3 Reasons You Should Avoid Filtered Water and What To Do.

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Your health depends on safe balanced water. What is your best and safest drinking water source? Tap, filtered, or bottled water? Make the right choice now.
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1. If you change the filters regularly, you never have to worry about bacteria.
2. You're getting very little minerals from water in comparison to your diet (if you have a healthy diet)
3. If you're more worried about the small amount of leeching ro water will cause in your body in comparison to all the bad stuff it removes; simply add a pinch of salt to the water.


Thank you for this great information! I will now drink directly from the rivers/lakes of my area without a worry!


lots of misconceptions there:

1. bacterial growth: not really if filters contains silver as silver kill them. Also there are different filtering systems and for example Reverse Osmosis or Distilled water provide 0 bacteria water

2.the 'good' minerals from tap water are neither good neither useful: as shown in the book how tap water can harm you from Dr norman walker, the minerals in tap water can't be used by the body because they are not organic nor ionic, they are dead and clogg the veins and arteries in the body as he shows both with numbers and dead autopsies. Minerals are usable by the cells at the source but quickly clump together, loose their electrons and are hardly usable by the body. Plus they are in low amount compared to food, and food is the source of minerals not the water. Except if you drink the water at the spring in nature, not spring water in bottles.

3. last point about mineral less water being dangerous is also misleading: the acidity of reverse osmosis or distilled water is not strong enough to rid your body of its minerals as they are part of the tissues and the bones. What is right is that if your body has dead minerals in it and it has then those acidic waters mineral free will remove the dead minerals from the body.

The interest of having filters is to remove all the bad things in water: chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, medicine residues, cryptosporidium, etc... And in fact filters don't remove enough: water is an heterodyne or frequency sponge (search water memory II from german dr. world in a drop) thus water has to be also cleared of its memory by a vortex or EM.



For those who are unaware, Colorado and California both use recycled sewer water which is combined into potable tap water intended for drinking, cooking and bathing. It has been dubbed toilet to tap. Therefore those residents should really use a water filter on their tap water.


So drinking lead and chlorine and fluoride is safer? I like bacteria better it keeps my flora healthy.


It's just insane how much everything in life is just a scam... Mattresses, pillows, water, food, basically everything to do with life is just a rip off and the actual good options is either unattainable or extremely beyond expensive


What a terrible theory for avoiding filtered water! Filtered water vary. It is best for each individual to do their own research.


The weight is heavier because the used one has water in them.


Thought you were going in a different direction; however, you lost me when you started saying that you need minerals from water. Though this is somewhat true, it is not the best option because many county waters these days are flowing through old aging pipes. I would suggest purification of water and remove everything; then take a small speck of Himalayan salt and add to a gallon of water. This will reintroduce essential minerals to your water without the disgusting junk in tap water.


Spring Water usually comes in plastic containers. When temperature is warm the plastic will leak out chemicals and micro plastics into the water. So then again Spring water would still have bad stuff in it.

So in today's world I think filtering water would be the best way to go overall.


I have been drinking distilled water for more than a year now. No problems, yet I feel a lot better and the water tastes so pure.


You do realize that bottled water, including water labeled as "spring" water, is not regulated in any way and could be nothing more than water that comes out of someone's backyard water spigot, don't you? This includes the big companies that deliver water to both residents and businesses.


If your filters are that dirty after 3 months, you NEED to filter it and change filters more often, maybe you should also filter the "spring water" you are drinking. There are springs and then there are springs, if indeed the water comes from a spring at all!


He starts this ramble telling everyone that he has had a RO filter on his house for 15 years....then proceeds to go on and on as to the greatness of the filtering Capabilities by showing you the dirty filters after 3 months of use but then back tracks on what he says and basically tells you how they're dangerous and loaded with bacteria and you should not use one. The icing on the cake was when he went to his water Dispenser telling everybody that this is what he uses at home. When at the very beginning of the video he said that he has had an RO filter on his house for 15 so which is it, does he have an RO filter or does he have a dispenser??? should you use the RO filter or should you use a dispenser??? Maybe it's neither one of them and this guy's just full of shit


Water treatment choice imo depends on where you live & its water source. When my Dad passed away from cancer, including secondary bone cancer, I realised that our area had a noticeably higher rate of primary & secondary bone cancer than my country's average.

So I started to investigate. Numerous reputable studies show that if in a hard water area, bones, joints and even arteries can become damaged if water is drunk straight from the tap over time. Fluoride also adds to this issue.

I didn't want the faff of reverse osmosis fitted. Also, people say that they wish they'd never had it fitted as drinking water can taste mouldy, even when they change the filter/s.

So I decided on an Epic water filter. It was great but at £46 a filter, I was disappointed when mine was so slow after less than 4 weeks & then packed up. Now I twice filter. Once through an inexpensive & very long lasting Waterdrop pitcher to get rid of some of the chalky deposits. Then from the Waterdrop into the Epic water pitcher & voila! My Epic filter now lasts for 3-4 months easily. All it needs is an occasional wash out. The Waterdrop I dismantle & wash out in mild washing up water every couple of days as that's not refrigerated. The water doesn't stagnate in it though as it's continuously used & flushed through.

Both pitchers and filters are BPA free too.

The trouble with our machine size mineral water containers is that they're plastic. It's not usually stated if they are BPA free or how long the water has been in the plastic.

A good double filter system is great for me. Water is crystal clear, tastes perfect. Never any nasties detected. My kettle never gets scaled up like they used to either. & I've avoided possible prolonged plastic seepage into my drinking water.

I only became a water geek after seeing my Dad's skeleton drastically deteriorate so fast. Particularly his spine. He was a keen sportsman most of his life so this was even more awful. Exercising for all those years meant that he was always drinking tap water. Made me think that there may be something in this hard water & too much fluoride ingestion theory.


That's why your suppose to change your filter's ‼


I've been drinking home distilled water for 8+ years, you are right it does leach minerals from my body, but they're non-beneficial non soluble minerals.
And I would never take nasty supplement minerals to replenish them, but instead eat a healthy clean diet rich in greens with beneficial soluble minerals. UNUS❤✌!


Reminds me of the guys at QuickLube showing you a dirty air filter when the purposes of filters is to trap dirt 🙃


There is no way my body is expecting 4 and a half liters of water a day. Madness.


I use a Doulton ceramic water filter.
I get my minerals from Himalayan pink salt.
