The Psychobabble of Kevin Thompson and Beyond the Fundamentals

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Kevin Thompson of "Beyond the Fundamentals" is best known for his crusades against Calvinism. This video looks into the atheistic psychology that he uses to buttress his arguments against original sin and other staples of orthodox Christianity.


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Notice how Dollar starts his first video by setting up the stage that original sin, inheriting Adam’s guilt, total depravity, and church history are the trith, as opposed to Kevin’s psychbabble. This is one of the ways Calvinists defend their beliefs, by front loading their doctrine to what they claim is false.

If Dollar can convince people that Thompson is, then everything else he teaches comes into question. Perhaps Dollar should have started with the concept of TULIP and address the Scriptures through the inductive method, using a King James Bible.


Jeff Dollar said that Kevin Thompson rejects historical Christianity. Does Dollar mean Augustinian/Calvinist Christianity? If he does, then yes, Thompson rejects It, and rightly so. But unlike the picture Dollar is painting of Thompson as a psychology guru, Thompson is talking about Scriptural Christianity throughout his videos, and does a good job of showing how Calvinists twist the scriptures in order to promote unscriptural TULIP doctrines. I’ve watched quite a few of Thompson’s videos, and I can tell you that Scripture reigns in all of his presentations. His explanations of psychology in the carnal mind is only a small portion of his content, but he shows how Scripture in general, and Jesus and the Holy Spirit in particular, teach us to overcome carnal tendencies. But Dollar says nothing about this. Rather he seems pretty much to be walking the road of ad hominem against Thompson in this video. Makes you wonder if he’s trying to hide something.


98% of Kevin thompson video destoys calvinism from the scripture alone, ideological possession is the god of calvinisnm not scripture authority read in context.


Thomson is now leading christians into eastern mysticism through guided imagery and unbiblical meditation that is pure and simple occultism


Calvinist theology is Unscriptual! Your video comment on Kevin is actually helping to verify that fact:

You did not address ANY points of contention!

"Beyond the Fundamentals" clearly exposes, with Scripture!!, back and forth; -where Systematic Theology fails! And/but you dont have to aggree...
There are tons of videos you could express a concern of yours on LEVEL of a pastor, or teacher, or theolog.... but this was a cheap, sarcastic rumble, nothing else.
But what can a man expect from a Calvinist?


The only reason I clicked on this video is to say that when the title and the thumbnail are loaded with ad hominem, I know it will be emotionally and intellectually unequipped to maintain a logically rational argument. The video did not disappoint.


I’m not a fan of Kevin. But using these small excerpts are not representative of his overall ministry. This is my first time to view one of your videos. If it is representative of your style, it may be my last.


I know this video is old but I just wanted to share a few thoughts. I think people are being unfair to you but I think you're being unfair to Kevin Thompson also. I don't think Kevin believes we would be perfect if it weren't for environmental factors, that's being disingenuous. Studies, science, psychology, philosophy are all flawed because people are deeply complex (and flawed themselves) but, just as the shirt you are wearing is the result of science, science, including psychology, can be used to *try* and understand human development. I do think Thompson over-indexes on psychology and philosophy, even more so now, but that's just the opinion of one person.


You guys hate him because he's got your number and he knows what you're about

And you can't stand it

There are other vids similar to yours and they all say the same things

Wierd 🙃


Jeff Dollar: In your Calvinism: 1) The elect are never in danger of anything & never had anything to be saved from
2) The elect don't need a Savior, the non-elect don't have one
3) The non-elect never had any hope, never will
4) If you are not elect, Christ dying is not good news to you
5) Election is the only good news in Calvinism
Calvinism: No hope, no gospel, no Savior, only non-elect and elect.


