Thinking of Doing Keto Long Term? Interesting Results

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Special Thanks to my team and Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student - for working diligently on research as well!

At times, just the mention of the "Keto Diet" it triggers people. You hear things like, "you won't live long" or, "that's terrible for you," and so on and so forth. Often, we don't have the concrete data on hand to prove our case. But, in this video, we will go over the scientific data to help give you the information needed to not only make the best decision for you when it comes to dieting, but also to give you an insight about what keto really does to you long term...

Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student:

Keto & Longevity Studies:

Рекомендации по теме

✔ 130 pounds down
✔ depression gone
✔ so much energy
✔ diabetes gone
✔ snoring gone
✔ sleep apnea gone
✔ keto 2 years!!
❌ listen to the haters


For years, I was known as the person who caught every type of virus, sinus infection there was. This year, since starting keto in September, I have not had any signs of catching a cold or virus when everyone around me are sick. I am in much better shape, so I am sticking to it.


I was a patient of Dr Brett Osborn who is a neuro-surgeon and runs an anti-aging clinic in Jupiter, Florida where I currently live. He is the author of a book "Get Serious" and who's thinking is similar to Thomas DeLauer's. I have been on strict keto for over five years and while Dr Osborn prefers a "modified-keto" diet to strict (50 grams carbs or less daily) he was impressed when my blood work came back "showing" my metabolic age to be 40 (I was 69). I am stating this here not as braggadocio but merely to further "prove" what Thomas has been saying here. When we think about it, it makes sense as the "keto- diet" paradigm of high fat-moderate protein-low carbohydrate closely approximates the hunter-gather diet that we have evolved on for over 2.6 million years.


I have healed a big list of health issues with a keto diet There's no way I'll go back even if it's bad for you I'm staying this way I'm not going back.👍


Needed this! Almost 1 year on keto and no signs in changing!!! I love it. I feel amazing! I feel healthy! My gut loves me! All because of you Mr. Delauer!


Keto 26 months, 105 pounds lighter, 10 pounds from maintenance. Keto for health, Keto for life!


I've cured my diabetes and off all meds. There is no doubt in my mind keto/fasting is the way to go. Keto for life!!


Here's the thing: even before this study results, I'll stay keto because I'll live longer eating keto than I will eating like the idiot I was before keto.


Keto has changed my life and healed my family's health.
My list is:
autoimmune issues such as thyroid;
Severe arthritis in the knees and shoulder;
Sleep apnea;
Severe insulin resistance pre-diabetic;
Numbness and tingling on my fingers and toes;
Digestive problems, bloating,and fungus.
Three years later I still have my gall bladder...
I healed my fatty liver.
I healed body atrophy.
Brain fog is completely gone,
my energy is way up at 52 yrs. old I look and feel as energetic and youthful as in my 20's.
My husband's skins tags are not as prevailent, they are reducing in size and some have dropped.
I don't need to consume as much food to sustain myself and maintain the level of energy that I have.
If keto would be bad; it's impossible to heal so many issues in 3 years.

KETO for life.👍


Same here. I have fixed a lot of my problems with Keto. HBP, high glucose levels and a pre diabetic state. All gone now and I have lost 30 lbs! No more Cokes, breads, potatoes or pasta, but I have replaced them with a plethora of other more healthy substitutes. Yes, I eat turkey bacon, eggs and cheeses all natural of course. Occasionally I’ll even eat some nuts like macadamia and pecans or walnuts. I don’t eat out of fast food bags anymore either. Well sometimes I’ll get a sausage egg McMuffin, but I throw the muffins out the window, if do that. Thank you, Thomas! I just turned 59 and I feel better than I felt in my 40s!


I've been on Keto + IF for a year now. I don't do an eating window. I just eat 1 or 2 meals a day.

I noticed I feel full longer than when I first started.


You videos have helped me throughout my journey. I have tried so many diets could not stick with them. Anyone reading this Keto works I’m down 70 pounds since Jan 2nd 2019 still going strong. Don’t give up!


So, if I have mice in my barn I should make sure they have plenty of carbs so they get weaker, dumber, and die younger.


I’m 61 years old and I am down 20 pounds in the last five weeks since starting keto and having a hard time understanding how eliminating processed flour, grains and sugar is going to shorten my life *(And I have been part-time grain farmer and still own a grain farm).

