Why do people choose psychopaths as leaders? Ask a Psychopath

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We all know someone with psychopathy.

But few know the truth about it. We’re helping change that… by helping you know the signs. Know about treatment options and resources. And know you’re not alone.

James Fallon is a professor of neuroscience at University of California at Irvine, and the author of the book The Psychopath Inside. He considers himself a "prosocial psychopath."

He joins us today on zoom to discuss what it is like to be psychopathic.
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It's the fact that psychopathy looks like confidence to normal people.


Sadly it's TRUE. A lot of Psychopaths are leaders because people admire their fearlessness. Fearlessness is like a heroic personality trait that makes people "safe" around these people. However, unfortunately what people forget is that Psychopaths don't feel guilt or shame like we do and they will "logically" do what is best for "them" without any consideration for other people. Which can cause absolute devastation for a lot of people and even death, which the Psychopath will feel "No" guilt for!!


I know all about this. Because my mom's a psychopath. And that people always try and put her as a leader of something. Because people are dumb. And when people are dumb they need to be led by someone who will lead them with a strong hand basically and most people need to be led. So that's just how that works.


Good explanation why the world is such a mess.


Because no one knows they are psychopaths. Good people assume there is a brave heart, not a cold stone, under those ribs, and wisdom in the mind, not charming lies spun to achieve power and dominance. Psychopaths rule because of everyone else's ignorance and naivete, and the lies told to justify the horrors perpetrated. We are all in shock, and denial and live a Stockholm syndrome.


This mad man mentality would be extremely useful in tribal times. I can see why it would evolve


“It sounds like I’m not afraid of anything. I’m afraid of the boogeyman. You know, you’re always looking at what’s inside is what you’re…what you’re afraid of.”

I’m hearing…the only thing I’m afraid of, is other people like me.


There is a big difference between being genial and confident in social situations, and constructive leadership. The fact that someone is friendly and intelligent does not mean that that person is ethical and cares about other people or the common good. People pay too much attention to appearance and not to the content of what people say. Personal charm is deceptive in psychopaths, it is a tool to convince you to do something that is in their interest only. When you listen to what they actually say it does not have the conviction of a person who truly cares about other people. Often it takes a little while to see that a psychopath's actions do not reflect their presentation and notice their manipulation. In many situations a lot of damage can be done quickly by a psychopath.


This guy has mastered the art of word salad.

He manipulates and mind-f*€ks anyone and everyone he speaks to.


They make the best CEO's...they don't give a shit about other humans.


Rambling, self-involved nonsense. A perfect word salad out of this man.

Patrick Teahan, Jay Reid Dr. Les Carter, and Dr. Ramani all offer free, professional, and well thought-out commentary.


Not all psychopaths are extroverts. Like some are introverts. But they can be introverted. And basically when they're extroverted they are basically a mask. So their true self is an introvert. But they're fake self is basically like the side they show others basically.


You're so wholesome and full of kindness for a psychopath, which is not what 99% of people (the ones that are not psychopaths) would expect. I recognized myself a lot in what you said and I've been questioning myself to know if I am indeed a psychopath, how can I tell ?


I'm wondering what the ASPD spectrum really looks like, assuming there is a spectrum.
One of the chief aspects of Psycopathy is lack of remorse. However, what are you labeled as when you exhibit dark triad traits yet CAN feel empathy and DO feel fear?
Everytime I learn of these conditions it is so black and white.
However, humans are not.
There has to be a whole group of people missing from studies that can feel empathy.
People that can feel fear but for the sake of self preservation. "Safe" thrill seekers if you must.

"Dark Empath" is pretty new, I'm glad it is finally being talked about.


my friend is a psychopath but he’s like a criminal type he’s always tryna rob someone n shit like that


Clown picture bottom left of the camera...


Because they don’t know that they are psychopaths and don’t understand psychopathy. If they did, they would never choose them as leaders.


You expect a psychopath to be truthful? What is the essence of this interview ?


Psycho comes from a latin root meaning mind. Pathos refers to suffering. Rather than judging these individuals. Try to empathize with the part of human existence they themselves miss out on.


I've seen a number of his videos. I find him thoroughly likable, and I do not find his comments unreasonable or abnormal. So, really, because I haven't heard any real life examples of any of his errant behaviors, I am still waiting to be shown why he is deemed a psychopath.
