How to Apply Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Garage Floor Coating

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Rust-Oleum EpoxyShield Garage Floor Coating adds durability and attractiveness to concrete garage floors. EpoxyShield delivers a glossy finish that is five times stronger than 1-part epoxy. It protects garage floors against gasoline, antifreeze, motor oil, salt, hot tire pick-up and cracking.

Once you mix the epoxy, according to the instructions on the package, pour it into a paint tray. To begin, use a chip brush to cut in a 4-foot by 4-four section of the floor, starting with the back wall. Then use a paint roller to apply the garage floor coating to the section. Repeat this process until the entire floor is coated.

The floor will be ready for light foot traffic in just 10 hours, and vehicle traffic in three days.

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