The True Meaning Of Life (Animated Cinematic)

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"What is the meaning of life?" This is a question that humans have been asking for decades without a proper answer. This video is my attempt to explain what the true meaning of life is.

Follow me on instagram: @mitchwiggins

I think the meaning of life is something that cannot be 100% understood by the logical human brain. But I do think the road to understanding what the meaning of life is, is to first understand what the universal laws truths are (There are 4 main ones)

These 4 laws may make you feel uncomfortable about your life but overall it's actually good to feel this way.

If you guys think I'm wrong about the meaning of life then please comment your opinion below :)

Рекомендации по теме

"Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that's why its called present"


What makes people sad is not death itself, but the fear of dying with regret.


"Sometimes, even to live is an act of courage"

Don't let other people tell you how to live your life. The real meaning of life is to continue live


I got cancer like years ago. I'm in 4th stage maybe I'll live 1-6 more month. I'll try to make every moment count . PEACE ❤


I am suffering from depression, anxiety, low mood, trust issues etc when I watch this video I start to think about my family and the time we spent together. I called my fiancée said sorry if I hurt you ever. Just tell me the place you wanna go after marriage. Called my mom listened her for a while. I am feeling positive now
Thank you Mitch


The most painful thing isn’t a cut or a broken nose the most painful thing is seeing the people you made memories with slowly become memories


It doesn't matter, how old we are.
It always matter, how our life is.


I have been thinking about these stuff for many many years and I was so sad because I thought that nobody ever truly understood the importance of love and being nice to each other. Now that I have seen this video and the comments, I don't feel alone! Thank you everyone for being so full of love, please never let anyone take this away from you. Never lose the love you're giving. Everything is about being kind and full of love to each other, that's the only way each one of us can be happy and feel loved at this very beautiful moment! ☺️☺️ Never lose faith!! Everything is going to be just fine.🥰


"Death smiles at us all, all we got to do is smile back" Maximus.


These kinds of videos make me appreciate life even more


Most of us don't think about our lives or those of our family members. But time passes, and we will all die someday. Thank you for this video; it's a beautiful message.


One thing i have learned from this very valuable video is that we should respect and behave accordingly to all of the pepple we met and the loved ones because any time could be the last moment for the talk


U had beautifully explained 4 important Buddhist perspective of dhamma 👏👏 Highly appreciate it .
1. Law of Karma -cause and effect
2. Impermanence of life
3. Attachment and suffering
4. Certainity of Death


Really loved it Mitch, having gone through loss of my dad recently I questioned some of these things in loop. Thanks for contextualising


This video changed my life, tonight I was feeling hopeless and I had a feeling of meaninglessness as if what I do or don't do doesn't matter. All I was thinking about was that and what I needed to do in the future, to help my future self. Although now after this video I really do see the importance of living in the moment and how sometimes you just need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.


I’ve always wanted to make a video like this and inform millions of people, and you did that Mitch. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and spreading awareness about this important truth. God loves you and stay positive 🌟


The true meaning of life is to LIVE it the best way you can. No matter how you start off just make sure you finish the way you wanted to. We can’t control how we start but we can change how we end it. You only live once so make the best of it.


Honestly, one of the best videos I have seen in youtube. It really touches my heart, loved it so so much Mitch. ❤️


I really appreciate this video because I can see my life in other way, life is a complex journey but we can walk on it in a better way every single damn day.


I have waited for a video like this in the last couple of months, thank you very much Mitch, you make me feel happy and confident with myself. I send you my best vibes and wishes from México!
