60 Characteristics of Complex Trauma - Part 21/33 - Dissociation

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People who experience Complex Trauma often survive by some form of dissociation. But this can cause problems in adult life. There are degrees of dissociation. Tim discusses the types of dissociation, the problems it can cause in adult life, and how to change to healthy ways of coping.


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This guy is brilliant in how he is able to explain abstract thought processes. Masterful. Much respect.


“It can be healed.”

So happy to hear this.


2 years later and continues being 1st rate material. You're a fantastic teacher!


This one sent me right in to dissociation ...ive been in that state much of my life...so sad. Im the sole survivor of my core family...my siblings died young from addiction. My last relationship was constant triggering. I am sober...but still trying to manage the fallout from cptsd. Thank you for covering this in such depth....its hard to hear but helps me understand.


Tim your talks are often part of my day. I've learned so much from you. You're making a great difference in the world. Thank you.


This is a typical day for me. It has cost me my wife, past girlfriends and jobs. It was a cause of being bullied at school even by teachers for ‘day dreaming’ .
I have found improvement with Stoicism and You Tube channels such as this one.
I guess I’m another statistic of former kid with narcissistic parent


Omg! I have cptsd and in the last 4 years experienced a series of losses, deaths, life changes, betrayal of my husband, teenagers, job loss, covid, and quite a few other stressors… my lord! This is exactly what it felt like, I just didn’t have the words to describe it!


Wow. I just ran into his work at 55, I wish I had found him many many years ago.


I'm glad this is getting more mainstream attention. Most of the resources I've found on dissociation focus on the extreme end of the spectrum; DID. I've found little practical references or teachings that address the more common levels that most in modern America experience to at least some degree. If you get lost in thoughts or live in your head (either in the past or future), you're dissociating.

I have more self awareness now and can see myself doing it. Whenever I get in story mode, I know I'm stressed or triggered. But geez, with Covid, I think most people are living in survival mode.

It's a hard habit to break, I've done it for decades. Distracting myself with the phone is another one that I do a lot. Mindfulness practices and trying to stay present and aware have helped a lot.

Blessings, intentions you find the healing path that works for you. Remember, there are many ways up the mountain. You don't always have to crawl through the briars. Be gentle on yourself. Your tender heart matters.


Dissociation has been a major part of my life


Hi, I've been in therapy for 43 yrs and I will be in it until I die. This really helps to understand the whole of it!!!c-ptsd, did with amnesia and multiple personality disorder. I need to get better for me and for my children and the people I love!


I have had Derealization and depersonalization most my life and I’m far far far from a sociopath! There are millions of us and we are the most sensitive and caring people on the planet


Interesting how the blood gets redirected to limit the amount of blood loss… I wondered why my legs and arms suddenly go cold and I can’t think straight, lots more healing to do here love your talks thank you


You know what I think? The best revenge is to decide to be a much better person than what you came out of. There's no better way to make those who are against you small than being a contrast to them, making the difference visible. Proof that they couldn't crush you and that all their talking behind your back is in vain, it is they who went wrong.



The only way I was able to break free from disassociating and binge eating disorder is been doing since I was a child was by having an anesthetic procedure called a Stellate Ganglion Block in 2021. It numbs the vagus nerve for about 6 hours. My PTSD score went from the high 80's down to the 20's!

Unfortunately, once I stopped doing both I realized I no longer wanted to be a people pleaser and that I had married a controlling, avoidant man. So after 31 years of marriage we are getting divorced.

I have been working hard in personal therapy, EMDR, and a DBT group to learn everything I missed while I was being emotionally and physically abused and manipulated and lied to as a child.


Listening to this instead of escaping. Thank you for creating this video ☺️


Yeah pastor Tim's a real special guy! He has a way of explaining very complex things it's easy to understand.😊but in far more depth than anybody I've ever heard!


I am here in England. Will have to share these to some of the NHS people here for their education. Great videos


THIS is what I have been saying for many years... feels like my thoughts don't connect to 'me' or to my heart... like my brain knows but heart doesn't....
