Christopher HItchens Thought Experiment #shorts #morality

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Christopher HItchens Thought Experiment #shorts #morality

The Holy S#!T of the Bible
A Countdown of the 75 Best Obscenities, Absurdities, and Atrocities of the Bible by Je Schneider Available on Amazon:

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A random guy on the Internet once said: "if you need the fear of eternal damnation to be a good person, then you aren't a good person."


"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool."


What religious people don't understand is that most of the rest of us respect their right to believe whatever they want to believe, and all we ask in return is that they respect our right to believe whatever we want to believe.
How can something so simple be so difficult for so many people (on both sides)?


Me and my family were brought up with no religion in our lives. None of us are bad. We're hardworking individuals who do a lot for the community. We don't need a deity or religion to do such a thing.


How to find if something is moral without a divine intervention :

If I punch you in the face, you wouldn't like it right ? And if you do the same to me the same result occurs.

So ? We'd be able to agree on "let's not punch each other as it hurts"

What about murder, rape or "don't steal ?

- If someone was to kill a family member, multiple people wouldn't be happy. Years of experience, joyful, stressfull moments and bonding are lost due to one's action. If you do the same to someone else's family same results... So ? Don't kill people it's bad.

- Rape ? It leaves trauma, hurts people again ! Same results as prior problems !

- Stealing ? Well all objects you've made/bought has a specific purpose, if you create a toy for your child and someone take it without consent.. your child wouldn't be happy and so do you, right ? So once again.. it's bad.

You don't need a divine guidance to understand : what is actually hurtful to me and others ?
We need to stop locking away our hearts behind dusty books and fairy tales that devides us, we're all humans ! We all have families, hopes and dreams and the same physical needs : food, water, sleep, confort and many many more ! We just have to care for one another...

And if you're scared about "Is there a life after death ?" remember : There is. Not as in a paradise or hell but as a truthful fact we all know since the very beginning of Humanity : our children lives on.
After our death they will be left with the world we built, and if we want to guarantee that there's a Life After OUR Death we need to make the world a better place. One where only actual painful things are condemned and not "if you are left handed the devil lives in you" or "if you love someone of the same gender as you, you should die".

I sincerely hope some people will find confort and hope with this point of view in these dark times.

Love y'all ❤


One of the many many flaws in religion is how so many demand that you convert others. And even if people aren't trying to convert others, they are still trying to force their beliefs on you. If I was so damn sure there was this wonderful happy place that only people who think like me are going actually existed, why would I waste my time trying to convince others. They say heaven will be perfect, so it's not like you will be sad that others aren't with you.
They need to convince others to keep the lie alive for them. The fear of their own insignificance and of ceasing to exist drives them to harrarass others with nonsense.
The best way to spot a true believer is one that never tries to talk to people about their religion, who doesn't post online defending their beliefs, and quoting nonsense scripture. A true believer just believes and acts on those beliefs in their own private lives.


"You can lead a theist to a thought experiment, but you can't make it think."


Im religious, ortodox christian. But i really miss this man, an intellectual, an incredible rhetoric..his brain was a treasure for human kind!


This is why it’s so laughable when theists argue that atheists have no basis for their morality, when in fact it is theists who have no basis for theirs.

“God said so” isn’t a moral code, it’s a moral pronouncement, and one that leaves open a blanket justification for any act no matter how atrocious, as LITERALLY anything becomes good if they think God commanded it.


Morality was created by man, not an imaginary torturer in the sky.


Wow, this brings my mind to present moment.


A legend that has left behind many who are inspired by his logical and critical thinking skills.


Hitchens' golden tongue states it all so clearly.


You can believe what you wants long as it doesn't impact your neighbour.


It is absurd and lunatic to look at a newly born babe and call it a sinner.


Those who express incredulity at the very notion one might hold moral values absent a monitoring deity merely betray their own staggering moral, intellectual and rational deficits.


If the opposite was proven to be true, it wouldn't change a rapist, a liar, a murderer, a thief, an adulterer or anyone else, they would still be the people that they are.


“But, but, but he works in mysterious ways!”


Man invented God to cope with uncertainty.
Smile ☺️😜😜😂


People trying to say "Well how do you know what a right action if there is no god?".

My question is how do you know what a right action if there IS a god?

Is murder wrong? Is rape? Is theft and pillage?

All of these things were done either by God or Gods people in the Bible, with his blessing.

So why were those things morally right then, but not now?

God doesn't give us moral clarity at all. He confuses morality because he's allowed to play by a different moral code whereby things like rape ans murder is good if he commands them but bad if we do.

There's no moral clarity to be had there.
