Forward Head Posture Correction Exercise - FIX Ugly Texting Neck

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Today, I’m Giving Away 500 Of My Neck Aligner Tools & Our Popular Spine Align Program For FREE

Do this very quick yet effective exercise and help reduce the effects of forward head posture also known as 'Texting Neck.' This one simple movement can fix this ugly forward head position by strengthening the muscles of the upper back, shoulders and neck.

#1 Muscle that FIXES Ugly Forward Head Posture

You’ve probably seen it yourself, in those guys and girls who are physically active but walk around with a chicken head or giraffe neck.

Texting Neck or Ugly Forward Head Posture....

Instead of a powerful, strong chest, their shoulders are hunched forward, their head droops down and their curved back almost gives them a hump.

It looks weak, unhealthy and unsightly. And it undoes all their hard work.

Your neck is designed to remain vertical, supporting the weight of your skull in a perfect line from the top of your head straight down through your body to your feet.

When you look at yourself in the mirror from the side, your ear, your shoulder and your hips should all be in a straight line down to the floor. If it is unaligned and your ear is in front of your shoulders, it's a sure sign of forward head posture.

You see, the average head weighs 10-12lbs. When your head sits perfectly upon your neck and shoulders, the body naturally adapts to holding this weight.

But if your head is constantly pulled forward, the weight of your head pulls on your neck and puts pressure on your spine.

When your head is pulled forward the additional pressure on your neck, shoulders and back rises dramatically causing serious tissue damage. In fact, every inch your head is thrust forward from its natural position adds another 10 lbs of stress on the neck, shoulders, back and spine.

It’s why you may have developed that ugly ‘hump’ below your neck; to combat the stress of holding your head up, the body’s reaction has been to build-up bone and fat tissue to compensate and protect the spine at the C7 vertebrae.

Forward head posture doesn’t just leave you looking awkward… No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, unless you start fixing your head posture right now, it may not be possible to reverse the damage already done.

Not only does Forward Head Posture give your back that ugly hunch and crouched-over look… it also causes much deeper, serious problems including:

Constant fatigue and lack of energy
Pain in your neck, shoulders or upper, lower and middle back
Permanent damage to your joints, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels & nerves
Headaches and migraines
Poor sleep or insomnia
Impaired athletic performance
Loss of height by 2 inches
Looking 10 lbs fatter than you actually are
Affects your hormonal health
Noisy mouth breathing, snoring & sleep apnea
Early degeneration of your spine
Pinched and trapped nerves
Decreased range of motion
Lack of confidence
Blood Flow to the Brain
Decreased lung capacity by up to 30%
Harmful affects to vision and hearing
Jaw pain and sinus issues
Dizziness, vertigo and balance issues
Burdens your digestive system
If you’ve suffered any of these without realizing the root problem was Forward Head Posture, you’re not alone.

Forward Head Posture or FHP affects nearly everybody, yet hardly anyone understands the serious long-term physical and mental damage it can cause.

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Today, I’m Giving Away 500 Of My Neck Aligner Tools & Our Popular Spine Align Program For FREE


Skip to 1:30. The low time count got my click. Thanks for the simple, effective exercise. Cheers!


Omg! I did this lying down. One pillow supporting my head & neck, the other below my knees. Felt instant results to my neck/shoulder/back pain. I can't wait until it restores my posture!! I came on YouTube looking for videos on neck pain and stumbled on this. I then looked in the mirror & realized my posture is completely off (before doing this exercise)! Thank you so much for this video!


I have this and now that I do I can't stop seeing other people who's neck and back look off like this - I am beginning to think it is average and metaphysical because what we can not see is totally what is causing it. And none of these office activities are terribly good at warding off this kind of deformation! Below:

*Spondylosis is common and worsens with age. This condition is often used to describe degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) of the spine.


i knew something was wrong with my husbands posture!
he sadly has a lump behind his neck now. . he has a bad habit if sitting bad when playing xbox driving . on phone. .you name it. it sucks.


Great info, No music, short and to the point !!! Thank you so much :-))


Pls help me, im 25 years old and i injured my back and now it looks like that in the picture, i remember always have had a hand space between my shoulder blades, now its filled with spine, becouse my spine is curved outwards and also my neck is not on same line as my back instead of looking like |) looks like this (| from side, i went through depression for 4 years now, idk how to fix it, i also have pain in my left shoulder blade for 4 years, and even in my ribs right in middle of my back, right under shoulderblades and above my trapezius muscle on my neck bone. Do i need surgery? I really feel awkward as a 21-25 year old man looking like a old dude, my anatomi was so well and nice before this accident, i looked like a model, i was doing body building to become a model, now im depressed and useless, i lost all my friends and left school, please help me, i need to get back to my life 😔😵


Hello! What can i use instead of resistance band? I don't have that kind of band in my home


Thank you sir. I have spondylosis also neck and head pain. Forward head posture and sufferinf leg pain. What should i do ?


I Think I have this posture problem with my neck.


My neck is hella bad. What will actually fix my neck.


what about if neck curve is bad. how do we fix it


Can this cause you to stop the urging to go to the bathroom (2) ?


How many times per day we should do this ?


i saw this skinny dude at my school have that
