CAPTIVE to Calvinistic Thinking

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Kevin reviews an email that shows how Calvinistic thinking can captivate non-calvinists.

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The mind games, the physiological gaslighting, no one talks about this!!!! They are so manipulative, I study psychology and the moment I heard you talk about this I can’t believe I missed it. I can never unsee it now. I am 1.5 years out of Calvinism I’m free!!


41:30 An interaction with a Calvinist I had recently ended with him saying, "If you're going to continue reading what the Bible says, how can I ever tell you what it means?" Yeah, he said that🤣🤣


I stopped attending a church recently when the pastor ( Calvinist) told me that I could only serve in a minimal capacity there if I didn’t adhere to pre-faith regeneration.
So I left.


YOU SIR, are firing on ALL cylinders. Thank you for your invaluable material!


"Calvinism is the gospel."

"Calvinism is Christianity."

Here's another one, and I can't even imagine having the audacity to say this: "CALVINISM IS THE BIBLE!"

Do these people ever step back and hear what they're saying? Kevin is correct. It's mainly a bunch of NPC's.


I did so work on my former pastor’s (Calvinist) air conditioner the other day. We were talking about why a particular person left his church. He’s like, “what’s the difference anyway, on if you think God saves you or you think you save yourself?” He can’t even get past the whole “you save yourself” issue even though we’ve discussed it several several times


Calvinism is a stronghold, a fortress that as you said many times before can ONLY be brought down by changing their paradigms. Context and Calvinism don't mix.


19:55 re; "Got Questions?" Since Calvinists have a leg up on Google, and considering their propensity to be less than forthcoming in self-identification, it could be very helpful to have a 'list' of these type of websites. There are many who do not already know what sights to watch out for. Does anybody know of such a list?


"If you deserve hell, then you deserve to be called stupid every now and then"

That's a quote I'm keeping haha


I truly believe that most if not all Calvanistic leaders, long ago realized that their view absolutely cannot be interpreted the way they speak of. You may ask what makes me more qualified to give this opinion. I am the Chief Electrical Inspector for a major city in the South. Interpreting code or the bible is more simple than most think as I have been doing this with the National Electrical Code for 35 years. It is simply reading what it says without adding or taking away anything, not what makes your install easier, not twisting it to justify a cheaper install or save time which amounts to $. It is simply reading it for what it says in context.i see absolutely no, none at all, calvanistic reading in God's Word, it simply is NOT there, it is always read in to it. I truly believe these "leaders" long ago realized there is no calvanism in the word, I believe it truly comes down to pride, arrogance, and self deception. They are far to vested in their calvanistic careers, it's their careers, it is NOT ministry, all they do is justify calvanism, not simply letting the Gospel speak for itself through God's Word. You said it so perfectly Kevin, the Gospel doesn't need calvanism, calvanism needs the Gospel to hide in. Keep up the hard labor of speaking truth Kevin


Kevin, far be it from me to criticize your expertise in video production. I think you do a stellar job. Speaking for myself, the 'tan' highlighting you are using in recent videos like illustrated at 1:07:55 ... makes it very difficult to read. It doesn't highlight the text but obscures it because the lettering does not remain bold or black but becomes tonal with the highlighting. If the letters remained BLACK it might be ok. Maybe there is a 'setting' overlooked to help with this. AS always, I love and appreciate all you do.


You should consider doing a series using this same chart to describe the MEMEs of other abhorrent views such as Hebrew Roots Movement, Catholicism, Mormonism, etc.


I had this problem when I was confronted with Hebrew israelism. It was a long time before I could see the scriptures outside of that tint and be completely free from those ideas when I read and studied scripture.


Alternative title:
"Laser Focus on the Biblical Essentials of Christian Belief"


In some ways, by being such anti-Calvinists, we're falling prey to Calvinistic thinking. It's the either-or fallacy, or simply the antagonistic nature of argumentation, that thing that Hegel supposedly noted about "dialectics."
We should probably look to build common ground at this point. Look at what division does in politics. It's exciting sure, but your enemy is rubbing his hands, noting your house is in disorder.


even if the word sovereign was there, it doesn't mean what you think it does. see etymological answer:

sovereign (n.)
late 13c., "superior, ruler, master, " from Old French soverain "sovereign, lord, ruler, "
sovereign (adj.)
early 14c., "great, superior, supreme, " from Old French soverain "highest, supreme, chief, " from Vulgar Latin *superanus "chief, principal


Excellent, awesome discussion, Kevin. It does boil down to calvinist rejection of scripture. Total failure to believe Gods' word. Actually not exclusive to calvinism. All error comes from adopting these doctrines of man (or demons) that go against scripture.


