Possible Evidence That Egyptian Pharaohs Were Aliens!

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Mighty pyramids, magnificent temples, mysterious hieroglyphs: the legacy of the ancient Egyptians has graced our globe for many thousands of years. But despite all the archaeological discoveries and research, we are still far from having unraveled all the mysteries of this exciting civilization. Above all, the imposing pyramids are among the greatest mysteries of antiquity: How did the ancient Egyptians manage to build the gigantic tombs without using modern technologies? Since the ancient Egyptian world has always been teeming with mystical secrets, particularly creative minds are looking for the most unusual possible explanations. Quite a few people who subscribe to the field of pre-astronautics (which studies the presence of extraterrestrial intelligences on Earth during prehistory and ancient times) are firmly convinced that the Egyptians received help from out of this world when erecting their monumental buildings: namely from extraterrestrial beings who were in lively exchange with the people of antiquity. As if this assumption weren't already adventurous enough, some people take this train of thought even further - and believe that even the pharaohs had an extraterrestrial origin or hybrid experiences with alien beings! We will now show you how these controversial theories are fueled and what supposed evidence their supporters bring to the table!

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I believe that we are not the only advanced species in the universe!!


You should probably spend at least a little time researching the stuff you post. For anyone wanting to actually learn something check out the elongated skulls on Brien Foersters channel, or his research into ancient advanced technology at a tons of different sites. You can look up every single ancient cultures origin stories and compare them, or religious paintings with UFOs in them, which are thousands of years old. Look up India's ancient history, and Sumerian myths of the anunnaki. There's a ton of stuff that's being suppressed from the public and you'd be pretty stupid to assume main stream academics don't hold back valuable information from the public when their jobs are on the line. Anyone whose done any amount of research into this subject knows its not just "conspiracies".


I appreciate the effort made however, The Egyptians FOUND the Pyramids and the Sphinxes at Giza when they migrated there. Also, Akhenaten, You placed the accent on the wrong syllable, Ah-ken-NAH-ten not Ah-KEN-nah ten. And as for the whole Alien theory, It is just that a theory for now. Every time we claim extra terrestrials, we diminish the wisdom, knowledge and abilities of our ancient ancestors. Also, there have been many many homo-genus types on the over 4.5 billion years this planet has existed and who in our arrogance portray as primitive cave dwellers, when in fact, there have been many highly advanced ancient human civilizations that have been lost to time and who's evidence of has been deliberately hidden or ignored or reimagined, in order to uphold the long debunked belief that modern humans are the only technologically advanced civilization on earths history, despite the fact that we cannot even begin to build anything like the ancient megalithic polygonal structures, we cannot figure out how they used cymatics in the structures built or how they had electricity to power the tools they used to make them, well Tesla knew how but the powers that be shut him down in the name of Profit. Overall thanks I enjoyed the imagery. Peace


I have an Associate's degree in Architectural drafting Design Technology science. A large part of our curriculum were pyramids. The Construction even with our modern tools is just not possible. We cannot get close to how accurate those blocks are to each other. I believe that the beings of Greater knowledge were the Gods.


Wow, the sheer weight of the misinformation and miss pronunciations in this report makes it very difficult to watch.
First, these great structures are not and were never designed to be tombs..
Second, they were built to perform a host of functions.
It would be prudent to consult the well researched and written book by Christopher Dunn.


I do believe there was an advanced civilization that created a lot of the megalithic structures. I think it sells humanity short to say we couldn't have done it. There are so many different types of humans that wandered this earth, it's not inconceivable that Akhenaton was a product of either incest or neanderthal homosapien mix.


Why they never speak much of it is apparent but Scientists took samples of those perfect stones on the pyramids and they were made of granite and some other ingredient that could not be deduced...in other words they were 'poured'. The Kufu or Cheops pyramid was discovered by a man that probably 'wrote' the cartouche himself because what he supposedly found was misspelled or rather the hieroglyphs were off. IMO academics know what's going on but playing stupid, Egypt or Khem is probably far older than they will acknowledge, or civilization for that matter. The victors or whoever holds the power writes the history, true or not.


There were Giants back in those days, LV Shaza Australia ❤️💜


The pyramids were not building by the Egyptians. The pyramids are power stations. Enki build them and many around the world. The annunaki established many of the civilized conditions we know today such as reading and writing. All that jazz about Pharoahs being part alien, maybe be so. However there have been many extraterrestrial beings that have been and gone for thousands of years. They have lived among hunans without us knowing. So yeah what we've been taught since birth is basically made up. This here is just a snapshot of many vastly things we've been lied to about.


It is not beyond the realms of possibility, as the "Book" of all knowledge, 'The Bible', is full of stories relating to life forms that were capable of flight.


They built internal ramps that were filled with rubble once the construction was complete They had toys for kids that they could wrap the blocks to create a circle A full size model would enable large blocks to be moved


The only man who knew how the ancients built the pryminds was Ed L. The one and only man whoever proved that he knew how; by building Coral Castle


No matter the evidence the main stream will deny !!!


The Egyptians were the great grandchildren of the travellers that gave them the knowledge and know how to make them leaders of the human miner's


pyramids were built with giants . no slaves required


I believe in the ancient solar system configuration theory that is more logical


the Sphynx was erected before Egyptiens, what it says to you ?


Thank you “we are exiles, this place not our home “. Guess that would mean aliens. Lol
our alien ancestors


Thanks for this creativity. It's now more than 4, 000 years but still no conclusion, rather assumptions. The big question, how did they built without modern technology? Well, am waiting for another myth.


Another place that blows my mind are the Ellora caves. How on earth were they created!😳
