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Dr. Carlo Oller talks about pseudo seizures and real seizures.
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Just got diagnosed after 4 years of hospital / doctor visits being poked and prodded, unable to swallow, speak, or even walk . I’m just happy to have a diagnosis finally


This is not an epileptic seizure it's a Pseudoseizure, and usually the most common causes are psychological problems (Simple Schizophrenia, Manic Depression and Overactive Amygdala in the brain) or Niacin deficiency (similar to pellagra diseases), I had a patient suffering from this for 6 years (she was 16 at the time) then I put her on niacin 2gram 2x daily with tranquilizer and she is good within 3 weeks. This disorder is very common in women and the criteria compared to men is 9:1.


From some of my reading on the subject there can be seizures that are deep and not read on the EEG. This does not automatically render them as non-epleptic.
Additionally since the location of seizure activity in a part of the brain affecting emotions it may appear that the emotions shown are psychological in origin. Indeed stress itself can be a trigger for seizures.


I have PTSD as well suffer from the pnes seizures I have been tested from the heart to to the brain to explain why I can just fall out some are easy and some are very hard.  EMS has made fun of me as well as hospitals.  Im in my first my first year and am really hoping for change the medication isnt great just stay do not let the DRS tell youre faking it Ive lived it.  It hurts I hope for all of us in gods name its fixed


I suffer from Atypical seizures and have been diagnosed with 1 Grand Mal Seizure and Complex Partial Seizures as well as Pseudoseizures in the ER setting. I have DysAutonomia, a condition not well understood by mowt ER Doctors as well as Primary Physicians. It is very frustratimg for me as a patient to seek medical care when my autonomic nervous system is disfunctioning as I end ip getting abused, mistreated, yelled and screamed at as well as physically and sexually abused by ER Nurses because theh don't understand my condition, I try to explain but it is difficult to speak when I'm having an episode. All they have to do is look up DysAutonomia, POTS and Seizures. Just because the are non-epileptic doesn't mean I'm faking it. I have absolutely no control over my body when these occur. My brain doesn't work right. My Electrophysiologist has told me that dueto my BP bottomimg out from the Orthostatic Hypotemsion my body over reacts and shoota my BP on too high. Then the blood vessels in my brain spasm causimg interrupted blood foow and this causes the seizure and/or seizure like symptoms. Yelling and screaming only cause more stress to my already overloaded nervous system and only make things worse! And DO NOT USE SMELLING SALTS! They will totally overload my nervous syatem and cause me to go into full blown seizure mode and hysteria. You Drs and Nurses need to start listening to your patients! I don't and have never used drugs as you always think I'm on and I'm tired of getting treated lime total crap from you. Because of ypu I now deal with my episodes by myself in my car with my heart in an irregular arrhythmia, I stop breathing for minutea at a time. And then need 2-3 hours in my car to recouperate by myself. I have to deal with all of this alone now because of the horrible treatment I receive at the Hospital. If someone I am with calls 911 I try to tell them I'm refusimg treatment so I don't get abused even though the EMT's say I should go either because my heart rate is wek and thready, my blood glucose level is low or because my blood pressure is bounding all over the place from very high
to very low. If I get cold at all my body temp drops and I pass out and my body shuts down. You don't umderstand DysAutonomia. it is so much more than nm just POTS. I can digest my food, can't keep my body temp stable, can't stand for long periods of time or stand up quickly. My Blood Sugar flucuates greatly and I'm Insulin Resistant. I have Adrenal Insuffiency and my um Chatecholamine levels, specifically my NorEpinephrine is off. I have other autoimmume diseases analong with this including Asthma, Heat and Contact Autoimmune Urticaria, Reynaud's Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue. I work my um ass off workimg self-employed trying to earnan honest living, something most people don't do today and I have to worry each amd every day whether or not I will be able to get through the day without am episode or collapsing or passing out. Which in turn causes, ore stress which doesn't help my situation. Becuase of the poortreatmentI have receivedat manu ER's I am afraid to go and get help when I feel I need it. I should have to feel this way. It is not fair or right. More EMT's umderstamd more about DysAutonomia that Er Drs and Nurses. it is pathetic! All you have to do is google it. Go to the DysAutonomia Research Foundation in Red Wing, Minnesota and you will have all the imformation you need. There are millions of peop, e who suffer from DysAutonomia along with several different kinds of seizures becaise of it and we all get treated li, e crap because you are uneducated. Well get educated! These seizures are real and have underlying causes due to the dysfunction of our Autonomic Nervous System even though they are considered non-epileptic in nature. We are NOT faking it ot making it up!