1) I Tim 4:10- God is the Savior of all mankind, especially of believers.
2) Eph 1:10- All to be gathered in Christ at the fullness of times.
3) Col 1:20- All to be reconciled by the blood of the cross.
4) Rom 5:18- All condemned in Adam, all justified in Christ.
5) Rom 11:32- All locked up in stubbornness that God may be merciful to all.
6) I Cor 15:22- As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.
7) I Tim 2:6- Salvation of ALL testified to in due time.
8) I Tim 2:4- God wills all to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth.
9) Eph 1:11- God works all after the council of His will.
10) John 12:47- Jesus came to save ALL.
11) John 4:42- Jesus is Saviour of the WORLD.
12) I John 4:14- Jesus is Saviour of the WORLD.
13) John 12:32- Jesus draws all to himself.
14) Heb 7:25- Jesus is able to save to the uttermost.
15) Col 1:15- Jesus is firstborn of ALL creation.
16) Col 1:16- By Him ALL things were created.
17) I Cor 15:26- Death (the wages of sin) the last enemy destroyed.
18) Phil 2:9-11- Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord.
19) I Cor 12:3- Cannot confess except by Holy Spirit.
20) Roms. 11:26- All Israel shall be saved.
21) Acts 3:20-21- Restitution of all.
22) Luke 2:10- Jesus will be joy to ALL people.
23) Eph 2:7- His grace displayed in ages to come.
24) Heb 8:11-12- All will know God.
25) Titus 2:11- Grace has appeared to all.
26) Rom 8: 19-21- Creation to be set at liberty
27) I Cor 4:5- All will have praise from God.
28) James 5:11- End of the Lord is full of mercy.
29) Rev 15:4- All nations worship when judgments are seen.
30) II Cor 5:17- New creation in Christ.
31) Rom 11:36- All out of God, thru and into Him.
32) Eph 4:10- Jesus will fill ALL things.
33) Rev 5:13- All creation seen praising God.
34) Rev 21: 4-5- No more tears, all things made new.
35) Jn 5:25- All dead who hear will live.
36) Jn 5:28- All in the grave will hear & come forth.
37) I Cor 3:15-  All saved, so as by fire.
38) Mark 9:49- Everyone shall be salted by fire.
39) Rom 11:15- Reconciliation of the world.
40) II Cor 5:15- Jesus died for all.
41) John 8:29- He always does what pleases his Father
42) Heb 1:2- He is heir of all things.
43) John 3:35- All have been given into his hand.
44) John 17:2- Jesus will give eternal life to all who His Father give to him.
45) John 13:3- The Father gave Him all things.
46) Isaiah 46:10- God will do all his pleasure.
47) Dan 4:35- God’s will done in heaven and earth.
48) Prv 16:9- Man devises, God direct his steps.
49) Prv 19:21- Man devises But God’s counsel stands.
50) Ps 33:15- God fashions all hearts.
51) Deut 32:39- God kills and makes alive.
52) Ps 90:3- God turns man to destruction, then says return.
53) Lam 3:31-32- God will not cast off forever.
54) Isa 2:2- All nations shall flow to the Lord’s house.
55) Gen 18:18- All families of earth will be blessed.
56) Isa 45:23- All descendants of Israel justified.
57) Ps. 138:4- All kings will praise God.
58) Ps 72:18- God only does wondrous things.
59) Ps 86:9 All nations will worship God.
60) Ps 65:2-4- All flesh will come to God.
61) Ps 66:3-4- Enemies will submit to God.
62) Isa 19: 14-25- Egypt & Assyra will be restored.
63) Ezk 16:55- Sodom will be restored.
65) Ps 22:25-29- All will turn to the Lord and all families will worship before Him.
66) Ps 145:9-10- He is good to all and merciful to all His work.
67) Ps 145:14- God raises all who fall.
68) Ps 145:16- God satisfied the desire of the living.
69) Ps 145:10- All God’s will praise Him.
70) Isa 25:6- Lord makes a feast for all people.
71) Isa 25:7- Will destroy vail over that is spread over all the nations.
72) Isa 25:8- His will swallow up death in Victory.
73) Jer 32:35- Never entered His mind to burn people in fire.
74) Ps 135:6- God does what pleases Him.


1:00:20 Not finished watching yet, but so far my favorite quote is (paraphrasing) “People will proudly say, ‘I deserve hell’, but then cry if you tell them they’re stupid”. 😁😭😁


I do think that if we are rooted in scripture, we can recognize a false teaching or teacher like J. MacArthur.
I liked most of his sermons, then discovered while listening to one sermon, J.M was teaching a belief that was not scriptural. I would not reject all J.M's teaching, however, when I can listen to another pastor that does not speak error, I can get the best of J.M's sermons WITHOUT the errors. So that's my reason as to why I don't listen to J.M's because I fear J.M., will lead me astray.
I also have a huge issue with J.M., declaring Catholics are going to hell. My objection is not based on sentiment, it is based on my belief from scripture, J.M's declaration is NOT his call. God has the authority.
We may preach scripture truths about human destination, heaven or hell, but we overstep our authority when we claim certain individuals are going to hell.
If we present to Catholics, or others what scripture says, the listener is able to determine what the implications would be for him/her.
Secondarily, this approach is not persuasive, it's not an effective way to open a person's eyes to the truth.
Disparaging labeling of a person is NOT effective in persuading a person to consider church teaching and their membership in that church.
Humans are tribal, and very loyal to their tribe. So if the message implies the listener is rather stupid, or their tribe ( Catholic) is evil, EVEN if true, the listener will close their mind. We cannot persuade by insults, even if our intent is not to insult. Put ourselves in their shoes. Would this approach persuade us to listen?
Truth is important. But if we are not effective because of how we present the truth, what difference does it make that we " spoke truth?"
Insults and threats are never persuasive...thus effective.
Try to remember the manner in which Christ spoke to the woman at the well, and the way Christ spoke to the Pharacees.
