What Happens When You Grow an Apple Tree FROM SEED, 9 Years Later!

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After 9 Years the Results are In!!!



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I grew a bunch of apple trees from seeds I found sprouting inside pink lady apples. So far 3 have borne fruit, 2 are full size apples but one attracts lots of insects and the fruit are covered in bug bites, the other is right next to it and had no insect damage and the fruit was hard/crisp with a wonderful complex flavor, very sweet but tart and some pleasant spicy flavors. The third made really bright red crabapples that were kind of bitter but I'm ok with leaving them for the birds to eat in winter. I tried some nectarine pits and got 1 tree, it makes a hard green fruit that never seems to ripen, they stay green and hard. A peach tree volunteered out of our compost and makes very good peaches now that I've moved it to a better location.


I have been growing fruit trees from seed for about 10 years. The first one was a wild plum that tasted wonderful. It came true from seed. Then I tried some granny smith seeds. Only one survived. The trunk is pretty knarly, but like you, my apples were small, sweet and pretty. I originally thought I'd graft another variety onto it, but now I think I'll make cider. The peach pits I planted grew great, but I was never able to get any to eat because they all got brown rot every year. I did, however, graft a Suncrest peach scion to a plum rootstock and it was the best peach I've ever eaten. The original variety is one that is not available in the stores because it is soft and won't ship well. If you want a particular variety, I suggest buying rootstock (they're cheap) and going to a scion exchange. In CA, we have the Rare Fruit Growers Association and they have annual exchanges where, for $5, you can get as many scions as you want and they have both rare fruit varieties and more commercial ones and they will teach you how to graft.


I found a wild apple tree next to an old one in my horse pasture. It must me a seedling. And I´m so happy! It fruited so early as a tiny tiny tree and the apples taste just as good as the ones from the mother tree. Only a bit smaller. Like a normal size apple. I feel so lucky.


Great introduction of the Prigioni Apple. It's a crap shoot when growing apple seeds and you've done a great job explaining not only the time and risks involved but also the enjoyment when success happens.


Let’s go! I grew a lemon tree from seed. This is amazing! 💕💕💕


Oooh i would love to see those apples in a big bowl on my kitchen counter! I love fruit that is snack size! You should totally market that apple. I could see it take off kind of like those mandarins called"Cuties".


That is so cool that you grew your own apple tree. Thanks for showing us! We love how tuck tuck is ready for his piece of the apple☺️


2 years ago I decided to plant some apple trees from seed for #TeamTrees, and I'm pretty sure that's what started my love in gardening. I've also started a "nursery", which is really a single locust tree seedling at this point & a bunch of dead stuff lol


Been following for years, its exciting to finally see how your signature apple turned out!

You could do a program where friends who volunteer to help you in the garden could get a graft.


I'm seven years ketogenic, so small tart fruits would be great! I want apricot trees like the one my grandma had where I grew up! Tiny and tart and absolutely the best flavor I've ever had!


Nice! I was inspired by you so I planted one this spring, and it grew! It's two feet tall already with purple leaves, can't wait to see it grow up! Thanks for the idea!


My dad planted miniature apples in the 1980s and a couple years ago our Rome uprooted in a windstorm. My golden delicious is almost dead now and a Cortland isn't doing too well. Unfortunately, I think it's because of two black walnuts I let grow that are only about 10- 15 feet away. They were about 20 feet tall. I didn't know about the juglone they produce that ruins the soil for other plants. Just a bit of a warning incase they're around. They were all really good, too.
Those little apples look like our wild crabapples and they're good if we get them before the deer! Tucker does a great job supervising. Thanks!


Growth from seed it takes a lot of time, but worth it.


His intro startled awake my dog who was sleeping next to me 😂


I bet the smaller apples on that tree would work to your advantage for making apple butter. They likely won’t store well since they are small, but they’d be easy to process through a food mill.


Love your enthusiasm!! Life is like a tree of apples... you never know what you're gonna get! 🥰


After seeing your video about them, a coworker gave me some pawpaw seeds and they’re actually sprouting in my fridge! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! It’s been super helpful because we both live in the same planting zone!


Thank you for all your videos and inspiration!!! I have a food forest in north area of Denver so conditions and zones are different, but I still have learned so much from you!


awesome video James. I am an amateur rose hybridizer. Working with nature to produce a better thing than you started with is so extremely exciting. I grow Honeycrisp and Fuji apples. Right now I have more Fuji's since the Honeycrisps are now done. Thank you for your channel. You and Big Tuck keep it up. Have a great winter.


So many people planting Apple Trees this year. I just got 4 dwarf Apple and 1 Apricot for my small back yard garden. I really enjoyed hearing about the success of your Apple trees!
