Dear Kevin Thompson @ Beyond The Fundamentals...💌

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I love Kevin Thompson...I'm not a fan of the spirit that I believe he is "bearing with". 🦾🔨⚔💌

2 Corinthians 11:4
“For if he that cometh preacheth ANOTHER Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive ANOTHER spirit, which ye have not received, or ANOTHER gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well BEAR WITH HIM.”

Ephesians 6
10 Finally, my brethren, BE STRONG in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

2 Timothy 3
14 But CONTINUE thou in the things which thou hast LEARNED and hast been ASSURED of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to MAKE THE WISE UNTO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

2 Thessalonians 2:15
“Therefore, brethren, STAND FAST, and HOLD the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.”

Ephesians 4
29 Let no CORRUPT communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may MINISTER GACE unto the hearers.

30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

It grieves the Holy Spirit when we "bear with" ANOTHER spirit that corrupts our minds from the simplicity that is in Christ.
Our communication should minister GRACE and in order to do this we must be determined not to know anything save Christ and Him we are a braggart that wants to show off their winnings.

a person who boasts about achievements or possessions.

"Great SWELLING WORDS" are possessions that we hold dear because they make us feel BETTER.

Kevin Thomson- "I do this to make you BETTER..."


Kevin thompson is now leading the church into guided imagery and meditation which is pure eastern mysticism and occult. Thompson is going of the rails bigtime now


Kevin was very helpful for me when it came to deconstructing Calvinism… I was never personally a Calvinist but I joined a group that was what I would call covertly Calvinistic and I met my wife there… however I have seen Kevin go from criticizing manichaean gnostics to embracing this “knowing” type of wonky stuff and It’s caused me to be very careful as I seek to help people come away from Calvinism but be sure not to go off into… well wherever it is he’s off to.


Kevin's videos regarding Calvinism are very helpful. I am not too bothered about his pretentious language - perhaps that is just insecurity. However, what does concern me is his increasing involvement with psychology, philosophy, eastern mysticism and New Age thought. He openly promotes a New Age guru - Seraphim Winslow - who has clearly brought a wrong spirit into the mix.

Seraphim is into Multirelgiosity He believes in “joining as many religions as possible, because the more religions you are faithful to the more commitments you make to a particular community - the greater perspective you have on that larger whole.” “If you feel and sense the truth through some particular strain of the harmony or the melody or rhythm of God - you may absolutely say “I’m a Christian because I totally know what it is to relate to God through the incarnation of Jesus in the Holy Trinity - but I’m also a Buddhist because I know exactly what it means to relate to the truth through Nirvana and the Eightfold Path … and I’m a Muslim because I know exactly what it means to testify that the truth is just One…. There are many lamps but one light.

“Until you actually become a Muslim, until you become a Hindu, until you commit your soul to that path - you will not really get it. But once you see truth through that path - everything opens up. You may ask - how is it possible to believe two things at once. The truth we are trying to find - let’s call it ‘god’ for now (although it's even beyond that word) When you get a circular view on the whole thing you can say ‘God can have a son, and god cannot have a son… god can’t be three in one, and god can be three in one.’ "

Is that the sort of person we true Christians wish to emulate on our path to transformation? Surely Christianity is unique, and so is our God. Jesus said to him, “I am THE way, and THE truth, and THE life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) “And there is salvation in NO ONE ELSE, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)


He should just stick to his excellent videos refuting Calvinism! Those videos are very clear. I am concerned in the direction he is heading also. I am definitely not a fan of his FSI stuff (Free Stature Initiative). Again he should just concentrate on refuting Calvinism with simple speech. Great video sister! God bless! ❤️


When I went to college, the professors used a whole lot of words that I didn't understand. They had to explain what they were talking about. It's called learning. Whatever song you were dramatizing was quite muffled, and I could't understand a word of it. Is that a better approach?


Kevin’s videos on Calvinism were great. I believe that he has been hurt by members of particular churches so this is his defense mechanism. If those people have hurt you be the bigger man and forget about it. He is definitely going on the wrong path. I am sure his current wife is his guidance in life today. There are people that are way smarter than him and yet most people understand them. I believe he has a conglomerate of concepts in his head and just burst them out without much comprehension. You know a person understands something well when they can explain it easily. May God have mercy on him.


