Complete History of Middle-Earth

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Kings and Generals animated lore documentary on the world of Tolkien - Middle-Earth continues with a video in which we will talk about the full history of Middle-Earth, and describe the first, second and third ages with all the events and battles, as well as the Dagor Dagorath - the final battle of the Lord of the Rings.
Our other series:
Writer: Frank Ó'hÁinle
Illustration and Animation: Arb Paninken
Map: Adam Ellis Charters
#Lore #MiddleEarth #LordOfTheRings
Our other series:
Writer: Frank Ó'hÁinle
Illustration and Animation: Arb Paninken
Map: Adam Ellis Charters
#Lore #MiddleEarth #LordOfTheRings
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