Jordan Peterson - Why not just be Child-free and Happy?

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Do you really want to get rid of all of your problems forever? Is happiness the meaning of life?

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Yes I worked in the public schools for 30 years. Way too many people shouldn’t be parents and there are a lot of messed up kids out there. It’s really sad.


It's extremely damaging for children to be raised by parents who exhibit no personal responsibility or accountability. There are many people out there who have no business being parents. There is no nobility in that. It's easier to raise a strong child than to fix a broken adult. This is the one time I disagree with Peterson. He's implying that having kids is automatically a noble endeavour . No It's not. It's only noble if you have the intent and dedication to raise them in a noble way


I really like children. I have a 2 year old nephew. I really love to interact with him for 10 minutes, no longer than that.


If you believe the fundamental reality of life is tragedy and suffering, like Mr. Peterson suggests, why would you bring children into the world so that they can suffer the same fate?


This comment section is making me feel better about not wanting kids.


I feel like at the beginning he was implying that life isn't challenging unless you have kids. That's a ridiculous notion. For most people, life is complicated and difficult enough without adding the responsibility and frankly burden of having kids. Being a parent isn't for everyone. There is challenge and meaning to be found outside of having kids.


There's an alternative option. Start a business. You'll be tested a shit ton more and learn a shit ton more about yourself and other people and how the world works than having a kid will. And you can still be happy.


“Yes, not having kids will make you happier, but....” that’s all I needed to hear


If I'm stuck in a minimum wage job there is no fucking way I'll be having children, I'm not gonna create life just to throw it into a house where his father can't afford him a damn Christmas present because he's too busy paying the bills. Some people say "the meaning of life is to create life", when the true meaning of life is whatever the fuck you want it to be, and I love Jordan Peterson, he's probably one of my favourite public speakers but I'm not gonna let him dictate what my purpose is based on what he thinks.


Society doesn't deserve to have my children in it.
So happy to be childfree, I can focus on myself and just my husband and enjoy our lives


Im 50 no kids never married. I do what i want, whenever I want. Life is an adventure and I am happy. I put myself in extreme situations that bring out my best ME. Ive beat cancer, hiked the PCT solo, drive demolition derby and held some of the greatest positions in 4 careers. Life is amazing. The only bad thing is I have run out of exciting things to do. Lol Any suggestions? My bucket list is empty!!


The key to being happy in life is being thankful. Thankful for all the things that I'm not going through, and the things that are going right is a great start.


"You want hard problems that you can solve" I think you've described why video games are so appealing.


There are plenty of challenges in life to excite us and drive us forward other than having children. You don't need a reason or an argument to not have children. It's fine to just not have them.


There are a lot of people who get children and never grow or become responsible, this are the ones that create the problems of tomorrow, when a child is abandoned or not cared for it will go down a dark path. Dont have children unless you are willing to give up your own life.


I'm 52, no children, never wanted to be a father, always thought that would kill me. Being an uncle was probably the best thing that happened to me. Thank God.


'Do you really want to get rid of all your problems forever'? why yes


All my friends had kids at a young age they all rushed relationships that ultimately are all misrable, poor and living off the 32 and I can go where I want and do what I want because I don't have tiny humans and never will.


I rather work on my issues and childhood trauma in order to grow into my highest and true self. Raising a child conscientiously takes a lot of power and dedication. I am not ready for it and maybe I never will.


I chose a long time ago that children were not going to be a part of my life. I hate people who think that means I'm unhappy or miserable. There are soooo many people married with kids and they are MISERABLE. There are people who commit suicide who are married AND have kids.