He’s recently said that if someone believes they should hold to some core beliefs that it is “propositional truth claims” and that type of person is a false teacher. He has also said he is not a false teacher because he is not teaching anything. 🤔 is that how that works? Well anyway… basically if someone disagrees with Kevin in a way that doesn’t first slather their criticism in fresh whipped butter and honey he will attack them and belittle them with his rhetoric. It’s disheartening because I really have held him in some high esteem.

Edit: Furthermore the gatekeeping in regard to how someone experiences growth is very very strange. If you have foundational or core beliefs you can’t grow. If you are sure to fellowship with like-minded people on the basis of belief then you can’t be growing. If you don’t use big words it is evidence of non-growth. Dang! It’s like knowledge is his form of works. For a Calvinist works prove your faith, for Kevin vocabulary evidences your growth. 🧐


I was drawn to Kevin's videos refuting Calvinism and was greatly helped by them. Once he deviated from that topic he seemed more and more confusing to me. Then the repetitive concept of "perspectival knowledge" intertwined with hermeneutics took hold and I couldn't help seeing a close relationship to gnosticism. The final straw for me was the "Kingdom of God" video which seemed to promote Seraphim Winslow's views and erased all doubt about the U-turn BTF had taken on Biblical authority. I've unsubscribed since then.


Got into a massive argument with him on his Trinity video! He started out great, now he doesn’t know what he believes anymore while trying to be Socrates and Plato. He accuses everyone of having propositional suppositions while he himself spews out his own ! I even supported his channel. I unsubscribed before he could ban me.


Thanks for posting this. I recently discovered Kevin’s Thompson’s channel because I was about to “take the dive” into Calvinism and “stop fighting” the “truth” of Calvinism. My friends were converting. Our church is beginning to discuss these things. The temptation was strong. But so was my resistance. His videos against Calvinism helped me realize my feeling the need to resist was valid. I am thankful to him for his content. But when I noticed some of his more recent stuff, some red flags were popping up. I’m an impressionable person, and a young Christian. And some of his new stuff was confusing, and concerning, like it was just going past the simplicity of the gospel and how the Holy Spirit works in someone’s life. I’m glad you spoke up, because now I don’t feel alone in feeling that way.

I also like a lot of the things he says about moving from Mammon Church. I just think it’s a lot simpler than what he presents.


I can tell you today, your words ring true...true discernment and true wisdom. Kevin is currently (today) giving Seraphim a platform to discuss Big Elephant Theology. I feel sick. You're explaing exactly how I feel. I had to unsuscribe as I cannot put up with the deception he is opening people up to by doing this. I really am concerned for him.


Excuse me Ms. Kiss, perhaps you can answer a question that I asked Kevin Thompson and didn't get a response. What is the exact criteria that you use to determine Holy Scripture and from where did it come? Can you name anyone in the first 300 years of Church history that held to your canon of Scripture?


You know. At first, I was confused as to what everyone was talking about. I would go and look at his latest video on “the false and authentic self” and see what he’s done with the parable of the wheat and the tares…


Hes become like the pharisees puffed up with all this knowledge and all this wisdom Attempting to honor God with his words but his heart being far away.


Thought I’d reply on your own channel.
I had to quit watching....
Some viewers are so supportive, so
‘Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus’.


Kevin is hurting the body by platforming seraphim winslow. Seraphim claims to be founder and prophet in chief of his own religion. There’s nothing to be gained from one who is setting himself up as the only true source of enlightenment by combining all religions and philosophers in to his own view. Seraphim is dangerous and Kevin keeps giving him support and sharing his ideas on his channel


And secondly what he accuses calvinists and calvinism of he is doing the same by creating a whole new gospel using fancy terminology and ideologies that are not found in scripture. Both Calvinism and Kevin's teachings are from the same source and itMakes the word of God Complicated.


@Kiss the Son,
My goodness you are long-winded… and yet what a necessary and lovely breeze!😊
My heart has been heavy for sometime related to where Kevin has been heading.
Thank you for your willingness to take the darts for the good of Kevin and the many brothers and sisters in Christ he has helped.
God Bless you Stacey,


I was one of the people who brought this up with just one comment quite some time ago. My only real point was that he could impact more people if his content didn't require one to learn so much new vocabulary.
