When Insurance Companies Act in Bad Faith, What are your options?

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Sometimes an insurer fails to uphold its promise to the insured. Sometimes insurance companies prioritize profits and commit deceptive practices where they intentionally misinterpret their own policy language to avoid paying any claims. They also will try to unreasonably delay resolving a claim, make arbitrary demands regarding the incident and your proof of loss. they even resolve to using abusive tactics and some have even gone as far as asking the at fault party to contribute to a settlement. These games are known as a breach of implied duty of good faith and fair dealing. When an insurance company does this, it may give rise to a bad faith lawsuit.

In some but not all jurisdictions, an insurance company owes an absolute duty to their client to settle a reasonably clear claim in which the policyholder is liable within policy limits. For example, lets say someone runs a red light and strikes someone on a bicycle. The cyclist suffers serious injuries and sues the red light runner, making a demand for policy limits of $50,000, even though the actual damages are higher than $50,000. If the insurer wrongfully refuses to make a reasonable settlement offer that is within policy limits that they are responsible for, you have the basis for a bad-faith lawsuit against the insurer.

Here, Attorney Andrew Finklestein explains how these types of cases work and how they arise in injury cases.
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Only issue with bad faith is insurance companies get away with it all the time because lawyers will only take on cases where they get a generous compensation. So insurance screws people daily and lawyers won’t help because the payday isn’t there


I tried to LIKE the video several times throughout the video before remembering I had already liked it 👏🏽 Phenomenal. Thanks for sharing.


damn I wish there was more content like this. I could watch this all day. I dont think enough people talk about how when they look for legal information on youtube they can only find lawyers that provide short 3 to 5 minute videos that are filled with fluff, and make the lawyer seem Di ingenuine and decisive. Total turn off for most people, and I dont think that the lawyers that do this realize that a bunch of people see through the bullshit. Thanks again for being so genuine.


I'm impressed. Some Lawyers wouldn't do that good. You never backed down. Good job! 😊


Love it! I don't give a "F" what you think. Now that's a great attorney. 👍😆😁


This is a awesome video! I wanted to hear more case examples. You're the kind of lawyer I would want to represent me. Thank you for sharing.


Found my way here after reading a story where two sisters were offered $5000 to fix a home that had $100, 000 in flood damage. They sued and won 18 million. Generally, I've come to the conclusion that insurance is a racket.


16:22 I don’t give a fuck what you think, I’m dead. This is amazing! Thank you for this video. It’s highly informative. I’m currently going through an ugly process with my homeowners policy. Your video has been very informative.


Great story I can see your a proficient as a trial lawyer, if I was a juror your ability to articulate with clarity, emphasizing your point with confidence and respect to the court . Seem like lately the dysfunction of courts seem to be keeping pace with breaking down the fabric of our society


I need someone to fight for me like this! I have been through so much with no help... My lawyer has left me in the dark and all alone...


Thank You, nice to know someone dealing with the Law in aways that respect the Law and know the Law.


I can best describe this video as "heartwarming". Good work, sir!


Excellent story Counselor!!! Thank you for sharing!


Going through this now. My insurance refused a settlement offer within my policy limits. Now I'm being sued. I've told both lawyers I've talked to from the firm my insurance company that I will be hiring an attorney to sue the company if there is a judgment against me. In the meantime I've been stressed for the past 6 months with no end in sight. They could have ended this 9 months ago.


Thank you this is a great video!! Coverage B other stucture, bank holding us responsible for total rebuild cost.


Man, I love this lawyer very brilliant lawyer! Now that's justice. As an aspiring attorney myself this is greatness


P.S. Best story ever, I could listen to you for hours. Thanks


You explained that so clearly, I never was lost throughout the whole video; I wish more Lawyers could do that.
I do not know if you answer questions, but if you do, I really appreciate it on this. If your auto insurance gives you your knew quote for the next 6 months and you accept and make the first payment; then when the next payment is due, they send you an email for a payment of $45 more than the stated payments agreed on, and it is this amount for the next 4 months, but the autopay is set for the agreed upon payments. Then you check your account and they have literally changed the payments scheduled amounts to this new payment, what can I, the insured, do regarding this, for this is corruption at the highest level?

Thank you and appreciate your video as well sir.


Excellente explanation!!!! You given me slot to think ABOUT!!! 👍


I wish they had Alabama Locations!!! Attorney Andrew Finklestein you are down to earth, my brother could use your help.
