Don't Make These Huge Mistakes in the Mid-Late Game ( Diablo 4 )

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These Diablo 4 mistakes could cost you a lot of time and frustration, and I've seen a lot of D4 players run into them head on. So lets talk about what Diablo 4 Tips I can shed some light on so you can avoid these mistakes!
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from someone who has sank more hours into this game than I should.

1) vendors can sometimes sell high ilvl 4/4 rolled gear. I have a 795+25 neckless i got from a vendor that was a perfect 4/4 roll with above 50% in each affix.

2) if you are just getting into wt4 and you are high 50 or low 60. whisper tree, legion, and world boss. legions will 99% of the time be 3 chest, world boss rarely survives longer than 20 seconds, and whisper dungeons are still easy to do while getting better gear and mountains of xp. After leveling a few times try a 21 nm dungeon, the lowest wt4 offers. if you clear it then you are good to spam those and pick up events and helltides as you want.

3) don't be afraid to upgrade your gear to max -1 as the resources required are so plentiful later you wont know what to do with them and once you hit mid/late 70 you'll have millions of gold just languishing away.

4) play in a group, even if you don't have friends. when you go to a legion event or a world boss, either start inviting randoms into the party or ask if someone wants to party for xp bonuses. enemies will have the same amount of health as they normally would but you are getting shared xp plus a bonus.

5) the upgraded tinctures/potions aren't really worth the increased cost and materials. sure 5% increased crit strike and 30% increased crit damage sounds nice but you can only craft maybe 3 of those while crafting the very basic one you could craft 20 or 30 of meaning a lot more xp over a much longer time. ALWAYS INCREASE YOUR HEALTH POT

6) 1-50 is your introduction to the game and your class, 50-70 is your testing ground for your build, 70-100 is you farming 3/4 ancestral bis and unique and aspects to bring it to its full potential, dont be frustrated if you arent getting amazing rolls on aspects and gear, you will throw away thousands of pieces and eventually find that one piece that is just perfect.

7) if you are going to push for uber Lillith and nm tier 100 realize that those are two different monsters typically. most of lilliths attacks will osk (one shot kill) you so you abandon all defense and go pure glass cannon offense. NM dungeons are different, you will need a solid mix of defense and offense to be able to push those 80+ tiers.

8) learn about break points and damage buckets. the highest breakpoint at the time is ilvl 725+ so anything 705+ un-upgraded will reach that threshold for huge damage/armor gains, pushing for 800+ is massive min/max and only applies to really late game fights. damage buckets are things like damage to skills are additive on the same gear piece while things like vulnerability damage crit damage and overpower damage are multiplicative damage. do your best to avoid stacking to much of a single bucket in a single gear piece. For example, a piece of gear that says: X damage to close, x damaged to cc, x damage to slowed, x crit damage will perform far and away WORSE than something that says x crit damage, x vuln damage, x damage to cc, x damage.

9) you can T or down on D pad out of a nm dungeon and get a full reheal and go back in from the teleport and pick up where you left off. Don't be afraid to test your limits down to your last health pot, after you kill the adds, fall back a little to safety, port out and come back in. no shame in living then dying 4 times and failing out of the dungeon.

10) level your glyphs on your paragon, 15 is first marker as it gives a huge radius buff but beyond 15 they increase the bonus in small increments to lvl 21. this can be a massive amount of damage. Exploit starts at 3% per 5 and finishes at around 3.85% per 5, sounds small but this is a pretty chunky increase to damage.

11) a min roll aspect from the book is better than no aspect at all. just because it isnt a perfect roll, which you should save for your best ancestral items unless you get duplicates, doesnt mean it isnt worth it. Put the min roll on your gear if you can unlock it from a dungeon. Especially an aspect like disobedience, its better to have a min roll than no roll of it.

12) piggy backing of number 9, dont be afraid to burn potions like a mad person in fights, enemies drop them by the tons and you often get them from chests, if you find yourself high and dry and in an injured status just fast port out, heal and restock, and come back in.

13) if you need just a little bit more of a stat to get a glyph on your paragon board look into essences at the apothecary, she sells one essence for every major stat and can push you over the edge you may need to activate a node on your paragon board and the passive bonus does stack with potions.

14) you can craft a large chunk of crafting materials at the apothecary, even silver ore.

15) if you only have one toon i suggest selling twice and salvaging once till you get to a place where you no longer are farming for straight upgrade but instead are farming for 3/4 rolls. then switch to purely selling as rerolling for a perfect item can eat millions of a gold very quickly. personal record is 60 million gold total to roll a single stat on an off hand totem.

