The TRUTH behind the MEANING of the Confederate Battle Flag in 5 MINUTES

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The American Civil War introduced many notable icons to popular culture. Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, John Brown, and even the Confederate Flag.

John Coski, former historian at The American Civil War Museum and author of "The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem" discusses the Confederate Battle Flag and the different perceptions of it.

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He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” 
― George Orwell, 1984


If anybody watched this and took away that this is the actual history of the flag itself you missed the point, What the good professor was saying is that this display is about what the flag means to different people now and how they've perceived it, But make no mistake as South Carolina apparently did, This is not the historical record as that flag was divised and used by a single Militia in Northern Virginia, That it has been adopted by different people for different purposes is completely different.


I find it strange that people want to destroy a flag, then go out and march for free speech. Sadly some evil people have carried this flag, but evil people have carried guns, used cars, even the bible. we do not take these things away. How can someone use an object and all the sudden we equate their actions with what they may have had in their property.


I took my kids to the American Civil War Museum recently. It is well done and a worthwhile venture.


Mr. Coski, I have read your book "The Confederate Battle Flag" and I feel you articulate both sides of the flag debate very well


i cant beleive a piece of cloth can be so upsetting, im not in the kkk or a neo nazi,   but for those that have family that was killed in civil war, it is heritage, and honoring the men that died,   im sickened that hate groups have taken these as their symbols,


Thank you John as always on this unbiased and educated perspective.  I wish everyone could take it with face-value too.


This was a pretty good overview, gained a bit more appreciation of why it's so important to southerners.


This was very well done there was only one point had I been in a discussion with John face to face that I would liked to have asked.


My great, great grandfather fought in Gettysburg and was a prisoner of war and spent over a year in Andersonville after being capture in Chattanooga Tennessee .

When History is made we must honor the history and not let anyone change it. For there use.

Suppression of the south was the cause of the war Later everything else was added, Men fought and die for there belief just like we did in 1776 we fly the britsh flage and all others in this country this is why America is great.

Lets get back to moms apple pie and baseball and start remembering we are all American, not Irish, German, Italian, White Black Asian etc 
, and express we are Americans No other country would even take us back so start
Hornoring our History not others     

                                                              Keep history right
                                                                Bernard Eife


Learn from the masses, and then teach them.
Mao Zedong
