How much does a driving instructor earn - what's the job like?

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How much does a driving instructor earn working for a driving school and as an independent. Also, my thoughts on what I like and dislike about the job since I started teaching people to drive in 2009.

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This video is created by an experienced driving instructor, please subscribe to get my latest videos as I upload them to help you pass the GB Driving Test.

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This video is a guide intended to help people who are learning to drive with a driving instructor in Great Britain, it is by no means a replacement for driving lessons with an appropriately qualified driving instructor.

Laws and driving rules may be different in your country. The makers of this video cannot be held liable for any consequences caused by any information that is in any way inaccurate, misleading or missing. The makers of this video are not liable for any person's driving other than their own, it is the responsibility of the person driving a vehicle to ensure they drive safely and within the law. The makers of this video are also not liable for any person failing a driving test as a result of the information provided in the video.

00:00 Hours
01:23 School vs Independent
02:57 Earnings working for a school
08:01 Independent instructor earnings
14:01 What I dislike about the job
26:08 What I like about the job
31:55 Final thought and outro
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No matter how much money you earn, you've at least fully earned my respect with how helpful and interesting your videos are!


I love how genuine you are, it’s literally a breath of fresh air.


The fact that you feel bad about taking money from those who cancel on you at short notice speaks volumes about your wonderful character and integrity! Thanks as always for your videos, they are a supplement to my weekly lessons and are so valuable. We appreciate you!


You are a gem of a person at the core! On top of that, your clarity of thought and communication skills are amazing! It makes you one of the best instructors on YouTube!


Hi Richard, both my sister and I passed our tests today first time, and your videos helped a hell of a lot. Some visual learning worked great alongside all of the practical lessons we had with our own instructors. Thank you for having such a great channel!


I’m a driving instructor in nsw Australia and you’re pretty spot on with all of it. Learners here must complete a minimum 120hours which include 20 night hours. I have an additional income where I test senior drivers. Once reaching the age of 85 you’re required to take a test to keep your licence. I’ve been teaching for 26 years and testing for 10 and still love it. Everyone says it must be really stressful and you must have lots of patience, but no, the trick is, to keep your student in an area that is suitable to their ability, and all will go well.


I hope life brings you a lot of success. Genuine and honest people like you deserve great things.


Your comment about holidays is spot on and relevant to all self employed people. It's hard to justify taking time off when you always know that you're losing money doing so. Work/Life separation is so hard when self employed but it's critical you take the time for yourself.


Passed my test today and just wanted to say a huge thank you to you! Honestly don’t think I could’ve done it without your videos so thank you so much. Can’t thank you enough!


Just started teaching my niece to drive because her driving instructor doesn't take her anywhere that won't be on her test. I've just watched all your videos in one run and find them so helpful.

This is what makes youtube great. People like you.
Thank you very much.


That was a really good video, thanks. As a non-instructor I found it interesting that one of your downsides wasn’t the stress of having to constantly be alert in case your pupil randomly decides to accidentally try to kill you both.

I’m glad this channel is doing so well for you. It’s well-deserved.


I've been driving for 30 odd years, currently a bus driver training new drivers and, at the moment, teaching my 17 year old nephew (the reason for watching your videos). I've also taught my 4 children and another nephew, 3 passed first time and you're right to say it's a great feeling when they tell you.
I thought about becoming an instructor years ago but never followed it up and too old now, but the joy of watching them go from driving up and down an empty car park with their hands glued to the steering wheel to being able to navigate a multi-lane roundabout is better than...well, a nice bowl of soup! So far everything in your videos, as far as I'm concerned, has been spot on. There's been a few "Aaahh" moments for me as well that's helped greatly...the "I was today years old when I found out" kind of thing. It's true what they say about everyday being a school day.
What's your thought's on the Smith system, just in case you're not familiar with it, here it is.
1. Aim high in the steering. Average driver looks 3-5 seconds ahead, I get them to look at least 15 seconds ahead, or as far along the road as they can see.
2. Get the bigger picture. Look around, not just in front. Helps them see potential hazards and signs earlier, making use of their peripheral vision. I think it's this one that says to check your mirror every 5 t0 8 seconds, but for the average car driver I don't think it's that necessary. Check your mirrors at the obvious times M.S.M and when you feel like it needs checking, it doesn't hurt. I do use this for larger vehicles that don't have a Centre mirror though.
3. Keep your eyes moving. Don't focus on something for more than 2 seconds...Trust me, this one works!
4. Leave yourself an out. Surround yourself with space (more of a large vehicle thing, but still handy)
5. Make sure the see you. I encourage my 'pupils' to make eye contact with other road users who may be pulling out from a side road or a roundabout. Also use your horn, when appropriate, and your lights. F.Y.I. I have never used my horn because someone has cut me up...never!
Anyway I'm ranting on a bit now, I'm keen to hear your thoughts on it though.
Thanks again.
By the way 8 hours, passed first time in the car and 2 weeks first time in a bus😎😎


Hi Richard. I leant to drive late in life (46) and 12 years later I'm learning very useful stuff from your content. Thanks for what you do.


Hi Richard…just stumbled across your channel as I’m seriously considering becoming a driving instructor. I’ve seen you loads on your car review channel but had no idea you were also an instructor. The insight you give here has really convinced me that it’s the next step for me…I’m 61 years old and love driving and speaking to people. My current role takes me an hour to get to work and an hour home again plus my 10 hour work day. Hopefully I’ll make this work and get a better work/life balance 🤞


I jsut wish there were more instructors like you where I live and I don''t even know you! Just goes to show how serious and well you approach your job if you can tell it from your videos alone, you have helped me immensely. I got my license this September thanks to your videos and I'm still learning from them at the moment!


Love the honesty. In a way, it's refreshing content, to learn more about the driving instructors themselves.


I'm from India & we also drive on left. Your videos have helped me in becoming a better driver.
I've watched all your videos & learnt many things that I was never taught before.
You're doing a fine work to educate people across the borders to make them better drivers & indirectly encouraging them to be safer on the road.
Kudos for that👍


I passed last month and I'm still watching your videos. I really appreciate how much your videos helped me learn to drive, despite you having loads of experience. You still remember people who learn have no prior experience and little to no knowledge


Hey man! Been watching your videos for the past 2 months since starting to learn how to drive and I can gladly say that with the knowledge I’ve taken from your videos I passed today with only 5 minors!! Thanks for everything dude! Cheers


With you the whole way on the advantages/disadvantages 👍
And I’ve improved the way I teach with tips from your videos, so thanks 😊
