'The DANGER Of Once Saved Always Saved Doctrine' | Ono Reacts @IsaiahSaldivar

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In this video, we examine Isaiah Saldivar's latest upload entitled "The DANGER Of Once Saved Always Saved Doctrine". The word of God is clear concerning the eternal security of each believer. I pray this video provides clarity and dispels any confusion concerning this subject. God bless! -OD

#salvation #bible #christianity
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Sealed unto the day of redemption. God doesn’t lie. This isn’t difficult.


we can’t earn salvation by moral perfection, so we can’t lose it by moral imperfection.


"You expect me to believe that you weren't good enough to earn your salvation but now you're good enough to maintain your salvation." Boom! Every self righteous person who denies OSAS needs to hear that.


No saved person is using grace a license to sin. Howver, you can be sinning and be saved. You won't enjoy living in sin, if you are saved.


What pride would it be to think my actions would be good enough for God. Great preaching Ono and all love to Isaiah too. I hope he watches this.


Wow man, I am.completely mind blown and have been delusional for quite a bit. I came to faith in May and I been watching Isaiah's videos since I came to faith and I am now realizing from this video that he sounds just like the Pharisees. I am so glad I found your channel a couple weeks ago, you truly made me realize I was being deceived. Thank you so much brother, you have no idea how much I truly appreciate you.


Thank you for your clear concise teaching on O.S.A.S.! If my eternal security was dependant on me I would lose it, but my eternal Security is 100% Guaranteed by God!


Amen brother. Eternal security just makes sense! He saved us "while we were yet sinners" so how does sin cause Him to take our salvation away??


The gift of God is not a toy car, I felt that one. Thank you for this preaching brother.


This is a very good teaching. Thank you!


Great video. I think people often believe they are saved/forgiven/justified as a gift, but to be seen by God as not just a forgiven person but also a righteous person must be a result of good works/lifestyle. What's missed is that not just forgiveness, but even righteousness is a gift:

For if, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the *free gift of righteousness* reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)


I thank God for this wonderful channel! I used to watch Isaiah before when I was saved in 2020 but slowly it started to feel weird i don't know but something made me wanna watch him less and less and I felt more drawn to read the Bible.

I am a worthless sinner, what can I do to obtain my salvation? Nothing, but believe on Jesus Christ, that He lived a perfect sinless life in my place, died on the cross and rose from death. Anything else is me trying to put faith outside of what Jesus did.

Like you said something like "We sin everyday in heart, by action, mind etc" that really hit me but also humble me to feel grateful and thankful for what Jesus did for me on the cross.

Your video was very encouraging thank you so much for making this


For a while I was lost in this confusion of being able to lose my salvation, but thankfully there are teachers like you who helped me understand the scriptures better and now I know I'm securely in my Father's hands! 🙌


1Pe 1:23 KJV Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.


What kind of Savior is a savior that can't keep you saved? A horrible savior, my Savior is the ultimate Savior... Thank you Jesus ❤


You can't lose what you didn't earn.


You can hear the agitation in Isaiah’s voice, as if he knows someone’s gonna call him out. Glad you did, Ono. Someone needs to. His self righteous sanctimony is nauseating and quite frankly, pharisaical.


amen, to the praise of the glory of His grace

I did not agree with this doctrine 2 years ago. But God opened my eyes.


When Saldivar started saying I'm doing this and that I just heard Matthew 7:21-23


Isaiah Salvadar's faith is in himself. He is a very boastful and proud person who has not come to the end of himself and trusted in Christ alone as his savior. He has called God a liar because he has not believed God's testimony concerning His Son in 1st John chapter 5 verses 9-13 which is that God gives ETERNAL LIFE to all those who trust in Christ alone. Isaiah doesn't believe he has eternal life. He believes he has temporary, probationary, conditional life and is therefore an unbeliever and will hear the most terrifying words in the Bible "depart from Me ye who work iniquity for I never knew you" unless/until he repents and believes the Gospel and gets saved...Praying for the 770, 000 subscribers to his channel he is leading to hell.
