I Fasted 72 Hours To Prove The Internet Wrong

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This week I faced mass controversy over a post I made on 72 hour fasts being a complete waste of time. The idiots of the internet took over so I took it upon myself to go on a journey of discovery to see if in fact, I could have been wrong.

THANK YOU @biolayne1 for the cameo!


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For me, fasting has changed how i eat. Used to eat because i was bored, and I ate all sorts of junk. Now, im far more mindful of what i put in my body, and i can tell when im hungry, and when im just bored, hungry. Did i need fasting to achieve this? Probably not. But it has made a world of difference for me.


I tried fasting and I did get some things from it. It made me realise how fortunate I am to live with food always available, and renewed my empathy for people who don't. It made me realise how insanely ubiquitous food advertising is (for shitty foods) and how that was likely affecting my daily choices at some level. It gave me a light, sharp, productive feeling I kind of liked. I'm not sure I'd do it often.


I was LOLing when you showed a picture of your boy Chris when talking about AG. Love you both and its great to see healthy disagreements and banter about these things.


16/8 is a miracle for me, Helps me have discipline in my food, I lost over 10 kilos when i wanted to and still trying to do 16-8 as it keeps me on the weight i want.
I guess, a 48h or 72h fasting is like a mental challenge for most people


Looks to me you decided what your outcome would be before you even started.


Standing near grilled sausages while fasting is a recipe for depression


so the japanese nobel prize winner was wrong all this time and this random youtube dude was right?


this is an advertisement for the detriment of a negative mindset


You are a person with a balanced life style who workout frequently and with healthy habits and a healthy body... most people that finds the solution on fasting come from different background and history where your concept may not be applicable. .. I fought with my body weight and eating habits for more than 40 years... Fasting changed my life and I believe it can help lots of people out there...


Did a 120 hr water and electrolyte fast. The benefit was purely psychological, as it taught me that a lot of my “hunger” wasnt actually hunger, just seeking comfort or habit.
After day 3 it was easy, but at times where i normally would eat, id start thinking about food despite not really feeling hungry. Or when id feel stressed id get cravings for junk foods.
One of the weirdest moments though was when end of the work shift, day 4 of the fast, when typically id be thinking “what am i gonna eat after?” I had those thoughts and my mouth filled with saliva and i could taste metal, stomach grumbled so loudly i had to back away from coworkers. Lasted about 30 seconds then went away.
Definitely have to increase electrolytes though, or it sucks bigtime.


I have enjoyed 48 hours fasts in the past, mostly because I skipped the chore of making food, and didn't have anything social. I also have to be in a good place.I get totally depressed and struggle to work. I only notice a reduction in general appetite for a few weeks after. Good to know that just restriction also causes autophagy. Top video!


I'm ambitiously losing weight (80lbs by the end of the year) so 72hr fasts every 3 months, 24hr once a week and 16:8 the other days will give me a jumpstart. It's been shockingly easier than I thought, and taught me not to binge eat or drink out of boredom or stress. That being said, I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends cause most will end up overeating once they break their fast.


Loads of people fast and have measurable improvements in mood, well being, helps with digestive issues whilst also helping people be in a calorie deficit. I wouldn’t take this video as my only source of information on this.

It’s done great things for me personally.


hardly a challenge yet being so melodramatic lol


I trust my wife who is a biochemistry engineer more than the dude's nutritional phd. There's always one dude who decides to go against the "trend" just to prove the opposite and get some clout. My friend.. I know people who got cured of stage 4 cancer using autophagy and medicine to reduce glutamine.


A few months ago I started a very mild version of intermittent fasting that basically means after my last meal I skip the late night snack and don't eat for 14 hours (ish). I did this as I was feeling bloated and low on energy and by doing this I reduced the bloatedness and feel much better. But it's only a small change and something I can easily stick to without it feeling like I'm restricting myself.


I do appreciate your contrarian viewpoint and that you gave it a shot, this isn't something easy to do.

But, it didn't seem like an open minded effort. Seemed biased and half-hearted.

And whether you were or you just kept telling yourself that you were miserable the entire time is a sure way to remain miserable.

This is also a very common experience for people addicted to sugar or carbs. The body goes through withdrawals and struggles to flip the metabolic switch to fat burning.


I'd be questioning how good my mental health really was if a couple of days of fasting caused so much depression. That would concern me quite a lot.


buddy is ready to DIE on this rock😂 he REALLY wants to be right about this😂😂😂


With all due respect James, this video has proven you're ignorant. Look at the studs out there, they're plenty of them.