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Finishing a book is such a major accomplishment, proving that addressing challenges with ADHD can lead to incredible results. Thank you for all you do!


"There are parts of this book that got me through writing this book" is far and away the most compelling reason someone should buy it. I'm so proud of you and excited to read the book! Which I might do cover to cover out of excitement.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can’t wait to read this! Now I have to figure out how many copies I need (two for me, one for my kids, one for my father, one to lose…) I’m so excited for everyone involved in this. Enjoy it, I know I will!!! 😊


I recently got on medication and your channel took away the stigma around that for me. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made and I literally cleaned my room the other day a deep clean. And I started cross stitching something I’ve wanted to do forever. Thank you.


Your work on this channel is the reason I can now hold down a job. Youtube recommended your channel shortly after I was given my third and final warning at work. You helped me realise that I had ADHD, and that I could get help for the things I had been struggling with. I've had friends and family laugh when I said I thought I have ADHD, saying "you can't have ADHD, you have a degree", "you sit on your butt all day, you're not hyper at all", but whenever I doubted it, I had your videos to come back to, to reassure me. A year and a half later, I am now on medication, and things are looking up. I can finally do my job without the constant worry of "when will they notice I'm not doing enough", or beating my self up for being "lazy".

I want you to know how grateful I am for all the work you have put into this channel. You directly played a huge part in helping me get back to being happy in my life again, and I'm not sure I would have made it if I hadn't stumbled onto your channel.

I have pre-ordered your book, and I can't wait to skim read the chapter titles before forgetting about it for 3 months until I finally get around to reading it properly.

Thank you.


OH MY GOD IT'LL BE AVAILABLE IN BRAZIL?? THAT'S SO GREAT!!! it's so unusual for international creators to have their focus on other countries like this and, as a brazilian myself with ADHD, your videos helped me get my diagnosis immensely, so I can't thank you enough for this!


I just pre-ordered it on audible. I’m blind so I’m so happy it’s available in audio format. Thanks Jessica!


Finishing a book is impressive. Writing a complete book is way beyond impressive, it’s monumentally admirable!


I am so proud of you. As someone who does not have the attention span to actually read a book (I need constant audio input) I am glad that you also publish this as an audiobook. Naturally I preordered it.


I don't know why it's so hard to make it through your videos without crying (at least a teeny bit), it probably has something to do with how "seen" they always make me feel. But this time, I think it's that PLUS an overwhelming wave of feeling proud and happy for you.

Congratulations! This is a huge achievement, and I'm so excited to read the book! Your videos have helped me learn so much about myself, and I'm so happy there's going to be a whole new outlet for people to find your work. It's going to make a big difference in people's lives. ❤


Just wanted to thank you. I've not been officially diagnosed yet, 10 years of therapy it was always hints of adhd but predominantly always anxiety and depression. The more I learn of Adhd, the more my life makes more sense if I apply this new understanding and your videos, when I can get through them (sorry), are really helping with "bad habits" or 'insert catchphrase here'. So thank you, so much, to give me some clue as to why I might be the way I am, and more importantly, understand my dreamer of a daughter 🖖


What an outstanding achievement. Thank you for this amazing contribution to the community, Jessica!


I literally can't wait to read this book. As someone's who's AuDHD my brain is a confusing mess, and I'm only recently diagnosed. I have a lifetime of so many unexplained things (and we've recently realised that my dad does too). Having it written down aaalways helps with processing concepts and ideas, and just in general learning more about myself. Just being able to explain something to my neurotypical gp can often be a challenge. But here I can go 'read this paragraph please'.


Congratulations, Jess! I can’t wait to read it. If there is any way the community can be helpful in translating the book, please let us know!

edit: 100% serious on this. You quite literally saved my life. I will translate the whole thing into Danish for free.


I cannot wait to buy it. My husband found your channel a few months ago and you explain the ADHD life he’s had his whole life. I recently got diagnosed in January of this year. So much fell into place (why I am the way that I am) and got on something low dosage to manage and wow! It has helped out so much. You express the ADHD life so well. So clear. Thank you. 📕 can’t wait to read your book❤


Your announcement is as exciting as the book itself!!

Look at all these comments of shared enthusiasm and support!! Never have I ever seen a community feel so heard, so seen, so supported.... We so collectively celebrate with you and for you!!

Omg...if this was a live party it'd be off the charts!!



Congratulations, Jess! Will it be coming out in audio version? Again, well done you. My daughter has severe ADHD and I’m waiting to get seen myself.


It’s so exciting to know that there’s a finished book out there for preorder. This channel has been a great resource in understanding and navigating my ADHD and now it’s in a different, more indexed sort of form (with new information too by the sounds yay). Thank you for the amazing resources


Hope there is going to be an audiobook version of this! To me it's much more accessible when I can listen and go on with my chores than sit down and actively read. It's great that this is being translated in two languages so more people have access to the information! Oh and congratulations!!


As a person who is not a book person I am very excited about this book and also the fact that it is non book people friendly and I can flip around. I adore your channel and been watching since almost the begining. Or pretty darn close. I have always been impressed with your research, your ability to make things understandable and simple for everyday ADHD folk. I have been learning from you and separately over the years through other speakers and the knowledge and overlap is fantastic. You are a research rockstar. You really do a great job of making us feel not alone out there for struggling with these things but also providing some small doable changes or reframing that can get us out of our negative mindset and into one of acceptance of how our brains work and strategy options that are more likely to work with our brains instead of against. But are also adaptable for what we need on whatever season we are in. Thanks Jessica. ❤ I really appreciate how much passion and yourself you have put into this channel and now this book. I know it will be a great tool for us and touch the lives of many who may not have had the pleasure of coming along on the journey yet. Congratulations on the book.
