Flat Feet - Rehab Exercises for Pronated Arches

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Today's video discusses flat feet and and will teach you rehab exercises to lift and strengthen your arches. While a flat or pronated arch isn't necessarily a problem, if you have pain on the bottom of your foot or have noticed that your arch is collapsing over time, the exercises in this video will likely be helpful. The three exercises in this video, target the intrinsic foot muscles and one of the larger extrinsic muscles (tibialis posterior).

Here are the exercises:

1. Short Foot Curl
2. Banded Plantarflexion + Inversion
3. Calf Raise (Tibialis Posterior Emphasis)

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you Dr. Walters!! These exercises have FINALLY alleviated ongoing plantar fasciitis pain and I can run and walk pain free again. I am in a state of disbelief that this has finally been resolved. Many thanks to you!!


Thank you dude 🙏, I have posterior shin splints right now from a lot of running in soccer because of my flat feet which I didn’t know could cause shin splints. You explaining this and the flat feet exercises is really gonna help me a lot.


Clever of using the tennis ball to force the post-tib to work harder. Thank you for the idea Dr Walters


I saw many videos on this topic. Most just tell excercise but don't explain which muscle group these will work and where that muscle is situated.

I think in any excercise muscle mind connection is most important. Which is possible only if someone explain this properly.

Your video is great. Now i know what to do and why.


Hi.. can u make a part 2 (intermiedate version) on this especially focusing on posterior tibial tendonitis leading to collapsed arch. And excercises for flexible flat too.


which type of theraband should I buy? are there any similar models that can be used cause I don't have theraband in my country


Hi Dr, can this exercise work on my perineal nerve injury ?


HI I always find your Videos very interesting. my question is . I have started doing long walks on the treadmill, I am getting ache in the front of the foot between the big toes and second toes . Thanks is advance Simone


I have pronated right foot with flat foot, anterior pelvic tilt on right. Left pelvis not tilted and have supination on left foot. This is causing various tendinopathy in feet. How do I address the other foot that supinates?


I have flaatfoot but it doesn't cause any pain while walking or running. In my case is possible to correct my foot posture


actually i got Out navilcuar due to trauma and now arch collaps can i fix at home its urgent


My kids all seem to have flat feet my daughter is 16 and since she was 13 she has complained of foot pain i took her to so many drs and not one of them told me about flat feet I had no idea flat feet could cause problems. Now her knees and feet both hurt.
I feel like such a shitty parent not knowing about this to try to fix it before.
