3 Daily Rituals for Better Mental Health

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Do you ever feel like your mental health is suffering and you don't know where to start to improve it? In this video, we discuss three daily rituals that can significantly improve your mental health and wellbeing. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while increasing your overall sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Writer: Clarisse Delos Reyes
Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Youtube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Davidson, R. J. (2012). The emotional life of your brain: How its unique patterns affect the way you think, feel, and live--and how you can change them. Plume.

Gottfried, S. (2015). The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days. HarperOne.

Neff, K. D. (2003). Self-compassion: An alternative conceptualization of a healthy attitude toward oneself. Self and Identity, 2(2), 85-101. doi:10.1080/15298860309032
Рекомендации по теме

1). Self affirmation and self celebration 0:50
2). Daily acts of self-care 1:51
3). Reflection and gratitude 2:57

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


Appreciate y’all being here for us dawgs💯


Literally just resting is so important and not talked enought about. Not just resting but lying down, in bed, couch or in the grass, breathing, just being. Not constantly being one step ahead in life, but leaning more back, going slow.


I’ve always been the therapist of my friend groups, and recently I became good friends in a group with another therapist and became her therapist. I still don’t have anyone… this video really bloody helped… thank you.


I’ve been mentally struggling recently and this video made me realize I wasn’t prioritizing my mental health enough. Thanks so much for the videos, they truly effect people, keep it up!


I'm struggling with procrastination, anxiety and binge eating for over a year now. I used to be the top student in my class but now my grades are not as good as before and what makes it even more difficult is my obsession with losing weight. I lost a lot of weight last year but now I gained it back and I'm so desperate now. I always say "I'll study tomorrow " or "I'll stick to the diet tomorrow" and stuff like that, but guess what? I never do. I can't talk to my parents about anything anymore because all they do is judge me and get mad, especially for binge eating. Now I have a friend to which I talk about my binge eating but I feel so embarrassed and like a weight on her back for having to hear all this. At first I thought that my weight gain was not noticeable but my PE teacher made fun of me in front of everyone. Now whenever a specific group of my classmates sees me they start saying: "Ooo I'm fat now, I ate so much during the school break", in a sarcastic tone. Being skinny and smart was my personality trait. Now I lost my self and title. I don't exercise anymore. I used to go to the gym but my parents don't let me go anymore because of my procrastination. I feel like I'm drowning. I would really appreciate it if you could make a video on how to stop binge eating. And if anybody read this, I would be more than thankful to hear if you have any tips to help me with my problems. Thank for reading and I wish you a good morning/ noon/ afternoon/ night.


I'm not okay right now. I feel broken, mentally and emotionally. And so, i needed this. Thank u.


Hey you! Yeah you!
I just wanted to say you look stunning today 🤭. And you know that thing you did? That was amazing I’m SO proud of you 💖. I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️

I know your having a hard time right now, but I’m here with you. You’ve made out of situations like this before and you’ll do it again. Don’t give in!

Have a great rest of your day, lovely!


Great video Psych! I’ve been trying to get into a new routine lately and this is just what I needed! 💖


youre voice is soo calming.
i usually listen some music or go for a walk when im this overwhelmed but i have a really important exam next month. so im not doing pretty much studying but anything and youve kinda become my safe place lately. especially these kind of videos really helps and relaxes me. so thank you, please keep making these videos like this🤍


I love these kinds of videos, it's very helpful, and i always like the background video, its somewhat entertaining


I've set myself a schedule to wake up by. I do these things:

1.Wake up at 4:40

2. Read something called the "42 Ideals of Ma'at

3. Meditate for 12 minutes

4. Listen to a 15 minute Abraham Hicks lecture

5. Do 300 push-ups

6. Drawing more art for Zeolidaboom

I've been doing this everyday for almost two weeks and I've been waking up feeling like life is going the way I want it to! I'm glad, it just makes way for greater things to come!


With the end of the school year I have been really stressed lately and second guessing everything I do. It’s hard to stay confident in myself and what I say around friends and family. Doing small things like appreciating something I do or breathing has been very helpful for me! Thank you so much for the tips 🩵🩵


Thank you so much for sharing these daily rituals! It's incredible how small changes in our routines can have such a positive impact on our mental health. I'll definitely be incorporating these habits into my daily life. 😊🙏 #Grateful #PositiveVibesOnly #Mindfulness. 🌞💆‍♀💪 #SelfCare #MentalHealthMatters #HappinessGoals


1. Mental health
2. Self-affirmation
3. Daily acts of self-care
4. Reflection and gratitude


Nice video. I've been trying to have good health and try to do physical exercise in the gym and other stuff. I actually don't have a very good relationship with my family. They all are simply abnormal. They don't care about solving this problem. They only seem to let this problem grow. My mom helps me in studies by making study notes for me to write. She insists doing it saying that it saves time but what I see is that my family is just trying to show a good fake side to people which isn't right. I'm currently 16 and planning to move away from my family once I turn 18.


Thank you Psych2Go, Ive been having some hard time these days as my parents often fight each other these days and sometimes hit me too. I dont know if I should share this but My mom tried to hit me with a knife today. I dont know what to do at this point. I am also very stressed out with my studies too. I dont know how I wil be able to handle all. I think I really needed some help to stabilize my mental health. I am feeling very lost in my life too. I just didn't have anyone to share this with.


I had negative health effects because of stress which caused me to eat less (I lost a lot of weight), being really dehydrated, and acid reflux (yes acid reflux can be caused by stress) so I’m doing my best to improve my mental health so I can be healthier since I need to work on myself physically


Diet and probiotic foods helped me with my gut health, which in turn helped my mental health too.


This art style is my favorite, I enjoy videos with this kind of art style the most because of how cute the characters look
