How To Lower Your Blood Pressure (Cardiologist Explains)

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In this episode of Talking with Docs, our esteemed doctors welcome a guest cardiologist to delve into crucial insights on maintaining heart health. Join the conversation as our expert cardiologist explains effective strategies to lower blood pressure, offering valuable tips and actionable advice. Discover the key lifestyle changes, dietary considerations, and exercise routines that contribute to optimal cardiovascular well-being. Tune in for a compelling discussion that empowers you to take charge of your heart health. Don't miss this informative session filled with expert perspectives and practical guidance from healthcare professionals on Talking with Docs.

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I ran/jogged at least 15 km per week for years (3 runs), bicycle everywhere, have a huge garden etc etc. I was always considered the most active 60+ woman known to mankind. I don’t eat salty food, I don’t eat ANY fast food, drink no more than 1 glass of wine per day, I eat little meat, lots of fish, lots of fruit & veggies (much from my garden), have a normal weight, never smoked - and my blood pressure was too high for years as was my cholesterol. Then I had a small stroke last year, I was SO fortunate because I have no lasting effects. Oh and I have a blissful life, happy marriage etc. no stress. So now I’m on blood thinners, cholesterol and blood pressure medication. My only consolation was the doctor who said “if you didn’t have this fabulous life style, this would have happened to you years ago and would probably have been worse. But just to recognize that it’s not always life style, there are people who are genetically predisposed - me!


Key points:
150 mins of Exercise
Reduce salt
Eating habit- Mediterranean diet
Reduce alcohol
Maintain healthy weight
No smoking
Reduce stress- meditate
Good sleep & adequate amount


Went to my doctor. I have high blood pressure because excessive smoking and drinking. This video has made me aware that I need to make changes in my life. I going to star today no more bad habit’s, because life is short. Thanks for your video.


My grandpa drank 2 to 3 beers almost every day of his life, starting at about the age of 16. Was thin all of his life, never had hbp or diabetes and lived to be 93. Yes, he did smoke ciggies (light to moderate) until his 60's, but then gave them up on the advice of his doctor. A couple of things I remember vividly about gramps was --- he was always active, right into his 80's, bowling, golfing, fishing, doing things around the house, he was always up and moving. No. 2: He ate a lot of garlic, often raw but cooked into meals that grandma would make. He used to eat a lot of canned fish items like mackerel, sardines, tuna, kippers, often just for snacks. For a snack, he would have a tin of sardines and a shot of cold vodka from the fridge, one of his favorites. Ate lots of cabbage and kraut. He loved clams -- steamed or raw. When younger, he would go fishing (jersey shore), blues, flounder, whiting, etc... then go home clean, cook and eat his catch, usually fried in a cast iron pan with LOTS of butter. We always said he would've hit 100 if he didn't smoke all those years. I think because he was always active and eating things like garlic, eggs, kraut and fish regularly, the alcohol didn't have the impact as say, some in their senior years who didn't move around much, no exercise, and eating a bad diet including sugar and snacks. Grandma lived to be 97, btw. That's my 0.02cents, but I think there's something to it.


First thing that you said that grabbed my attention was that there are ways to manage blood pressure without immediately assuming that a pill will fix the problem! Keep talking.


Age 78. 18 months ago BP was 150-160 range, depending what I ate. My GP wanted to put me on medication. I refused.Now I read labels for salt content. Pretty much stopped eating in restaurants. I keep my salt intake at 1500mg or less. I exercise at least 90 minutes/day everyday. I quit eating most canned food. I east less food. and lost 15 lbs. Bp is now at 130/70.


As a retired nurse, I know all these recommendations for lowering B/P. I have a cat and have read that petting a cat lowers B/P. I think I will experiment to see how much laughter lowers it as well. Thanks docs!!! We need this kind of patient education!!


The sight of 3 doctors with me in an operating room just raised my blood pressure 50 points. Lol.


I had high blood pressure for many years. I was diagnosed in 1999 I was prescribed blood pressure medication, which I took for 23 years. Now I don't have it, and the cure was potassium. I started taking it two months ago. High blood pressure is gone, the solution about 2500mg potassium a day. I feel like amazing. Potassium sources are coconut water and anything that contains potassium vegetables and supplements.


This was great. Thank you. I am 30 years old and diagnosed with hypertension. Its scary but the doctors told me its rare to catch early and be able to prevent. Im so grateful I have a chance to improve my health


My BP was about 130/86 until I decide to lose some weight through diet and exercise. 25 lbs lighter and more fit, I'm at 115/74.


I had relative high blood pressure for a while due to untreated sleep apnea. After I started sleeping with a CPAP machine my systolic and diastolic values both went down by roughly 25 to get me a little under 120/80. I’ve since started exercising and have lowered a little more. My wife is very happy with those two life choices.


Thank you guys! Love the channel and so appreciate you taking the time out of your days to provide education on these important topics. I’m 66 and adopted a low processed carb diet, gave up alcohol and walked every morning. I lost 70lbs and I’m off all BP and statins. My BP didn’t stabilize until I gave up alcohol.


I'm 77 years old and I just took my blood pressure. It's 120/67 with a pulse of 48. I add salt to my food but I also exercise a lot and never eat fast food or restaurant food.


To lower our blood pressure, we moved from London to the Algarve in Portugal. 😊


Thank you, guys, for taking the time to discuss this medical topic. I am taking losarton potassium 100 mcg tablet daily before bedtime just over 2 years now. It's 930am now. I just came back from a quick trail15 minute walk. My blood pressure is 112/68/66. Im taking lasarton because of extensive head and neck surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to remove cancers, which started on February 16, 2016. So, last couple years ago despite diet and exercise I developed high blood pressure. I am doing well despite cancer returning. ❤


I always had slightly low or normal blood pressure until I had severe arthritis pain in my hip. Then my blood pressure stayed elevated. A few weeks after surgery for THR it went back down to normal. My conclusion is blood pressure elevation can be a sign of inflammation somewhere in the body. Glad for the new hip and normal blood pressure!


5 years ago was at 140/100. took 3 different meds to get it down to a reasonable level. 2 years ago I started walking, eating less, and eating much more healthy. I'm now at 80/50 to 90/60 and off all three meds (weaned oof of them over a year) with no symptoms associated with low blood pressure. During the "bad" time I ate all the time, ate a ton, and ate everything bad for me. Pizza and burgers everyday (literally) and lots of candy all the time. I was at 300, and after 2 years at 200


1. The video discusses ways to lower blood pressure and emphasizes the importance of addressing lifestyle factors at home.
2. The cardiologist explains that high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death, often being a silent condition.
3. The ideal blood pressure is considered to be around 120 over 80, with lifestyle changes recommended to achieve and maintain this target.
4. Lifestyle modifications include regular exercise (at least 150 minutes of vigorous exercise per week), reducing salt intake, following the DASH diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, seeds, and limited meat), moderate alcohol consumption, and maintaining a healthy BMI.
5. Additional factors such as mindfulness, good sleep hygiene, and the potential benefits of owning a dog are discussed as ways to lower blood pressure.


Thank you guys for bringing such good information. Appreciate the time and commitment this must take.
