Top 10 ESSENTIAL TIPS - Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord

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Mount and Blade 2 is a brilliant game... but sadly it does a below average job of communicating some of the most useful and appreciated aspects to its own complexity.

Hopefully these tips and tricks help beginning or new players have a better overall experience. I wish I had known these before my first 20 or so hours.

Huge Thank You. Subscribe to him please!

⦁ Video Transitions: William Eklof

#bannerlordtips #mountandbladetips #tipsandtricks

MY GAMERTAG: UE Sanctionite
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“Looters won’t ever kill upgraded troop” brother immediately dies in battle


Tip #1. DONT choose a faction. Stay factionless, (unlike what he did) and complete the main story line, mainly find the ten nobles aka the rule and specific vassals. You can find them by going to the encyclopedia, putting in the name of the noble you looking for, and it will tell you where that noble was last spotted. You can then click that settlement, and click the circle to set a waypoint to that settlement. Keep following the noble from settlement to settlement until you finally find the noble in question.

Once you complete the quest, you will have 4 choices. Form you're own faction, or join faction already in existence. The two other options is to do the previous two options as either a empire faction, or a non-empire faction. By not choosing a faction you dont need to impress the lords in order to get influence to get them to give you a castle, you can simply conquer everyone. I'm also pretty sure this is the easiest way to become a king over all.

Tip #2) NEVER sell the most horses you get, or atleast like I did all the basic horses. They increase your weight limit and allow you to carry more. The added advantage of this is that you travel faster because I believe the speed is based on a percentage of how much your carrying vs your max weight.

Tip #3) there is a arrow on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. It will say expand/collapse map bar when you hover over it. But if you click it, it will increase the amount of information you get, such as how fast you go (if you hover of that it will show the factors to that calculation), how far you line of sight is, and most importantly troop wages, which leads me into the next tip.

Tip #4) DONT upgrade every troop just because they can level up. The higher the level up the more you have to pay them daily. They can very quickly deplete your money to zero as UE found out, and Instead have a few elites, and fill your ranks with peasants. Peasants are FREE. They are you slave labor and the only cost is to feed them. And alot of times you will just pick up the unit up as a reward from fight. You can also convert bandits free to become troops you can command (one of your stats will also fill up for commanding bandits), and if you dont wish to pay their wages you can always discard them after the battle. Lastly get companions. They are absolutely wage-free, after the initial lump sum you pay to recruit them. Thier cost comes from the gear you outfit the with. In order to do so, go to the inventory screen, where you would equip your own character, and hit the arrow to the left or right of your name. This will cycle through your companions.

Tip #4) each companion specializes in something. Some combat, other healing. You can go to the encyclopedia, go to the heroes section, and search for wanderers to find out the heroes stats before you recruit them, and where to find them. Find yourself a healer and put them as the surgeon role in your clan menu tab. This should allow your troops to heal faster after battles. The other roles are engineer, quarter master and scout, with a corresponding stat on the character sheet that will effect how effective that role is. You can click the + sign on the description of the stat to find out the bonuses that each stat offers and which one adds a personal bonus or a role bonus.

Last tip, but most important. If you dont like to move your camera during combat to change the direction of your attack or which way you block, you can go to settings and under the gameplay menu, change from mouse direction, to movement direction. This way you can use the WSAD to dictate which way your blade will strike, or which way you will block. Edit: I should add the benefit of this and why it is most important, is because you can keep you cursor on the opponent rather than missing because you had to move your mouse and the camera.


I spent 20 hours ingame before I learned you had to click on a perk.


Sumpter horses don't count towards party speed 😪
We had a big BBQ when me and my men figured it out


In order to easily, and quickly, increase your 'Charm' skill, stop and talk with every noble you come across and enter into a barter with them ("I have a proposal that may benefit us both.")
Then just exchange the exact same amount of gold. The game counts it as a successful barter and you'll level up your charm quickly.


Imagine what this game could be in like a year or twos time once devs have everything fixed and mods will be out in full force


Tip: dont use charge with archers, they will melee the enemy use advance. They will keep de maximum distance and shot the enemy to hell... they will go to de best position facing the enemy keep the distance so infrantr cant get them


I just found out 2 other tips.
1. Double tap W when on a horse to go straight into a gallop and double tap S (but you have to hold S after that to quickly stop you mount
2. with archers selected press F1 then F4 this puts archer in skirmish mode and they will try to keep distance from the enemy. much better option than charge where they get into range and do not fall back


You don't need to "find" the named NPCs to form a caravan. They are all in the character bar when you are on the town's main page.


Also, Charm is absolutely amazing, as it's what's needed to convert enemy lords/ladies to your faction. Even saving my army from being wiped out. Simply talking to lords and proposing a trade that's beneficial etc. Trade for a horse/ whatever you find appealing. And it'll level your charm by 1-3 per trade. Eventually, between reputation, honor, and charm you can convert lords to your own faction. Idk about a major faction, and at level 225 you can then trade for fiefs. You can even propose peace, and reduce what's required for suing for peace, I.e what once took me 120K gold for peace only took my 89K at charm 40 something to charm 85. saving me money, and lost territory. Please don't overlook charm in the game.


Pack animal: Scumpter horses, mules etc. They reduce speed by adding the herd modifier and the speed has nothing to do with cary weight. Its all horses to footman ratio.


huge props to this guy. he cuts straight to the point and doesn't have an obnoxious 2 minute intro that you have to skip past like most youtubers.


