Maps of Middle-earth: The First Age | The Silmarillion Explained

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Covering the lands of The Silmarillion, region by region. We break down the entire map of Beleriand - the primary location of the events of the First Age of Middle-earth. Along the way, we will note important realms, events, and strongholds from The Silmarillion, The Children of Húrin, Beren and Lúthien, and The Fall of Gondolin.

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All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner. If your artwork appears and you are not listed here, please let me know! I want to make sure all artists are credited for their amazing work.

He Beheld a Vision of Gondolin Amid the Snow - Ted Nasmith
Amon Rudh - Kenneth Sofia
Balrogs Defending Morgoth - Jovan Delic
The Burning of the Ships - Ted Nasmith
Tuor Led By The Swans - Ted Nasmith
Barad Eithel - Julia Gorokhova
Turin - Klaus Wittmann
Dagor-nuin-Giliath - Olgerd
Minas Tirith - Ludovic Bourgeois
Minas Tirith - Stefan Meisl
Tol-in-Gaurhoth - Alan Lee
Glaurung - Justin Gerard
Valley of Death, Ered Gorgoroth - Crocorax
Fingolfin Challenges Morgoth - Pete Amachree
Barad Nimras - Lowsyet
Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Turgon and Glorfindel - Ivana Lekseich
And Maglor took pity upon them - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Finduilas is Led Past Turin at the Sack of Nargothrond - Ted Nasmith
Turin and his Band Led to Amon Rudh - Ted Nasmith
Amon Rudh - Ted Nasmith
Beren and Luthien in the Court of Thingol and Melian - Donato Giancola
Under the Stars - Liga Klavina
Eol Welcomes Aredhel - Ted Nasmith
Eol is Led to the Walls - Ted Nasmith
Avari - Jenny Dolfen
Dor-Lomin - Laura Betz
Luthien at Tol Galen - Ted Nasmith
Beleriand Map - Lamaarcana (translated by Nerd of the Rings)

#silmarillion #tolkien #silmarillionexplained
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I'm convinced my knowledge of LotR geography is greater than my real life geography, all thanks to this guy.


Which realm of Middle-earth would you like to see highlighted in its own video?

*Apologies for saying "northeast" when I meant "northwest" at the beginning. (Late night recordings can be rough. lol.)


The amount of hours I've scoured the internet reading Beleriand lore, reading the book and trying to remember locations etc and you explain it perfectly in one vid! Hats off sir! Waiting for that bell to ding a ling 🔔


"Of Beleriand and it's Realms", chapter 14 of the Silmarillion and my favorite chapter! I love maps and I love the descriptions of the Elven Realms. Once again, you knocked it out of the park with this video!


Wow. You've blown up faster than even I expected. I remember finding you from an ad to a channel with a few hundred subs. Your efforts have certainly been rewarded.


Never knew that Thranduil was a citizen of Doriath. Explains why he was so mistrustful of the dwarves in The Hobbit, considering that dwarves sacked Doriath in the first age.


First and second age middle earth are just so damned interesting. All that was, by the third age, are just legends, or songs...dim memories of what was once real. Reading the LOTR, you get the sense of loss...particularly among the elves but really among all the races. The cities, kingdoms, the mountains and forests, all that has passed. I guess its that memory and the sense of sadness that you can follow throughout the tale that's part of what makes it so compelling to me. Tolkien was brilliant.


The lands of Beleriand and their history has become by FAR my favourite part of the legendarium. Strange to think that it was the Third Age and the events at the time of the War of the Ring that led me to fall in love with Tolkien's work in the first place. Honestly, once you dive into the incredible depths of the legendarium the events of the finding of the Ring and the War of the Ring become almost a footnote.


That opening art of Gondolin is beautiful!!


Do you know how many YEARS I been looking for a video that covers the Atlas of Middle Earth from the 1st till the 3rd Age?!

This video alone is a Gem and explains in detail about the first age!

Thank You! 😀


I can't say this enough. You, my dear Nerd of The Rings, are the absolute best place to get ones Tolkien fix! Keep up the amazing work! Hope you gain hundreds of thousands of subscribers! You deserve even more than that!


Never in my life have I needed something so much and never known until I received it. Fantastic video of Balariand!


This is the best LOTR content I've ever viewed on YouTube. Much thanks for the effort


Well done!

I will never be at peace until I see the First Age, and before, on screen. It’s such a rich and incredible history.


“We’re kind of running out of map here-“
and that’s why he’s my favourite Tolkien YouTuber ever.


In summary: this was a great kingdom, until Morgoth killed them all. Now, this was also a great kingdom, until morgoth killed them all.


Your channel has turned into my favorite Tolkien channel. You are the only one who informs me about things I did not know or wasn't certain of within Middle Earth. When you can, I would love to see a comparison of Middle Earth in each age, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Along with an explanation on what caused the change in geography.


I can't get enough of maps and travel routes


“Oh I do love maps!”
Loved this tour so much. The maps, with their illustrations and place names, are one of my favorite things about Tolkien’s works. Thank you for your work on putting this together. Informative and entertaining.


This helps so much as someone who is currently reading the Silmarillion. I appreciate it, keep up the good work! You produce really great and high quality stuff!
