How I Quit Drinking Alcohol – My Sober Story of 3.5 Years Alcohol-Free! 🎉

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In this video I share with you my sober story, and how I finally was able to quit drinking alcohol 3.5 years ago through the use of the medication naltrexone. It has been a LIFE CHANGING experience!


DOCUMENTARY – One Little Pill

BOOK – The Cure for Alcoholism by Dr Roy Eskapa
BOOK – Journeys by Claudia Christian

#SoberCurious #Naltrexone #HowToQuitDrinking

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It’s been a month for me, I’ve only had a few difficult temptations but they passed quickly. One thing that really helps is listening to the stories of others. Thank you for sharing your story I appreciate it.


Going on 3yrs in December Katie. You have played such a huge role in my recovery with TSM. You are my Angel! Thank you❤️


It's been 4 months so far. It affected my work to the point the I would come to work drunk & I started to say things that I shouldn't say & almost got FIRED.I then gave up Beer & Soda at the same time. My work improved, & My attitude to people improved. My boss she loves my work & I never want to go back to drinking. I am 2 years from retirement. I don't want to screw up my NY pension because I can't live in NY on Social Security alone.


Congratulations Katie! Keep putting the word out there. It was your story that got me to tell my daughter about the Sinclair method. She took it for about a year but didn't stop drinking and then suddenly quit cold turkey. It's been almost two years now. I can see her life changing, her attitude changing. You are right that it doesn't happen overnight but she doesn't seem to have the desire anymore.


I drank alcohol every single day for at least 15 years and abused it. I quit cold turkey and had no side effects at all and I am surprised but very grateful. I had no ill affects. No way could I cut down it’s all or nothing. Slowly, I am noticing changes in my body that are positive, because the alcohol rooms the body to shit inside and out! It’s gradual so I didn’t even notice until I noticed and then once I did, it was obvious


I've been using naltrexone under a doctors supervision for 3 months. I've drank for decades. After six weeks, i quit drinking entirely. Giving me permission to drink doesn't work because I'll drink. A lot. Not drinking and using the drug is working for me. I needed to change my schedule around a bit to fill in some times I used to drink. Today is 41 days, and I'm doing OK. I have no desire to drink again.


I don't always chime in on the comments with these videos, but wanted to drop a line and say that I never miss a single one of them. Your channel and information has really been quite educational for me in a lot of ways. Congrats on your 3.5 years away from the booze.


yay! i am making my 6 year video. started with a month. it is amazing. love hearing your story


Great job Katie congratulations! I am now 2 1/2 years alcohol free best thing I ever did.


In quit cold turkey after drinking on and off for decades. i would take a break for a week, month a year even 2 years. however after getting diagnosed with HBP, T2D and going into diabetes ketacidosis with a 5 day stay in ICU and my weight ballooning out of control I just decided to do what I needed to do to basically save my life if not the quality of my life. Currently I exercise 5 hours a day 6 days a week (3 hr cardio, 2 hr weights), all of my previous issues are in remission, weight is proper for my height and all my Blood tests are in the range of a healthy and much younger man. None of this would be possible without abstinence from alcohol. Anyone who boozes and has health issues most likely would solve or eliminate these issues with sobriety (ck with your PMD). Point of video and my personal journey is: whatever you have to do to get sober, DO IT!


It is a great feeling I can tell a very positive attitude keep going all of you Bill


I just like to say I am going on 6 years sober and loving every minute of it is a great feeling no hangovers life could be better I have a great Hobby building a model railway in the loft keeps my mind very positive so good luck to all the people who have started being Sober Bill


Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing what you do! I found your channel about a year ago and started TSM. After 9 months the exact same thing happened to me. I completely lost interest in alcohol. I have ZERO desire to drink now. I started out thinking "maybe I'll take a full week off" which turned into 2 weeks and then 3 and the more I didn't drink the less I wanted to drink. I was just like you... my whole LIFE revolved around drinking, I felt completely helpless to control it. If you had told me last year that I would have a life that didn't completely revolve around alcohol I would have thought you were crazy. When I first watched this 9 months ago I never once considered that I would completely stop. I thought "this is great, I can still drink whenever I want as long as I'm compliant on the method". And the best part... I can STILL drink whenever I want. I have my stash of NAL and if I change my mind I know I can pop a pill, wait an hour and have a drink. It's almost like knowing that I can drink if I want gives me the power back. So again... thank you so much for this gift you're giving to people like me who had completely lost their lives to AUD... and now I have it back!


Thank you for sharing this VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!


Glad I found this channel, gives me hope


I used to blame my partner often for bringing alcohol into our home until I realized the problem was more about me and my decisions related to my sobriety rather than her. I struggled with getting sober again and looked for any other solution other than locking myself away to get through the physical part. SM was something I was interested in but in that mindset I didn’t have the capacity to consistently take the pill. Cleaning up some things from the past once I was able to think straight (which took awhile) was also important for me. Thanks for putting this out there because people are dying daily from alcohol and any tools or medications should be made more accessible and mainstream rather than hanging on to old beliefs regarding alcohol treatment 👍




emotional deregulation is a symptom because you become frustrated with yourself for thinking you wouldn’t get through the day without it. addiction is weird because you don’t really know when the day will be that you actually quit. like you pointed out you reach that point that you’ve had enough and i actually thanked god for my horrific last hangover and all the pain i went through for several days this time after having binged meeting up with an old friend i had not seen for years. i was so anxious i over did it. so my plan is to keep watching these videos everyday until i’m in the clear and just never look back. this will be the second i’ve quit. the first time was easier but then i was younger. besides there’s this expensive necklace i’d really like to buy and although it’s a material item it’s an investment also that retains its resell value so it’s not just a frivolous item. are you still on redit. this is my day one 😊


Congratulations Katie! That's awesome! I really want to start naltrexone, I've been having a bit of a hard time getting the medication. Have you noticed any long term side effects at all from taking it?


I stopped drinking cold turkey 8 years ago. I was drinking 5 days a week. I just didn’t know when to stop.