Side tips for trading as well:
1. Selling and buying in small towns do not affect supply and demand price changes so usually selling in small towns on the way can guarantee higher profit than you would get in bigger cities. Works extremely well with smelted goods as prices usually fluctuate by 30-50 denars on each time you sell in a big city.
2. Keep a stash of smelted goods on you as they weigh 20x lighter than what you would carry with other tradeable items (0.5 weight compared to 10 weight for iron and iron ore). Also makes things a lot better when buying goods in small towns while extracting the 1k they usually have on them.
3. If you are peace-loving, talk to peasants in the early game as sometimes you can get their whole load for cheap which usually includes sumpter horses which would aid in increasing your load capacity.
4. Try not to keep livestock on you for too long as they consume your food as well. On the other hand, you can always slaughter the livestock in order to produce meat and sell for more in some towns. They have a weight modifier but it doesn't seem to work (they do slow down the speed of your party)
5. The best time to sell to a big city is when a city was recently under siege. The longer the siege, the better the prices as you could easily rack up a 150% higher than the normal price. E.g. Selling fine steel for 1160 each (lowest sell price was 218).

6. Buy and sell manufactured goods (e.g. jewelery, tools, pottery) if you are low on storage but if you have a high enough storage space, it is better to buy bulks of smaller goods as their prices won't change as much in bigger cities due to supply and demand. Goods that I find that are good to buy and sell mid-game would be wine (25 > 73), leather (86 > 249), fur (49 > 227), silver ore (96 > 345). Try not to buy and sell consumables unless you are buying by the hundreds. Don't forget that you can trade horses as well however the green and red text does not work on them just yet.

Side notes:
1. Currently companions don't have smithing, engineering or stewardship modifiers by default. Also companions are randomly generated from my knowledge.

2. Currently there is a bug with creating parties that you can abuse with. When you create a party, it will automatically give that party troops. You then can extract all the troops from them and disband the party. Rinse and repeat and you'll have a full army very fast or something to help you populate a garrison quickly during a campaign.
3. Keeping too many prisoners on you will slow you down so drop them off when you can or sell them off unless you really want to recruit them. The higher tier they are, the longer it takes for you to recruit them (Not based on rng but rather time based).
4. Tiers of equipment and horses do not represent the best quality. Some goods that are cheaper may be better than those that of different quality.
5. Shields come in different sizes, although they might have similar stats. Kite shields are tiny.


1. When walking around city you can see there a thugs in various points you can figth with them and then figth with gang which can pretty easly give you reputation with merchants and other gang bosses, when you will have a good amount of reputation with one of the bosses you can figth his troops and gain reputation with bosses that dont like you, like that you can easly unlock all troops to recruit in cities

2. When looking for some elite troops like battanians archers you can select to track a city/village so you know dont need to search them in all of the faction

3. Easy way to qucik sell all the trash in your inventory is to "lock" (by clicking on the circle next to them) things that you need (horses, food) and just click "sell all"

4. (Not sure) If village which is close to city is producing grain then the profitable buissnes to buy is brewery which made beer from grain (oil from olives, smith for iron etc)

5. Always remeber to set your companions a role if you dont choose him to be a scout then he will not improve in scouting, quatermaster is for steward, surgeon for healing, engineer for engineering

6. When figth 1vs1 dont just attack/defend/attack/defend always circle aroung the enmy and bash them to face its easy win (dosent work for spears but you can wait with polearm ready to thrust and attack when they will try to attack you (its your reaction time test))

7. When enemy archers are focusing on you and you are on horse click repeatedly a/d/a/d effectivness of thier aim will go down

8. If you in bad situation when enemy outnumebr you and you have a lot of archers wait with you archers on hill shoot them down and when they are close or your archers will run out of arrows just click to retreat you will not loose any troop (for me its cheaing tho)

9. If you are a attacker at the field of battle and you want enemy to charge you just shoot a couple of them down whey they are staying, enemy lord will send them charge

10. Mods are your best friend its can make game way more enjoyable and less grindy


Lol guess I did things the hard way, I farmed tournaments for money and renown.


Sumpter horses increase carry cap. Every horse with the horse tier: horse will carry infantry, making your army faster.


Excellent tips. I have a couple more to add.
1. The other parties your companions form can be integrated into your army for 0 influence and 0 cooldown. So you can run around with a 250 army for virtually no cost. It makes taking castles and the like much easier.
2. Buy donkey at every town you go to. You can buy them for 80 gold and sell them later on for 300 if youre lucky. Plus they increase your capacity. You can easily get up to 50'000 after a few hours.
3. To get more troops in your party you need steward levels. Easiest way to level it, is to buy diverse foods. Go to a city and buy 5-10 of each and carry it while farming looters for broken xp until its used up.
4. Looter cant kill your troops in autoresolve after a certain level. My party of 84 against 72 looters and noone died so it should be safe.
(5) Buy a falx as a weapon for max enjoyment when storming a city. Without compare the most fun weapon
Have fun boys :)


I don't normally comment on videos but this was so well thought out, insightful, and helpful that I felt compelled to. Thank you!


"If i sell one of these i can get 134 gold" Proceeds to discard it receiving nothing XD


13:06, you silently regret that you were doing a tutorial on trading when you saw that beefy stack of looters to farm, didn't you :)