I have pnes, and other doctors think I don't at all, because I'm aware when I'm conscious. I told them, without my meds, I blackout and unconscious. They don't buy it, they tell aw his just stress, take therapy classes and you will heal, the walk right away, don't attend me. They make me feel that is all on my mind, dullitional. I also had a head injury by a car hitting me, sometimes I don't have much faith in those Mri and CT test. My head suddenly have strange pnes in the side my head was hit eversince! smiling again, it's a concussion? I have these pnes since 2017, it's 2023, and still have them! Oh it's just stress? I wish I find a neurologist that would take more serious!


And you don't uderstand how painful the muscle contractions and cramping is and I can't stop it. The muscle jist contract harder and harder. It is called "dumping symdrome". My brainas my nervous system overreacts will dump excessive amoumts of epinephrine into my system, which causes the painful muscle spasms and long contractions. My pupils sometimes become unequal yet dialated. One hand may feel giant comepared to the other and one hand my feel cold water vs hot water with the other hand. My whole neurological system becomes whacked and Icould enhave anAdrenal Crises. I have been watching to see if it turns I to PAF or Pure Autonomic Failure or Addison's Disease. There are also other progressive conditions that may develop with time that we are always watching for. Please treat us with respect as you would want to be treated. We are not druggies or just looking for attention!!!


How dare anyone think that these seizures are controllable or are being faked. They are 100% real and Dr's have no desire to really find out what they are. So easy to pass them off as psychological when it is the brain. These seizures are very difficult to control and we have been dealing with this unknown for over 20 years.


Monday March 7th I have to be Admitted to the EMU my neurologist thanks I'm having these type of seizures!! I'm freaking out


I have true epileptic seizures but it took 5 yrs, multiple tests and horrific seizures for the neurologists to finally believe me. My last seizure was 3 months ago and had me in hospital with Todd’s Paralysis (stroke was ruled out). Also found a brain aneurysm on my latest CT Scan. 5 years of pure Hades, no one believing me and it takes a bloody aneurysm to be NOW be taken seriously. Nice. I was having up to 5 seizures a day before medication. That should have told them something right there. Get 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions. I hate taking anything, even Advil, but I’ll take whatever is needed to stop these ghastly fits. There are breakthrough seizures but I can handle a few as opposed to 5 a DAY!


Guess what:  Lyme disease and mold illness can cause seizure-like episodes too.  Who knew?


Thank you so much I suffer from pseudo seziers


What you need to do is treat patients with psychogenic seizures with respect. We are tired of hearing every doctors definition. You really don't have a say in this, I hope that it doesn't hit you. If it were to happen, you can then speak on it. Medical doctors as well as Psychiatrists can continue to holding your breath hoping it disappear. Little do you know it has just begun. So get your head out of your butt and grow some compassion.


Dude you need to change the pics in your video because you are talking about non epilepsy seizures but the photos are of examples of epilepsy seizures so you are going to confuse your audience


Oh, and I must comment about one of your phrases, about "hoping it doesn't hit you'', if it does All I am going to say is that when stress enters my life, I cope with it cognitively. I feel, deal and heal, then continue forward. Yes, that includes losing loved ones to death.


A true scientist does not make statements that are not backed up by evidence.  A true clinician might suggest psychotherapy, and that's fine.  But a true scientist would not go so far as to say that non-epileptic seizures are all psychogenic without some evidence to back that statement up.  


My husband has Epilepsy. Pseudo seizures pale in comparison to having a Grand Mal, clonic tonic seizure.( I've seen both) I'm in no way saying a Pseudo seizure is being faked; however, having an epileptic seizure the person is a risk for death! If no one is around to keep their air passages clear, and to protect them from serious head injuries, they could involuntary kill themselves! Pseudo seizure's are emotional stress the body is ridding itself of. Learn how to release it, you'll recover.


these pseudo seizures may have a name but they take emergency services away from people who really need it. health care professionals get annoyed by these Oscar winning performances.


Goodness. You need to work on your speaking ability.


pseudo seizures are fake fits which are psychological. only the patient knows why they are putting on these fits and it is important for mental health intervention asap. it costs the nhs a lot of money and attention seeking isn't really on. real seizures are scary for the patients loved ones, it's not really fair to put people through worry when the fit is purely an act.
