The INFJ & ENFJ // Why Every Sage Needs A Protagonist

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There are so many aspects to discuss about the INFJ and ENFJ relationship. In this video I talk about one thing I have noticed that is very different in how the two types manifest in the same social situation, and how having an ENFJ can be beneficial to the INFJ in these social settings.
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What you said about extraverted sensing is so recognizable! I create worlds in my head and have little care for sensing the world outside me. My father and brother are Se types and take the world as it is. What they see, smell, touch, hear is what the world is to them. They see a tree and that's it. I see a manifestation in the form of a tree and wonder about its origin.


Post-Script: Yes, BEAUTIFUL, ENFJs, we are uplifting, encouraging, and inspirational. One Professor once told me "You are not only motivated but motivating". And our reward is seeing others HAPPY😂


I love both types! Even made a video about THIS. INFJ & ENFJ relationship compatibility. Thanks, for talking it through! Two of the most CARING personality types 🩷🪷🐈.


You have find out your soulmate, there’s no doubt. I’m a INFJ and I’m hoping to find a ENFJ woman too ❤


You seem very sweet. I’m an INFJ female, just discovering your lovely channel.


Hello, BEAUTIFUL! True ENFJ here. My husband typed INFJ on our 3rd romantic date. That was years ago. I have my suspicion that he may have mistyped, and that he may actually be INFP. It no longer matters at this point, because we are now separated.😢 Keep up the good work!🎉 May God bless your marriage with peace, tranquility, and much love🙏🙏🙏


Hi there Anne Marie :-) I think that's it a cool relationship too. Of all my friends I want to share my deepest secrets with INFJ's. Our energy levels are the exact opposite and that's why it's a great match in a social setting. Having each others' backs, being able to step in and tag team for the sake of the group. I also feel like this with INFP's. I tend to enjoy the INFP's healing energy more, but relate to the INFJ better. I'm enjoying your videos. Thank you! Heather (ENFJ)


This is a lovely gift for u to have a partner who can give u feed back n b a cheerleader for the greater good. I hav found in my own space of bein an omnivert has ben a delightful trait I’ve picked up thru yrs in a very fast paced industry wher meeting tons of diverse ppl has offered me a way to b capable of affecting others in a positive way also, very empowering to say the least. It can b used as a guide to bringing oneself back to self, “observe don’t absorb” comes to mind here. I too am on this unending quest of betterment n counting our blessings is a great start. Keep it comin cus I’m always gainin wisdom thru others perspectives, ty ty ty!!!


SO very true. A while back I worked for a Bank attenting an after party from "the" boring AF company party. I was in the middle of a co-worker and his wife showing me her new boob job (shirt on and yea, she went WAY over board. lol) and I noticed someone who was litterally standing behind a palm tree eating his plate of food. He was there for a while. So I said BRB. Went to find another person at the party who was going to match his introverted vibe and got him talking and engaging with that person and eventually he came out from behind that FUCKING tree. lol. I am very much an extrovert but I have a soft spot for people that feel left out and feel like they dont fit in.


'Here's what everyone would prefer to be feeling'... Dang. I do get into 'everyone needs to be happy right now' modes sometimes and it seems to annoy people more than anything lol


What am i gonna do?!? I dont like talking abt my feelings. And he keeps asking abt me. This is not something im use to talk or not even i do work on. This is frustrating. Am i not mature yet? Help. Bc im abt to engage


Believe me when you'll understand what Introverted Thinking is all about you'll be very interested in it.


hi anne
your voice is so beautiful 😍😊


I totally see this . Im in Enfj and the bf Infj ..


Key word of the day for you, from an ENTJ, is : doggy :)


This might work with an INFJ female and an ENFJ male, but I don't think the other way around works as I have been through it and it was a disaster. Maybe my own bias but INFJ men have much more difficulty with dealing with emotions since we are expected as males to not be emotional and are reminded often that to show it to women is not very effective. I am too old for this woke garbage out there and am talking from a 55 year in this world experience.


I'm torn between how funny and/or how courageous it is for you to just totally discard your tertiary function Ti. One would think it's maybe your inferior function. But no, it's your husband's. Oh! I'm starting to put it together... lol! 🥸