I was overweight as a child, slimmed down in my teens, gained beer and pizza weight (fat) as a college freshman. My wife and I married when I was 18 and I went full on fatty for all our marriage.

I’m tired of it. I’m seven months from retiring and I don’t want to carry it around anymore. I don’t want to continue to stress my knees and hips. I don’t want to be a large immobile slob for someone to take care of as I grow old.

I started at 263 in January 09. I got down to 250 over the spring and summer by eating less and walking at least four miles a day. And then I got stuck. Three of our sons all had success with keto. Our oldest went from 205 to 148 and all but cured his type 2 diabetes. I decided it was time to change things dramatically and give my body something it had never seen before. My wife and our daughter took a week long trip to Tennessee and I decided that was a good time to start. I started using Dr Ken Berry’s guidance for the carnivore diet. Steaks, bacon, eggs and hamburgers fried in bacon grease the first four or so days. Had some gut issues with that and started working Cruciferous vegetables and salads with olive oil in. This helped a lot. Having OMAD at least 3 - 4 days a week but my fat loss stalled for over two weeks and I couldn’t get below 237. I just finished a forty eight hour fast (worked in a cup of golden coffee every morning) and I’m down to 234 this morning. I don’t think I’ve been below 230 since my wife and I married almost 43 years ago.

Probably my greatest motivation in all of this, other than being healthy, is the hope that when I get my lab work done I can tell the docs to stick the statins they say I need where the sun don’t shine. Oh, and they can change my chart from “obese” to whatever the hell you are when your not obese, or even overweight. Damnit.


I'm only 2 and a half weeks into strict, clean ketosis. I can absolutely tell the difference! At 51 and obese I'm STUNNED that FOOD-and ONLY food can make me feel like I'm feeling! Even though I'm having common gut issues, and hypoglycemic issues I'm pushing through...guzzling pink salted water and avocados, lol, among the rest of course. I don't see how anyone could go back. I just don't. I'm already sleeping better than ever, I didn't even REALIZE what a fog I'd been living under until now, brain wise. And I truly am so motivated it's almost spooky. Yes, weight loss was half of my issue...but the feeling that I was just slowly aging out at what seemed to be MY personal lifespan...has just disappeared! Poof! Gone! Hope is a powerful thing...and NATURAL energy is the game changer here! I hope I reap the health benefits...but even if I do get some illness...I think having this natural energy and clarity will STIILL just make every last minute matter. Not trying to sound weird or anything...just...I can't believe this. And that weight loss is going to be a SIDE AFFECT?...Hahahaha...😂♥
Thanks for all your videos BTW.


I eat more veggies now then ever. It was never about getting to eat more bacon for me. I don’t even associate it with fat loss anymore, just overall health.


THIS is powerful and I’ve been waiting for you to do more of these videos as keto grows in ‘popularity’. There is way too much mis-information out there and it makes me Someone said today to me at Costco when I told them I live the keto lifestyle and I gave up then said, ‘that means you can have just regular fruit sugars because you are keto correct?’ mean fructose is keto-friendly because it comes from oranges and pineapples? NO PEOPLE. It’s about your macros, carbs, fats, and proteins no matter the food. Please keep the science coming! That’s one thing that got me hooked on the sustainability and science of Keto, YOUR scientific research and ‘nerd reports’!! I adore your mission Thomas. I’ve lost 60 pounds, I am no longer on my blood pressure medication, my plantar fasciitis is completely gone in both feet, my bad knee feels 10 times better than it did nine months ago. This lifestyle is incredible and if only my cardiovascular doctor would’ve told me ‘just TRY this....TRY to give up sugar and practice intermittent fasting and put your body into ketosis to see if we could make progress on your blood pressure and heart’.... I took my health in my own hands and I made drastic changes that in turn gave me the best blood work of my life! Keto is the way the body was intended to function.


I have actually gained weight on keto-carnivore (I was never overweight though) but I don’t care because of what it has done for my mental health. I sometimes forget what it’s like to have anxiety and I have to take a step back to remember so I can empathize with those who still suffer from it. I don’t even get nightmares anymore.


Too many positives on the ketogenic lifestyle, not going back. I’m born and raised in South Louisiana with a Cajun wife that cooks amazing meals and I still make keto happen. She doesn’t do keto but she supports me and helps keep it goin. Merry Christmas!


4yrs for me and for the rest of my life!
