What is the History of Middle-Earth? - From Creation to the Rise of Numenor LORE DOCUMENTARY

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In this lore documentary we explore the lore of Tolkien wich eventually gives rise to the Second Age of Middle-Earth. We begin with a look at the creation story of the Ainulindalë where Eru Iluvatar and the Ainur sung the world into being. We then cover the forming of the world of Arda and the great struggles between the Valar and Melkor. We then cover the Years of the Trees of Valinor. in this period the First Age begins with the awakening of the Elves in Cuiviénen. The documentary then explores how they traveled to Aman and eventually came to form powerful kingdoms. Eventually however Melkor rises once more to throw the world into chaos.

We cover his plots to seed unrest among the evils with a plot that culminates in the destruction of the Two Trees and the stealing of the Silmarils. Next the Noldor, lead by Feanor, wage their fateful War of the Jewels against Melkor. This epic struggle lasts centuries and ultimately climaxes in one of the most destructive wars in the History of Middle Earth. In its aftermath Baleriand is sunk and the Isle of Elenna is formed. Thus does the Second Age of Middle Earth begin. We set the stage for this next era with the Rise of Numenor and the planting of seeds that will eventually see their destruction.

I hope that this lore explanation for the Second Age serves as a useful primer for the Rings of Power series and your own interest in the wider lore of Tolkien's work. Let us know what episodes you would like to see covered next!

Research = Invicta
Writing = Invicta
Narration = Guy Michaels
Maps = L'arpenteur Cartography
Art = Penta Limited

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I would watch an entire docu-series in this fashion. No streaming service compares to the quality of these videos.


Tolkien didn't so much make a history for his stories.
He made stories to flesh out his history.


This is one of the best representations of the beginning of the Silmarillion I've ever seen.

Well done. It's a shame the first age has to be rushed as it is, but I get it. As a Tolkien fan, I say well done!


Honestly Id love nothing more than if you did a series of Lord of The Rings Troop break down videos going over history, equipment, and tactics like you have done with the other Units from Rome, Carthage, Greece, Vikings, etc. PLEASE DO!


A great brief overview of perhaps the greatest work of fiction in human history.

You could do an entire series focusing on individual events.


Skipped over the lamps a bit, but other than that very nice.

EDIT: Just to add the map has a bit much desert. Eastern Rhovanion is meant to be vast grassland, and the coast of Harad to Umbar isn't all desert either.


This was honestly a really illuminating explanation of this lore, I had known about it before but this helped actually visualize it. Great artwork too!


Enjoyed this more than the first two episodes of Rings of Power


This might very well be the best resume of the Silmarillion on Youtube. Although the creation of the first lights on Arda is omitted, first were the great lamps at the north and south of Middle Earth, and only after their destruction by Melkor were the trees of Valinor created.


Love your fictional history videos as well as the real ones! After all, fictional history derives its motifs and pieces from the real thing, so creating a well built fictional universe requires the writer to know their real world history and mythology.


Amazing content as always! Just one correction, at 5:34 it should have been said: "lesser Ainu" instead of "lesser Vala".


And then Amazon was created, and became rich and powerful and corrupted all creation...
- Melcor was never beheaded by anyone, he was enchained and cast into the void;
- The Silmarils were fought over, because in them was contained the light of the two trees before they were slain, light which could be used to restore the world before its marring if the jewels were opened (an act that would destroy them);
- The Valar didn't just change their minds and intervene on the side of the Free Peoples of Middle Earth, they were visited by a legendary seafarer and descendant of both the houses of Elves, Men and Maiar, who with his wife presented them a silmaril stolen from the crown of Morgoth (Melcor);
- The Men of Numenor didn't just stumble upon Middle Earth nor did they start establishing permanent settlements right away (for good or ill). It only after their intervention in the war of Sauron against the Elves that they started colonizing. Nor was their corruption that sudden. It was only a few centuries after their defeat of Sauron that they started resenting the Elves and their own mortality, but even so, their fall was only complete after they defeated Sauron for a second time, and took him "prisoner" to their island...


Small correction: The Kingdom of Eregion was ruled by Celebrimbor, not Celeborn and Galadriel.
When the Kingdom of Eregion was built, by this time Celeborn and Galadriel were already living near Lake Nenuial, only after some time they came to Eregion and lived there for some time.


I love this! Such a clean and easy summary of the early ages of Tolkien's Work!
I hope you can make more content like this.


Honestly, a documentary style like this for the First Age would be amazing! I've seen your Avenging Varus series and I know that you guys are capable of it.


Bravo Invicta team! This is such a high standard of content! Love y’all


God, Tolkien created such a beautiful world


You should really do the whole series / books like this . Excellent job mate !


More care and love put into this than the Amazon "series".


What a deep and enlightening documentary. The art work is amazing. The narration was enthralling and the writing was superb. You can see why Tolkien was the father of modern fantasy. So deep. If only the Amazon team had taken the time to read the work. They could have easily included diversity and have been all inclusive if they had only appreciated the work they are meddling with.
