Eating These Two Foods Will Lower Your Blood Pressure

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In this episode the surgeons discuss two foods, beets and flax seed, that have been shown to lower blood pressure in people who have hypertension.
The evidence to support these findings is good.
Always check with your health care provider to see if you can safely eat these foods.

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The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practise medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment.
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I'm 57 and high BP runs in my family. I've been on meds for nearly 20 years now and my numbers are all over the place. In the past when I walked it would come down but then I stopped walking. I lost my 28 year old son in 2020 to cancer and I just went downhill in a spiral. I'm 212 Lbs and our daughter gets married next October, I've been walking on treadmill the past 2 weeks 45 minutes each session and BP has come down. It's time I put my chin up, stand tall, accept a horrible experience I cannot change and get my health taken care of for good.


1. Beets or beet root juice
2. Flax seed (3 tablespoons a day)


I lowered my blood pressure significantly (140/90 to 115/75) by changing my diet. It took 6 months for the complete change. I now drink beet juice every day, oatmeal and fruit every day, ground flaxseeds every day. Lots of greens and veggies. Very little if any animal products. I already exercised regularly so I couldn't change that.


I just came across your channel and I immediately subscribed. I was diagnosed with high BP when I reached Menopause and I was put on meds and I am also a strong believer in alternative therapies. I started juicing Beets and Carrots and I am already starting to see a big drop in my BP numbers. I have Flaxseed Powder in my Kitchen cabinets and I will now take my health seriously. Thank you Docs. for your great video.


The beet root suggestion is 100% spot on. I started taking it specifically for the nitric oxide and a natural athletic performance boost, and it also had a definitive effect on my blood pressure. I'm typically 120/80 or slightly lower, but on the beet root I'm consistently about 99/60.


So glad to have doctors that actually promote healthy non drug ways to keep me healthy. It's so hard and so frustrating when your own personal doctor dismisses anything you Present to them other than a drug.


So grateful I came upon this video, my doctor did absolutely nothing but medication, I scratch my head, nope I’ll check out how I can keep my blood pressure down, and I successfully did it, it takes effort, and a lot of reading, you are in charge of your OWN health is true 🙏🏻


I've been using flax seeds for about 10 yrs now adding it in all our foods, growing up in Liverpool my mum would always feed us kids beetroots & tell us to drink the juice cos it was good for us ....I still eat lots today but will get back to drinking the juice again ....I appreciate your channel and thank you both kindly 🇨🇦


I appreciate you both for giving advice about natural ways to possibly reduce BP. Typically doctors encourage us to take meds. As I get older (76), I am more and more convinced that most of the healthcare community is only interested in promoting pharmaceuticals. They try to convince us older people that we should be on all kinds of meds. Thank you both for offering self care advice. ❤


Zero dairy. Zero fats which are solid at room temperature. Giant spinach salad (water soluble fiber) with an aspirin at lunchtime. Salmon, walnuts, walnut oil, cacoa. You can make an interesting grocery shopping list from the lists of foods for good cholesterol. I did it only to drop the BP and ended up losing 80 lbs without trying. I eat like a pig - all healthy foods. And I eat homemade chocolate every night before bed!


Great to see Doctors giving advice with food intakes and natural therapy.
Thanks to both Doctors.


Awesome information. I’m a good Ukrainian and make the best Borscht soup. It’s made with red beets and my Baba always said you have to add sour cream to the soup so it’s creamy rather than a dark red soup. So my hubby has high blood pressure so guess what he’s going to eat for supper. Thxs Dr. Z and Dr. W. You both are awesome. ❤️🤗🇨🇦


Wow doctors with nutritional advice. Times are changing.


I have been using 3 tablespoons of beet extract along with 3 tablespoons of chopped flaxseed in a Raspberry, blueberry, banana, orange juice, yogurt smoothie for the past three days and have dropped my systolic down approx. 15-20 points and my diastolic down approx. 5-10 points and am now around the 120/80. This is after going on Chlorthalidone a month and a half ago and having to stop it because of extreme joint and muscle pain.. And the meds did not drop my blood pressure down as low. Awesome information guys!


In addition to these foods, you can try supplements that have worked for me.... 1. Stop all caffeine. 2. L-arginine 1000mg and fish oil tablets daily. These 3 things lowered my BP from 150 to 130 over 75. I am 65 yrs of age. Hope it helps you too.


1. Beet root juice. 1 cup/day.
2. Flaxseed. 3 tbsp/day.


Regarding: beet juice. If you carry a water bottle, for a swim, hike, or run, I put in 30% beet juice and 70% water. From my experience, this is just the right ratio to make the water taste good and dilute the taste of beet juice.

Also sometimes I like to put in whole milk. Maybe 25% beet juice and the rest whole or 2% milk. (I avoid skim milk, so don't know about that.)


Another informative video!
Of course I have high blood pressure. Everytime I walk into a doctor's office, it's off the charts. And the first thing the doctor will ask is if I use a lot of salt. Ironically I don't. I've never been a big salter and I really don't like things very salty.
Then I learned about white coat syndrome or white coat hypertension. My doctor had me take my blood pressure at home for two weeks and write it down. I took the readings to the doctor, along with my monitor. My readings were normal at home. My reading was again high in the doctor's office, with his monitor and mine.
I was actually off blood pressure medicine for several years but then went to a new doctor. It took me four years of seeing her to have a low to normal blood pressure reading in her office. I was taking two blood pressure medicines but am down to one now.
I appreciate you giving us a couple of alternatives in the form of food that can be incorporated into our diets.
I have no problem with beets as we used to grow them. And there are ways of preparing them so they don't taste like dirt.
I've also been watching another YouTuber who has been incorporating flaxseed into her diet for it's medicinal purposes. She adds flaxseed to many recipes, especially her oatmeal bakes.
This feels like the easiest assignment you've given us! This is totally doable! And if these two ingredients can help lower blood pressure, I'm totally onboard!
Thanks again for sharing another great video!


I am from bali, indonesia. I've been suffering from hbp for decades and quite difficult for me to lower it. I'll try beetroot and flaxseed. Thanks for your great information.


I can’t find beet juice in my grocery store, but I have been eating more cooked beets than I used to. I do eat at least 2T of Flax seed every day and love it.
