At What Age Should My Child Be Baptized? | Out of Neutral

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The command to be baptized needs to be treated with healthy caution toward all people but particularly with younger children who are highly motivated to please parents and Sunday School teachers whether they grasp the implications of biblical faith or not. The fact that the child threw up their hand in response to the question, “Who wants to follow Jesus?” doesn’t really settle anything.

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Thank you all for your service here. The world needs Jesus


Those who don’t know sin sure hasn’t died dead to the love of sin.!!
They must understand they have sin and it brings death.!! How can a child repent of something they don’t know what they have done. I don’t know the heart of no one but the child must understand itself what we all that have been born again understand.
Well said brother.


I saw in your text on your website, you referred to Acts 2:38 to talk about the issue of Baptism. That passage only speaks to Jews who were first preached to and Baptized. Acts 1 clarified this more than once. It was the fulfilling of Prophecy as Acts 1 also clarified to show that this was truly God's Word and Work. Matthew 28:19 is about our Baptism as the established Church. The Jews aside from a few had rejected Jesus and handed Jesus over to the Roman Catholic Church who was just Rome then and would take over Israel in 70AD Then would take over the Church or at least try. Those Jews needed Jesus before they could receive the Holy Spirit. "To the Jew and first". Acts 2:38 is very misunderstood because of worldly powers and used to teach that water Baptism saves or is the beginning of being saved. Most believe that the NIV and other books called bibles are the same words just easier to read and understand. The Apostle Paul, who is the Apostle called to preach to the Gentiles says in 1st Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but to us which are SAVED it is the power of God". The water birth or water Baptism doesn't safe. No one is born saved. The water birth makes us human sinners and separated from God from the beginning, but the spiritual birth which is believing(which comes first per Acts 8:37 which is satanicly removed by Rome so they can teach infant Baptism and also make Baptism the beginning of being saved, which isn't a biblical doctrine at all) comes only by Faith and not by the keeping of Commandments which only Jesus Christ can do. Not in the keeping of the Sabbath which was God's day of rest and not the churches (Hebrews 4:9-16) or taking of worldly bread and wine, communion, or any other ordinances. Our works are not to earn salvation, but our service to the Lord. The Jew was circumcised on the 8th day in the flesh and we are Baptized spiritually and our day of rest is Sunday. Not to be confused with the Sabbath. The world wants us under the Popes law and not God's. The law is given to show us our sin and lead us unto Christ. The law was our schoolmaster to lead us unto Christ per Galatians 3:24, but reading the next verse Gal 3:25 we see that when we are in Christ(Saved by Grace through Faith alone) that we are no longer under a schoolmaster. Not sure whether you believe this or not. May God bless you all and you are loved. If your bible says being saved in 1 Corinthians 1:18 or is missing Acts 8:37, you don't have a Bible at all, but a Catholic deception. Wescott and Hort rooted those so called bibles to deceive you and those men were not Christian and cannot interpret God's perfect Word the King James Bible. Wescott and Hort said all a Christian should need to hear about them in their letters to one another which are available by searching the web. They believed and taught that Jesus Christ did not die for our sins and the teaching of the cross is heretical. Rome hated Jesus Christ and His Church from the beginning and tried to take it over and use it as a religion to build on the Roman Empire, because Christianity spread fast. It would have been easy, had we been a government/Hierarchy, but you can't take over a spiritual body that is God's and cannot be destroyed even by God Himself, because every Word of God is true and God cannot lie. God Promised us Eternal life starting in Genesis 3, through 1 man. Even Jesus Christ Himself. The word even in scripture doesn't mean also. It means specifically or only. Eg. John 1:12. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even(Specifically/only) to them that believe on His Name. Not to them that worketh righteousness. God called everyone to the wedding who would come. Mathew 22. After Israel stumbled by bowing to an earthly god(Baal) which is of the 1st of four beasts(Daniel 1 and 2). The beasts are 1st Babylon, 2nd Medo-Persia, 3rd Greece, and last/4th Rome(AKA The a
Roman Catholic Church) RCC is prophesied in Proverbs 7. She took the lives of 68, 000, 000 Christians in the Spanish/Holy Inquisition and sits on 7 hills/mountains as in Revelations 17. I love you all and I don't know where you stand, but I pray that you follow Jesus Christ and He'll send The Comforter to you, if He hasn't already and your eyes will be opened. If you're Church teaches the truth, stay in there, and if not, confront them and if they don't accept the truth, find a Church that does. The liars we'll outnumber us. The Church is a body of Christ which was hated and persecuted from the beginning and that won't change until The Lamb of God steps out on that cloud and takes His Bride. Study hard and make Jesus Christ your leader. The time is near and religion won't change anything


Water baptism happens because someone has been saved. Water baptism doesn't save.
The recent coronation happened because Charles is now the King. The coronation didn't make Charles the King. Charles became the King when his mother - Queen Elizabeth the Second - died.
A coronation for William or George would be nonsense as neither of them are King.
