in a system centred on and around fictions. We don't even use money i.e. gold, silver and precious stones, or anything of value. So, in answer to your video, it's no surprise at all. 🙏🏿


As technology advances it gets more fragile only evidence left is stone


I just wonder about what they used to power the drill. What form of energy were they using and how was it generated and carried from one point to another? They apparently shaped and moved stones easily in the most remote locations! If we only knew, it would solve many of todays biggest problems!


Could it have been done with a flywheel set up ? Hmmm, they did have access to meteor iron. Tut had an iron dagger as part of his grave gifts….. still would have to figure out what abrasive they used.


I saw this in the Petrie museum a couple of weeks ago


Bow drill is only one type of drill. Flywheel drills are similar.


I could think of a way to do it using the tech of the time or at least easily available tech for the level of technology they are claimed to have been at. Now it would of course require a set production facility it's not something that could be eamade mobile. However a drill powered by a water wheel system would be both easily accomplished and really, a minor modification to a water wheel powered grain mill. Actually this would make sense for the psi estimate as well since the mill stones used for grain milling would be the perfect weight to apply pressure to the drill bit. The water wheel system would ensure the unbroken cuts. The only real concern that I could see would be the core drill itself. Bronze of the time could probably manage the pressures involved but attaching the diamond particles to it would likely be the stumbling block. I'm unsure if pitch or animal based glues would be enough to keep the diamond grains in place enough for such a drill. Modern epoxies and sintering techniques are a long ways beyond what the supposed tech level was for the time. On the plus side the Nile would be an ideal power source for such a machine. And as a secondary bonus, you could even tune in the speeds you wanted to drill with different gearing from the drive shaft of the water wheel.
When not in use as a core drill which would admittedly be a fairly rare use case even for the pyramids, the facility simply goes back to grain milling. This not only explains how it could be done, but tackles the issues of the costs of such a facility to drill cores in massive stones on a semi regular basis at best. The facility would simply be pulling double duty on those occasions where a hole was needed so it wouldn't be an exorbitant investment.


its the ppl that came long before Egyptians, Egyptians just claimed it after the fact


I am going out on a limb here, but given that sample 7 is the only one with this kind of markings, could it be they have been made after the drilling?


Getting the information into the mainstream with a little goofiness. Go get 'em!


What if the core sample was actually done in the 60s and is a fake narrative to boost the mystery of ancient Egyptian technology? Or it was a block of granite that was being shaped for a sculpture using a lathe like machine powered by water, and the grooves are similar to what is produced on a lathe? Strange that there are no other recorded drill holes anywhere else, and they never found the original hole, and the core sample is the exact dimensions of a modern-day concrete and Rock core sampler


Check for binary coding with the lines, mainly just for extra technology based purposes!!!! So cool!


They probably used a really havy stone on top of the drill and then had an elephant walk around in circles and a few hours later the hole was created


Debunked by actual researchers. Who took actual time to test out various methods. They duplicated the effect without power drills. Take five minutes to do research.
