German driving school: How expensive is it – and can you pass?

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For many, having a German driver's license is a ticket to freedom as you can drive without speed limits on the Autobahn. But getting a license is expensive, with costs currently at several thousand euros. And since it's Germany, there are many rules and regulations. So, what goes into getting a German driver's license? American Euromaxx reporter Meggin Leigh finds out.

00:00 Intro
00:33 The driving school car
01:21 The driving lesson can begin
03:33 Why is the German driver’s license so expensive?
05:01 German rules and signs
05:46 Special training on the Autobahn
07:05 How did Meggin do?

#Autobahn #Germany #DriversLicense
Report: Meggin Leigh
Camera: Christl Pullman
Edit: Marcel Epple, Philippe Gnannt
Supervising Editor: Mirja Viehweger
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The German traffic signs are standard for all countries who are part of Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals. Unfortunately US, Canada and Australia are not part of it. Once you drive in a country who is part of the Vienna convention you can pretty much drive in any other of the other countries who are using the same stop signs. It is very easy and straight forward. I am surprised that the lady in this clip did not know the two right of way signs after driving for so many years in Germany. This is quite dangerous, those are major signs she should know.


I think less than 10% of Americans would be able to get a German license.


My oldest paid €2500 in 2022 and my youngest paid €2900 this year. His friend needed more driving hours and paid €3900. They all passed on the first try. Many friends did not pass the first try. My driving test back in 1990 in the US ( Massachusetts) was a joke and nearly free in comparison. 😂 when I moved to Germany, my Massachusetts license was transferable -meaning no written or practical test was needed. My German husband however, made me learn all the rules and street signs.


Making a mistake or not knowing what to do (which happens... to everyone) is not a fun little oopsie.
A lapse in attention or judgement could be the difference between getting home safe or being dead. Or ending up a killer.
I feel like many people don't take driving seriously enough. You're operating a deadly machine. Which is fine. But just be keenly aware of the fact.


The driving school owner was bulshitting about students not paying attention. The reality is that everyone is just behind making cash. I have also heard that examiners fail you deliberately especially in non-metro cities due to less students taking the exam.


It’s so funny to watch one person talking in German and one person only replying in English! 😂


I came to the U.S. as a high school exchange student. I took driver's education in school and subsequently got my NC driving license, driving my host family's car. All of that was with an automatic transmission, of course. I learned to drive with a manual transmission in my dad's car when I went back to Germany the following summer. I've lived in the U.S. the majority of my life by now. My car has a manual transmission. It's one of the German things I've refused to change. Along with my continued insistence to have a wallet with a coin compartment.


I find it hilarious that many US states' licenses are just accepted, because there's no comparison to the typical European driving license hurdles.


The traffic signs make it much easier, not harder, as the most important signs are the same in many countries. and therefore understands a lot, even if you don't speak the local language. In the USA, many stories are told on the road signs that only US citizens understand.


What buggers me is what she explains in 0:18 and somewhere further in the video: That many international people can just exchange their national drivers license for a German (or in my case Dutch) one.
American drivers license is not on par with the German, as clearly shows in this video. Automatic vs stick shift, less and different traffic rules, traffic without much bicycles, pedestrians and other traffic types: just look up a video about American drivers exam and you know. It is just unsafe to have American drivers on European roads.
And America is just the example of this video. Same goes with Indian, Chinese, South African or Brasilian: The traffic situation is just not comparable, the level (cost) of training is not on a similar tier. It really should be mandatory to redo (most of) your traffic education. For your safety and that of the locals.


I've driven for many years in my country, when i came to Germany i failed in the practical driving exam, i studied well in the theory exam i got a perfect score, i was confident but still failed, but for me driving here in Germany taught me how to be disciplined, i am amazed how well behaved and disciplined German drivers are. i was so happy when i had my German driving license it feels so good


for those complaining that the rules suck or making it difficult, imagine a country with no speed limit on highways but ranked as one of the less vehicular accidents country, i think this kind of method will discipline drivers and it is good for us who wants to avoid accidents here in germany.


People die in accidents because someone thought of himself as a good driver yet they made a mistake. I know that there are worse people on the road like reckless drivers etc. But if you know that you don't know the rules then learn them. And don't laugh at others when they tell you that you need more practice. Because you wouldn't laugh if someone died of your silly mistake. So do something and don't let it come that far.


On my last trip to Germany, I rented a car. I would definitely agree that the most difficult part of driving in Europe is right of way. I spent a couple hours studying before arriving and was still confused at some times.


A Driving license is so expensive many young people couldnt afford it.


Pretty much the same in most European countries. It’s just another world or planet for most Americans, who basically have no idea what driving actually is about. The US driving standards are appallingly low.


Old US dude here. I have driven extensively in Europe starting way back in the 1980's. I never experienced a major problem with the road signage, I never got in an accident and never got stopped by the police. However, after watching this video, it's clear to me that I must have missed a road sign or two along the way. That said, driving in Europe outside of the major cities can be great fun, especially if you can handle a car with a manual transmission!


as a german who got my license 2 months ago im still flabbergasted when i see american streets and how people drive on them. the price and difficulty definitely takes out a lot of troublesome people, but its not perfect and i still encounter weird/dangerous behavior almost daily


one thing I would like to change is that the light is green for bikes, pedestrians and cars at the same time and that cars driving on the right side of the road have to watch out for pedestrians or bikes coming. Often bikes come from any direction swiftly and that is not safe. This can be fool proofed by giving right side green separately.


A German car magazine just reported that some German driving schools have added 1980s and 1990s cars to their all-new fleets.
They use them to give their customers more feel for a car's mechanics - with less steeting assistance, manual gearbox, no reversing cameras and parking assistance.
It's a sensible idea as a driver's licence entitles you to drive them - and since cheap rental cars are usually still manuals in most of Europe, driver training needs to cover those.
Student feedback is mostly positive - they enjoy the variety, though they sweat a lot as these okd cars have no A/C...
