How to introduce a foster child to your friends and family

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A quick one today!

I get this question a lot: how do you introduce the child to your friends in family?

It’s simple, by their name 💛 No need to use foster care in the introduction.

Your friends and family already know you are a foster parent. There is no need to explain more upon introduction.

When out and about, at a party with acquaintances, at the child’s school, etc., you may get questions. Ask the child how they want you to respond. 💛 Generally speaking, information about a child is private. It’s no one’s business except the child.

How do you introduce? How do you respond? Feel free to add to the discussion! ⬇️

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My mom would mainly foster teen girls, and she always called all of us “her girls”. Sometimes they would ask her to introduce herself as their mom tho in certain cases.


My parents always come to our house to greet the new foster children and they simply say “we are Nana and Granddad and it’s wonderful to have you here”. They are always an instant hit with the children. I am very grateful for their ability to just make even being a new foster child acceptable.


This is one of the best way to introduce a foster child, it makes the child feel welcome, and the other already know that they’re a foster child.


I used to be in foster care from the age of 12-14 and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to go through. I lived with 6 different people in a 2 year span and every family except for 1 was terrible. Pushed their religion on me and took away books I brought with me a long with my iPod and just flat out didn’t care about me. They always pointed out that I was a foster kid whenever we met new people and it always made me feel a sort of shame for not coming from a functional family. I think the transition into and out of foster care would’ve been a lot easier if they cared half as much as you do. Thank you for educating everyone with your videos, us old foster kids appreciate you. 26 now and a lot happier with a good relationship with both parents 💚


I love how your topics answer questions people didn't even know they would have. Top tier content here. You rock!


For those that didn't know we were fostering, we would say "this is so-and-so, they're staying with us for as long as they need." It kept labels out of the equation and reassured kids they had a safe place with us.


Sometimes my girls don't like when people assume I am their mom in public. They have gotten used to people making that mistake more and don't correct them as much. We talked about mom vs foster mom and they like to say it to people sometimes.


Honestly, as I was watching this I realized that I love this for all kids (in situations that feel right for your family.) Introducing a kid in their own right gives back a healthy sense of self. It might also serve as a different kind of opportunity for the kiddo to introduce themselves the way they want to. Maybe they want to say their age, or their relationship to you, or that they’re great at blowing bubbles. Anyway, I like it! Thanks for sharing this with us!


I'm not a foster mom, never been in foster care, I don't have the space or money to foster, I don't know why youtube keeps being like "you need to watch this foster parenting video!" but it warms my heart to see such kind-spirited advice, especially with how many absolute horror stories there are about foster care.


I was a foster child 20 years ago. I was blessed to be adopted by my foster family only 4 years after being placed. My dad use to introduce me to other friends and family and say “this is our foster/adoptive daughter.” I remember feeling awkward and embarrassed and even not apart of the family. I expressed to him how hurtful it is to be labeled first as a foster child and then as an adoptive daughter. He immediately stopped labeling me and now just says “this is one of our daughters”. (One of six!)

so thank you for clarifying this message for many who may not realize how hurtful it can be for children to be labeled as a foster child or adoptive child.


I just want to say I'm so glad I stumbled upon your channel. Currently I work at a nonprofit in a placement program as admin staff and it makes me so happy to see there are foster parents like you who who advocate so strongly for kiddos while still giving parents who want to foster a realistic idea of what to expect. Seriously wish you could be in our foster parent clase training cuz you would be AMAZING. Keep up the awesome videos :3


As someone who is going through stuff with my father right now I cried watching this I may not be in foster care but I still wish that I had a dad like this..


That’s such a smart way of doing introductions! To make them feel included as opposed to apart from your family, without overstepping boundaries! ❤


I don't even plan on ever fostering, I just love the caring nature of your videos and they're so interesting! I feel like everything I learn from your vids will even help me when I have my own bio child some day. You have such good parenting advice overall.


All of these videos seem way too wholesome to be real. I have never met a foster parent who was actually this kind. I think you're lying.


I grew up in a shaky environment and I know that the care you have for your actions greatly influenced their lives for the future. Keep on going


Validation without judgment or labels ❤❤❤


I love it. Absolutely love it. It makes your foster child feel so included.


What about acquaintances or causal friends, like people at one's place of worship? I know of one foster parent who would simply say, this is Sarah she is staying with us for a while, because people at church would always ask. How would you handle that?


My grandparents adopted my uncles. They told it was best thing they could do for them
