Lord of the Rings: Complete History of the Third Age

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The complete history of the Third Age, combining parts 1-10 of the Third Age series. Exploring from the aftermath of the War of the Last Alliance to the War of the Ring and beyond. Based on the "Lord of the Ring" Series as well as the expanded Universe Writings by J. R. R. Tolkien.

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Written by: GoT Academy, Civilization Ex, Because Geek, Secrets of the Citadel, Gray Area, Ideas of Ice and Fire, History of Westeros, and Smokescreen

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Written by: GoT Academy, Civilization Ex, Because Geek, Secrets of the Citadel, Gray Area, Ideas of Ice and Fire, History of Westeros, and Smokescreen

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"You killed Isildur? Great! Where's the ring?" Orcs: "What Ring?" 🤦‍♂️


Hey everyone, this was the longest and most challenging video I've ever made, and while it's not perfect, I'm pretty happy with the amount of detail I was able to include. Hope you all like it :)


One of the best connections I've found in LOTR is the Phial of Galadriel. Back in the Years of the Trees of Arda, light was brought to the world through the Two Trees of Valinor. The elf, Feanor, is in awe of the beauty of Galadriel's gold-silver hair and asks 3 times for a single strand and each time she declines. Inspired by her hair, Feanor created 3 amazingly beautiful gems called the Silmarils that captured the light of the trees of Valinor. Afterwards, Melkor allies with Ungoliant, a primordial being that took the shape of a giant spider, and uses her to poison and destroy the Two Trees of Valinor and their last flower and fruit become the Sun and the Moon. As for the Silmarils, one ends up in the sea, and one ends up in the earth. But the last one ends up with Earendil, Elronds father. He places the Silmaril upon his forehead and uses it as a guide back to Valinor, where the Valar set the Silmaril as a star in the sky.

Fast forward 6000 years to the Third Age, and Frodo is given the Phial of Galadriel, containing the Light of Earendil, their most beloved star. In essence, Galadriel has basically just given Frodo one of the Silmarils. It seems fitting that not only does Frodo receive this gift from Galadriel herself, the inspiration for the creation of the Silmarils, but also that he uses it against Shelob who is the offspring of Ungoliant, who destroyed the Light in the Trees that the Silmaril captured.

What an absolutely amazing reference that only a small portion of people familiar with the lore will realize.

And as an added bonus, Feanor originally asked Galadriel 3 times for a single strand of her hair, but refused sensing the darkness in him. Yet when Gimli asks for the same gift, she gives him 3 strands. This is why her gift to Gimli is so awesome, because of the implications behind it, and the backstory that only a select few will understand.


It is amazing and almost unbelievable that everything happens in one small corner of the continent


The ring just being in a river for 2000 years is funny to me


How cool would it be to have a game fully open world with all of this world's lands, you play as a immortal being of some kind and get to play through all the ages


1st and 2nd age are paced so well. Then humans just push that pace so fast. Makes sense with the shorter lifespans.


So glad we’ve gotten this incredibly detailed and amazing update on the Third Age of Arda. Although there isn’t much information on it, would an update to the Fourth Age video with the newer style and quality to complete all the known ages?


What an amazing video. You truly are a treasure, CivilizationEX. One thing: the Arkenstone COULDN'T be a silmaril, since the dwarves fashioned it and gave it shape, while nobody and nothing could do that to a silmaril (after all they were lost and not destroyed). I'd love for the Arkenstone to be a silmaril tho...


AWESOME! Waited for years for the 3rd age stories in detail!


This is an incredible amount of work. Thank you!


i know absolutely nothing about the lotr universe besides the movies so i’m just watching these videos in utter confusion. every so often ill hear a name i know and i’ll just perk up like
isildur? isildur? i know him! i know things!
it’s kind of pathetic lmao but i’m having fun


Who's to say this isn't true and Tolkien was granted the wisdom of story telling to reveal what happens years before our time. I personally believe Tolkien might have been onto something or is that just me hoping this world to be true as an escape from our terrible lives 😂


Thank you for this and as fan of Tolkien from a child, I enjoyed it and I am Adding to my Middle Earth collection of books.


Eh. Not enough lore.

Just kidding, I learned a lot today ;) It would take me a century to read up on all this stuff through the books, thank you for summing it up in the most comprehensible way possible.


CivEx! Always look forward to your content


1:15:43 17 years...in the movie they made it look like a weekend 🤣


Such a detailed video, so good storytelling, you are amazing CivEx!


Your pronunciation of the languages of Arda is really good