16) EDIT- nm and helltides are great for leveling as the enemies will always be +2 your level at least. at 2 levels below enemies youre getting around 25% increased xp and at 10 lvl below enemies you are getting around 35% increased xp. so find where you can clear fast and not nearly die every pull while pushing enemy levels as high as you can. note, 95 is the highest overwold enemy level you can find outside of helltides and nm dungeons. so if you get that far once you hit 96 you will be actively loosing xp without doing one of those 2 things.


Everyone is so fixated on getting to the end as fast as possible...for what, for those same people to complain about a lack of endgame, its comical. Slow down and enjoy the game.


Another helpful tip: For certain classes on certain gear it is very difficult to get specific affixes on items due to the large pool it is pulling from (i.e necro and rings). Necromancer has a HUGE pool of affixes it can get while rolling rings. To make things easier you can transfer the ring to a barbarian alt (who only has 4 class specific affixes for rings) and try rolling the enchant on there. As long as the affix you are rolling for isn't class specific, this can save you tons of time and money.


I like that you encouraged people to post tips in the comments. I usually go to the comment section on guide videos for that exact reason so it's good to hear someone facilitating it


For all my Necros - there's an aspect that gives you a barrier whenever bone storm hits an enemy. It's pretty op


Solid points here. However, i did the Tier 4 capstone dungeon earlier than i should have and i felt SEVERELY handicapped going into world tier 4. I even found myself returning to tier 3 just so i could level up some more to even be able to run tier 4 to get better loot.


World tier 4 will be tough in the first couple of hours but it will get better. Definitely run legion events as the higher level players will help carry you. Once you get a few ancestral gear it will be much easier. What shocked me was my first tier 4 world boss. There was a few lvl 100’s in the instance. The smoked the word boss before I could pop off 2 spells. Literally within 10 seconds. Have fun all


Can't make these mistakes if we can't log in.


My biggest tip if you want to complete renown like all side dungeons and statues. Just drop to world tier 1 run fast and don’t care about loot. This will unlock all codex of power for all classes plus all the paragon.


I might have missed it, but it’s worth noting that you can collect Abberant Cinders in WT3, but turn them in on WT4. I do this currently, since I have a hard time surviving in WT4, and you lose half your Cinders when you die.


Thank you. I was stacking the + dmg to chilled /frozen, + Burning etc.. replaced them with critical damage increase, critcal strike increase and vulnerable damage increase along with primary stat increase . This definitey improved my damage output !Thanks


I'm a super casual....and really appreciate the simplicity of your explanations ....I've been getting my ass kicked in T4.... I'm a rouge... gonna watch this again while addressing my gear!


Something people forget on creating mule characters for storage relief is besides the 33 normal inventory slots you get, you also get 22 aspect slots.


Extremely helpful! Thank you. Felt a little lost after the campaign, then started doing helltides, died a few times, then found new gear, and now I’m able to take on multiple elites and take down bosses! Luckily found a lot of armor sacred uniques and gonna start leveling those glyphs.


You dont need to go to WT4 before 65. I went to WT4 at 59 and wasted my time with deaths and non completion of activities. You still progress faster if you can grind WT3 content with ease as long as you focus on nightmare dungeons.

Leeching off higher leveled players on legion events and world bosses are not an efficient use of your time. They come once every 2 hours, in that time span an average player should have finished 8-10 dungeon runs instead which is a much much better xp grind


This is completely unrelated, but I just wanted to say I just finished the Campaign and I'm thoroughly impressed.
No, really. Not only do I have OCPD but I have a big nostalgia for the Blizzard North days.
I went into the Campaign, soaking it all in. Don't know if it was because I took "breaks" doing world quests (I also love the open world system) but I absorbed all of it.
And it's good. It's all actually _really_ good I dare say. I just want to say this because I want to thank and show appreciation for something well done.
I think the story is great and the dialogues are masterful and my character fit so extremely well with "me" in the whole thing.
I don't know if it's because I had so low expectations after Diablo III (it's not horrible... but it's "meh" :| ) but again, very pleasantly surprised and left an impression. Profound at times, even. But that may just be because of me.

Still, good job and thank you Blizzard team!


Dude the crowd control gems actually make so much sense thanks, hardest part of a nightmare is getting 6-7 elites all with different crowd control skills making you stuck in one spot


The best Diablo content for a casual like me wanting to learn more that I have seen on the Internet. Organized and spoken. Easy to understand. Thank you!


I’ll be honest I thought it was a good idea also but the truth is if your playing solo it’s insanely hard. I got to world tier 4 at level 60 rogue. And i couldn’t do any dungeons or some events. I went around doing the tree of whispers and just the open world to get ancestral gear. Now I’m back in world tier 3 doing nightmares so I can level up and get some paragon upgrades. Because no way in hell I can beat level 75 mobs in nightmare dungeons in world tier 4.
