James Bond: 7 Ways to Become a Man of Action

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00:00 Intro
00:59 Conquer Your Fears
01:58 Keep It Neat
02:50 Dress to Impress
04:03 Train Your Body
06:03 Learn Self-Defense
07:21 Discipline Your Mind
08:58 Adapt to Change

Video clarification: There were 12 actors who played the role of Bond, but these will often not be found on Wikipedia. This includes made-for-tv and radio adaptations (in chronological order): Barry Nelson, Bob Holness, Sean Connery, Roger Moore, David Niven, George Lazenby, Christopher Cazenove, Timothy Dalton, Michael Jayston, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig & Toby Stephens.


Do you want to become more like James Bond? My experiments in lifestyle engineering gave me superpowers...

If we want to understand James Bond, we have to understand his character on a deep level —his thought process, his background, his motivations, his philosophy of living.

1. Conquer Your Fears
When James Bond says he knows fear, he means it, he understands it. It's not that he was always immune to fear, but rather that he knows fear well from experience. While most people hide in their comfort zone, Bond confronts his fears regularly.

2. Keep It Neat
James always keeps things neat, so be sure to take time out each day for proper hygiene and grooming.

3. Dress to Impress
Appearance is everything in this world, and though it doesn't seem fair, the truth is that people assume things about you based on how you dress. But style is more than that. It's a discipline and refinement, demonstrating care and attention to detail, which few men possess. The effort James Bond puts into his wardrobe communicates a number of positive traits like competence and self-esteem.

4. Train Your Body
It's no secret that in order to be a good 00 Agent, James has to stay physically and mentally fit. If you sit around all day at work or at home, your body becomes weak. As your body loses its strength, energy, and flexibility, the mind follows in lockstep. A sedentary lifestyle is not conducive to good health and esteem. So, do yourself a favor - lift weights, bike, swim, run-anything to help build mental and physical strength, as well as endurance. You'll see that the quality of your life will increase substantially.

5. Learn Self-Defense
Do you feel confident enough to protect yourself and your loved ones in a confrontation? James Bond is prepared for any threatening situation that might come his way. This includes hand-to-hand combat and firearms training.

In order to help get into shape for his role as Bond, Daniel Craig learned Krav Maga, which combines Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and Aikido for real world self defense. Choose what's right for you, and stick with it. As far as firearms are concerned, this will require some education and time at the firing range with a personal instructor and without.

6. Discipline Your Mind
It's safe to say that Bond has stellar control of his thoughts and emotions. Keeping a clear head is absolutely necessary in his line of work, and life in general. Set aside some time for meditation every day, preferably after a cold shower. After your cold shower, you'll have the energy to sit and meditate for 5–10 min. Set a timer and focus on the gentle inhale and exhale of your breath. Finally, keep your living space clean.

7. Adapt to Change
As a universal hero archetype, Bond is a mixture of culture and timelessness. In our hyper-saturated world of information, Bond adapts without compromising his values. Read daily and appreciate the finer things in life.

Remember, there’s No Time To Die. ;)

#jamesbond #becomejamesbond #jamesbondlifestyle #notimetodie #masculinity #alphamale

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People mock looking to mythic characters for insight into our own potential, but we should not suppress what inspires the great masculine potential within us. With a practical and realistic approach, we can accomplish our deepest desires.


1. conquer your fears
2. keep it neat
3. dress to impress
4. train your body
5. learn self defense
6. discipline your mind
7. adapt to change


Bond doesn't waste time on netflix or internet porn, he out here working on him and getting better .


The pleasure this video gives me is immeasurable. I’ll probably bookmark this and come back again and again when I’m feeling low. Thank you!


I have seen alot of videos on Masculinity and those who are trying to “emulate” somebody else by sabotaging their uniqueness. This one does the exact opposite. Rather than change, tap into yourself and add healthy habits. Very well made video and edits were great. Thoroughly enjoyed


Dude, that's such a careful analysis. Epic😎👍🔥🔥


Kudos for a well-produced video with superb content. I have been doing James Bond lifestyle for 20 years now. You have really concentrated the essence of it into short 10 minutes. Great job, and guidance. More men should follow this.


I've been telling my kids most of this, hopefully they will take it more seriously now I can show them this video. Thank you.


Man this was inspiring for me, I need to up my game more like Bond!


I was not expecting this video to be so deep and so on point


This Man’s channel right here, will some day be a massive success!


That was a dope breakdown of Bond.. especially the part about fear.


Inspiring me to hit the gym now ... thanks for the great vid!


1 video, 1 VIDEO, AND IT'S A BANGER!!! Release more, mate. This is very good.


"You missed Mr. Bond." [man falls from tree] ...
"Did I?" XD


Quite nice for a first video guys, excited to see more.


Perfectly put! You distilled his character really well, into only the most relevant points. #1 is definitely the most important.


I like that you provide actionable steps for each of your points. Great work!


As a Personal Development Consultant, having great understanding of the mind and its power, I feel that the understanding and discipline of the mind should be #1 on a man's list! As an ancient line says "The mind is all and the Universe is mental". The reconditioning of a person's mind is necessary for any form of success that they don't already have and seek to have (on average). Especially being anything CLOSE to Bond. This is why I am considering producing a Bond audio subliminal for men. I already have a Masculine Mindset one available for sale and that actually might be enough for the average guy.

The "man of action" part of this title gave me the idea to add a new affirmation to one of my personal subliminals lol! "I am a man of action". Thank you for the title!

Good video! I appreciate it.


A man who I personally admire, is William Powell. Actor. Always good at staying calm under pressure.
