Microsoft Recall Mandatory on Windows 11 24H2: What You Need to Know

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Microsoft has issued a mandatory recall for certain features and updates in Windows 11 24H2. 🚨 In this video, I’ll break down everything you need to know about this recall, including why it’s happening, what’s affected, and how to take action if you're impacted.

This recall impacts system stability, security, and performance, and it's crucial for all Windows 11 users to understand the steps needed to stay protected. 💻

👉 What You'll Learn in This Video:
1️⃣ Why Microsoft issued the recall for Windows 11 24H2
2️⃣ Which features and updates are impacted
3️⃣ How to check if your system is affected
4️⃣ What steps to take to resolve issues and ensure system stability

🔗 Helpful Resources:
Check if RECALL is enabled:
Dism /Online /Get-Featureinfo /Featurename:Recall
Disable RECALL:
Dism /Online /Disable-Feature /Featurename:Recall
Enable RECALL:
Dism /Online /Enable-Feature /Featurename:Recall

#windows11 #recall #copilot
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Yes, sure you can turn RECALLoff, but unless you totally disable windows updates you can never be sure when an update will turn it on again behind the scenes. Microsoft does all kind of weird things as part of their updates, without telling whats it does. Maybe they disclose these facts in one of their lengthy README or "What's new" files that almost nobody reads. So unless you will regularly check the status of RECALL, you will never be sure if it is off or not.


Ummm, you need to read Microsoft’s latest user agreement


How about a script that turns it of and does the group policy thing so we can put it in the task scheduler to make it run recurrently to make sure it doesn't get re-enabled by the latest update?


Right when disabled in gpedit take a look after closing it and search for that same folder (Its gone)
So you cant check it no more!


For me, it's not, and BitLocker isn't enabled by default either. I extracted the official ISO file, opened it in NTLite, and, as always, made the necessary changes. Now, BitLocker is set to be disabled by default, along with other settings. I also disabled the Microsoft account and Wi-Fi configuration, among other things.


Respectfully, the issue is not that it can be disabled. There is definitely a lot of tinfoil out there and I try not to wear any.

However, we live in a world where the TOS can be changed at any time after the sale. The vast majority of people click through a TOS and carry on for two reasons. 1. They need the product anyway. 2. The TOS is written in legalese to protect the company, but also because it is cumbersome. The company knows this and is counting on people not to read it through, and if they do, not to be able to fully understand it.

Nothing says it can't be enabled in the future. Nothing says the TOS won't later state that agreeing to it means you allow Microsoft to activate it and use the information collected.

Everything is about precedence, and baby steps. Personally I view Recall as malware, and this is only the first step/iteration. I expect to see the TOS regarding recall change in the future.

Nobody should be in the habit of trusting large corporations to look out for what's best for the consumer. I think this is the best advertising Linux could ever receive.


"they wont be running this on the background and gathering your data, as this is illegal" but they turn this on FOR YOU, for free! and also have to use a terminal to turn it off. They couldn't just make it a checkbox somewhere? they already had a backlash for introducing the feature, now they should get one again for turning it back on a few months later


Honestly having a backdoor (even "disabled" state) laying on your system is not generally good security practice. Regardless what you do with your computer. These things SHOULD NOT exist in first place. There is always possibility of abuse of such feature by 3rd party either it being official or non official. Officials have means and ways to get their end goal regardless as the gains are minimal in security point of view. It is more major risk thou regarding to non official abuse.


" I really doubt they would do anything whiteout you know it" Do you know something called backdoor? I am pretty sure this feature is still ruining, even after you try do disable it. It's a great tool for government agency and a dream for any authoritative power.


I can only think of nefarious reasons that they force recall on everyone. A feature nobody needs.


Kubuntu user here. I always had linux just in case and was using mostly windows, but after Recall anouncement I switched to Linux and never went back. I even uninstalled Windows entirely. Worst case I wont be able to play Warzone but I don't have time to play it anyway.


Really thankful that I only got 8Gb of RAM


Friendly heads up: I had a Windows 10 PC (built in 2020 and hardware is not upgradeable to Windows 11) and tried to uninstall Copilot. It broke the file system so badly, I ended up installing Linux Mint. Granted, Copilot is not Recall, but it is now tied into the file system on Windows 10. Good bet Recall might find it's way on to older PCs, hardware barrier or not. Hope this info is helpful.


It doesn't matter what ever you doing. you can never trust a company that install a program thata record your computer and is coded into the OPERATIVE system.

How do you to 100% that program as a service is not programmed to passively and small data, small data packages with packages name's that dont have exactly named that can corelate to the Recording program that company installed into your Computer?

to be TURN Off does not Mean the program with its ACTUALLY OFF. the interface with the window perhaps says "OFF", But that's just a window with A text, you DONT INFACT KNOW if is not running in the background with false names.

Its IMPOSSIBLE for you or anyone to be EXACTLY SURE.

And its impossible to TRUST that company ever again, the TRUST IS BROKEN.

I ain't gonna risk my privacy, credentials or high personal information with a operative system that even had the idea of recorded people and worst force install it into peoples computer, and with default setting "ON", without telling anything about this.

How can anyone have the possibilitie even trust and continue use that software from. That company (Microsoft)?

Hell NAAA, I will not continue use that operative system (software) ever again.

I will use another OS. This is far too wrong and a company that pushed the authority limits its not a company you can ever trust.


Amazing how many people just know it isn't doing anything, proof of that? none - of course, and yes neither do I have proof that it is, but I know which position is the best to assume.
If you don't have Win pro good luck with your group policy editor too.
Even more funny that you have to enable turn off snapshots in the GPE - when we were just assured it wouldn't be taking snapshots/data.
Obviously people have not read the Windows EULA about collecting data and the policy can change at MS's whim.
And if you are so reckless about your own privacy and security just remember to keep disabling it after every update. Good luck.


everyone crys but eeryone keeps using it. been on linux for years now.


Good thing I got into my BIOS and turned off TPM. Now the Microsoft PC Health Check said my PC is not compatible with Windows 11. I also did a registry hack to never go beyond Windows 10 22H2. Started to learn Linux Mint for the future when Windows 10 no longer gets updates.


Microsoft is out of their fing minds!! I uninstalled copilot on three of my PCs. I bought a mac this year.
