7 Ways to Have More Energy in Your Days and Weeks ✨

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In this video I’m going to talk about super actionable ways to embrace energy management in your life.

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☀️ Level up your life


☀️ Social


☀️ Things I Mentioned


☀️ Getting in touch w/ me

Before you get in touch with a collaboration ⇢ Due to the number of emails that I receive, I'm only able to get back to opportunities that match my schedule and areas of focus (I wish I could get back to them all!)

☀️ About this channel

This channel is focused on self-compassionate productivity and designing an intentional life.
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This is the only "productivity" channel I've stayed subscribed to for multiple years because the videos keep getting better and have an eerie habit of being exactly what I need to hear.


“Sometimes the most basic advice is the most effective” I think that’s such a good quote. I think you’re right that people are always looking for the deepest most intricate advice but when you step back you truly realize simpler really is better.


Energy management is definitely something I need to focus more on.


"If you have a menstrual cycle, your energy often aligns with your cycle."
So true! I just recently learned about cycle syncing and hormones, and how this relates to basically everything. This really should be common knowledge.

I also always think back to an older video where you said that sometimes we plan for ourselves like we are robots. That really stuck with me.
I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your content and get a lot of value out of it 💖🌷
I regularly do the "start stop continue list" journaling exercise I got from you, and the flexible planing system (what to do in certain areas of life on a perfect day, on a normal day, on a bad day, ..)
Thank you for your work, and greetings from Vienna 😊


ENERGY management is the key!!! Ive recently realized this after a lifetime of trying to schedule my time! Also I feel ATTENTION management is a larger part than time management as well!


"For times when you mistake yourself for an extrovert" the accuracy is hilarious


I actually found this video really helpful! Most of the time, the inspirational **productivity** video tips give me “just sit down and focus” vibes 🥴 working *with* rather than against my energy cycles is a bit of a journey… especially, when you’re also working on accepting your ND ✨


3:50 this is really interesting because i am someone who feels bad about not putting 100% into everything i do and that is something i was taught to do in school so it’s difficult for me to see how i could do this. as someone who also tends to burn out in phases, this could be very useful and i’m willing to give it a try


I loved the idea of splitting up tasks into $10/$100 etc / hour work. I find myself doing my $10/hour work when I'm high energy, but could really do it anytime and save my high energy for my more effective work 🥰


Love love love that you mentioned living in tune with your menstrual cycle!! This honestly changed my life so much, and helped with my productivity, perfectionism and my general happiness. 🥰 When I started scheduling big projects outside of my luteal phase and allowing myself to rest as much as possible during my menstrual week, everything shifted 😍


Oh my gosh I love the overhead tasks— put as least energy as possible into it! Lol. Love this!!!!


An energy check /self-care pillars check journaling sesh on Intention would be amazing! Maybe there is one there already that I haven't seen yet...but if not, I think this would be awesome!


Figure out when I have the most energy (9am-1pm). Use that energy in regenerating tasks (planning, preparing, moving projects forward). Do admin tasks when my good energy is gone (3p-5p, emails and errands).


This video was a killer. Truly amazing gems here. So helpful, ready to tackle the week now. THANK YOU! 🙌😭


Muchelle wednesdays <3. Love the idea of an energy budget, I'd never thought about it


OMG Muchelle, your videos haven't popped up on my screen in so long! So glad to see you again!🤗


wow, that top is SO cute on you! I've watched your videos for years but not for a while, so I'm brushing up to get clarity and guidance cause adhd is a big hindrance presently. So im grateful for your content <3


Great video - I've basically been doing this without realizing lol. People can be incredibly draining, I've really learned to limit my time around them.


You are literally so amazing! 👏 👏 👏
I love your voice, accent, how fast you talk it keeps my very ADD brain engaged and helps me look at things differently. Thank you much! 🥰💜💚💙🤍💫


did anyone else notice movement is there twice on the self-care pillars lol. love your videos, thank you!