Ive never found a reference for Luther actually saying it himself, but in "Martin Luther Heretic" the main character states: "Strike the dead tree and out will come in a hurry spiders and wood lice."


tempted to troll, knowing what i know now, but i won’t because i was in your shoes. and i gotta say kevin is on the right track and you don’t even need to take his word for it.

to start, take your philosophy of calvinism to its logical ends and then see if kevin’s videos don’t make more sense. and who knows? maybe he’s wrong in them. maybe there’s an even better understanding of it than he has. which is kind of his whole point. then you can come back to scripture with fresh eyes and an open mind that there could be a better understanding of scripture that is even MORE in line with the God of Scripture.

kevin’s approach is not that everything and everyone is right. it is that he invites dialogue and open thought in order to try to continue the path of what it means to be a Christian.

do you know everything there is to know about your wife? what about God? it’s comical to try to reduce an infinite being to a list. yet we try to pretend we have this grasp on the fullness of the Christian life from a book that is primarily narrative and direct correspondence in response to specific situations.

kevin invites what you have to say so we can work together to better our understanding of scripture. you think that cannot possibly happen and have closed your mind to the idea. no. we have it all 100% figured out and there is nothing more to be gained.

now who sounds more self-righteous? the man who cannot tell me a single thing about the bottom of the ocean yet has God figured out? or the man who says, this is what we know so far about God, let’s engage in conversation and see where we could be wrong, try to pursue Him in a way Scriptire tells us to and actually have a relationship with him . “the way” it was intended?

psychobabble? nah. keep searching. much love. i was there too.


This video is ridiculous! KT’s epistemology is scripture! And scripture alone. That’s why calvinism should be rejected.


I was wondering if the narrator was critiquing Kevin Thompson because he's (narrator) a calvinist and right away he says that Kevin is very anticalvinist. If he actually paid attention to what Kevin says he would see that Kevin is simply showing the unbiblical nature of calvinism. Kevin is not anticalvinism but antifalse theology.


Mr. Dollar, you really burned him huh ... with that 'cognition' comment? To slam a guy for being careful as he thinks and being interested in the topic is just weird. Yes, he uses words you're not intimately familiar with. Perhaps quite often. Is that necessarily 'psychobabble' or is he simply helping his audience broaden their vocabulary with words that have existed for ages? Maybe it would do the Church some good to broaden their vocabulary so everything isn't a kneejerk reaction labeled as psychobabble. You're so wrapped up in 'biblical Christianity'='Calvinism' you cannot actually hear the man's heart for pointing people to scripture for their authority. You think you're doing a noble service by slandering a man that professes Christ, yet you're ignoring scripture that commands you to do no such thing. Bearing false witness is something you might want to pump the breaks on if your goal is to represent Christ.

Then you move to a guilty by association fallacy. Pinning Kevin to a few different authors and influence. You assume noise is all these authors are capable of, when like yourself, they just might have some signal at some point in the things they say. To be gracious with one another, we don't assume when someone quotes someone like Martin Luther for example, that they hold to all the exact beliefs of Martin Luther, but rather, they are simply quoting a man for a particular reason. You have no grace in your video, you went all-in on the association fallacy. Gimme a break.

Then, when you showcase the book 'I hate you don't leave me' you cut Kevin's full reason for introducing the book to his audience. Again, more of the same cherry-picking and association fallacy motif. Sir, You're outing yourself in this video for being the dishonest one. Please, get a life that's in submission to the One you claim to serve.


Please continue to expose this freewill fraud. He's influencing many and dividing the church.


Thanks for the video. The title explains his erroneous beliefs well.


You are doing ad hominem attacks and not looking at the argument. Which you calvinist know how to do.


Using psychology… poor guy can’t see that there is truth outside of scripture. Scripture is truth and all truth is God’s truth.

There is truth and facts that exists outside of scripture that if not used we would not be flying, driving cars, or electricity. But, every preacher uses flying, driving cars, and electricity… those didn’t come from theology.

This guy can’t get outside his very tiny container.


Allowing secular psychology to inform one's theology is a really bad idea. We should pray for Kevin, that God shows him his error.
