Signs That Your Ex Is Scared To Get Back With You

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1. They Are Responsive When You Start A Conversation But Won't To Reach Out
2. They Block You & Then Unblock You
3. You Have Good Conversations And Then Out Of Nowhere They Stop
-Lack of OEQ Usually
- Headwind Not Overcome
4. He Mentions He's Never Had A Connection Like Yours But Refuses To Commit To You
5. They Start dating someone new but can't stop talking to you.
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I cannot make the first move after no contact because we were together for five months and he decided that he just wanted to be friends and I said no. He knew exactly how he felt and still led me to believe that he cared for me, but taking me on dates, holding hands and kissing. not cool. so if he wants me, he needs to make the first move, if not oh well.


He’s still texting at 4 months of breakup with NO indication of wanting to meet up. I feel like a help desk text line. When he is feeling lost, sad or alone he’s texting me but won’t meet up. It is frustrating feeling used like this. I just want to go get coffee and chat.


Reason number 5…he told me he loved me, and always had. And then one week later started dating someone else. One month later, he’s reaching out to me. More than ever. 💔


Sorry, but if they start a new relationship aka "rebound", then I'm no longer in the same mental space and if he's THAT flip floppy, then he's unpredictable. And my question would be WHY is he using this "I'm scared of getting hurt" crao with ME, yet will freely dive into other things. No no no... we don't reward out of line behavior. You either want me and love me enough to break your walls down (because so dont i!) Or you're "too scared" and will play this cat and mouse game until who knows when. Just remember-there ARE other people out there...and if he pulls this crap with you, then he's just going to scare all the rest away to! And I wouldn't want it done to WHY in the hell would I want to be "that thirsty woman" when hes SOMEONE ELSE'S MAN NOW?? If anything, I'd NEVER take him back after pulling that because how could I trust he wouldn't do it again? And I'd be helping him LEARN from his mistakes for his own future and helping myself in the long run by not being with such an unpredictable person. Unpredictable =NOT TRUSTWORTHY....don't do it, ladies and gentlemen, it's not worth it. I wasted 12 yrs of my life playing these games, rewarding bad behavior. to find someone else that played even worse games...and I let him come back repeatedly too! A leopard NEVER changes it's spots. I've had two 3 yr long relationships, then the 12 yr one, and then this last....whatever you want to even call it because he was hot/cold and playing games like it was his damn career! That last one was worse then the 1st 3 all together. ...which is really saying something, given what I went through with the 12 year one alone! Stop putting one person's happiness, opinions, etc first if they don't do the same for you- I PROMISE it is NOT WORTH IT and you WILL GET HURT IN THE END. It sucks, I know. We as humans generally do NOT like change, especially when it comes to the comfort of having someone that you have an emotional attachment to... but you WILL find that elsewhere if you exude the right energy. Keeo yourself busy and focus on YOU, maybe even date around. .then after a while, keeping yourself busy becomes a habit and not something you're even trying to do anymore. The feelings will fade I PROMISE. At least give YOURSELF a chance.. I hope whoever reads this takes my advice; you will be happier in the grand scheme of things!


My ex recently contacted me after 2 weeks. Our last talk, I asked for us to work things out but he wants to be friends. Well today he got upset that I have friend zoned him. What gives? He chose to be friends but now he's saying we will be what we choose to be. I'm baffled but I'm just gonna be U.G.


Not wasting my time. It has been 6 months. After the discard and my X left me for a rebound guy after a few years together. That broke the 🐫 back. I blocked 🚫 her and she blocked 🚫 me. There is one thing that my X will never find again. A high value keeper.


"Come to jesus moment "🤣👈 THAT PART🙌😊❤!! MAKE ME WANNA HOLLA AND THROW UP BOTH OF MY HANDS!! Thank you


Was texting me ex regularly finally got the nerve to ask to hang out and play cards and he ghosted me 🤦‍♀️💀💀


Out of the 5 signs, I can only relate to sign 3, our conversations are awesome then they stop ... Can you make a version or say her, as I feel this video is from the ex bf recovery side . 7 weeks ago during covid19 she called us off, as of 1 week ago we’ve been communicating again, my beautiful little lady is contacting me morning and night telling me she is thinking about me, telling me she misses me and that she’s having lots of sexual dreams about me and remember she broke up with me but then nothing throughout the day unless I contact her first, things are slowly happening between us but they don’t seem to be moving as fast as I like !!!!. We are actually meeting up for the first time 1 week from


Well went on no contact for one n half months now.He posted a girl on his status.It never shook me though I felt a lil hurt.Now he's posting emotional quotes n viewing all my status.Am not interested. No more pain.I have someone who's treating me right.No contact changed n strengthened me.


Today is supposed to be our 1st anniversary. But we broke up last month and now, I'm doing no contact. The last time my best friend talked to him about us, he said that he will never come back again coz he really lost his feelings. Weeks after I did no contact, he still viewed my stories on fb but now he stopped. I don't know but I'm starting to believe he really doesn't care anymore especially now that he's already talking to another girl. But I'll still do no contact. No plans to chat him first.


3 hours from one year to the day that we met she unblocked me for 5 days. Scared. Mixed emotions. I still remain in nc waiting patiently. 😃 i think she must have though that id notice even though i did but she wouldn't be able to tell so that the lines of communication were open for me but im the dumpee and got my mouth shut. 😂 How strange just as i write this you mention the blocking and unblocking situation! 🤣🤣🤣


Hi chris, i fully experience 1# and intense! but "my ex is scared to come back to me" - does it mean she is definetely not coming back cause she is scared, so its game over? or it means - she wants to but she is scared and thus I need to play my cards right in order for her to stop being afraid? this title could mean good or bad..right? what do we do then? thanks


I experience #1, #3, #4, #5 sign - maybe he just want to check up on me if I will reply or not. But not even asking how I am even if I ask how he was, 🤦🤦🤦 very immature man, don't even notice my feelings. 🤔


complicated, staying with my cat. Men are children, they do not understand themselves...poor things 🥺


No contact never lasts long. Soon as I make up in my mind I am, not even 2 days goes by before he contacts me


Hi Chris, my ex told me he misses our relationship but scared of getting hurt again. He wants to start over and be friends and possibly hangout. He is very responsive when we text but never starts a conversation or asks questions. Am i going to fast? I don't want want him to run away. I want this meet up to happen and show i changed. And OW broke up with him after a month together when i have been doing BTM.


My ex and I have been broken up since Feb. he has made indications that we would restart our relationship and we have seen each other a couple of times when it was convenient with his job travel.. he’s long distance and a College football coach with little time… he recently left me and returned home and then went to Cancun.. didn’t mention it to me and my major issue with him has been him not prioritizing me and making time for everything and everyone else in the world… I sent him a text to send me my things. He text me on This past Friday morning at 4:38 am that he wanted to talk this weekend… crickets still… haven’t heard from him… he knows he has exhausted me… but why reach out to talk and not follow through


Hey I like this video but the sound you use repeatedly for your screen swipes is loud, annoying and very distracting. Id recommend not using sound effects at all


Thank you so much
I am now on a process of no contact as I was always wrong i never been right to his eyes.
He blames me for everything recently
