how to cultivate strong self-love | filling the void you feel | @tiffanylaibhen

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can we be honest for a sec? how many times have we been on the asking end of respect, love, honesty, compassion (the list goes on) ..that we fail to give ourselves? we're diving into self-awareness + taking responsibility for the role we play in our own longing... and also into the power we hold to change that immediately.. grab your bevvys + let's get into it 🍷

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“Everyone is actually doing the best they can at their level of emotional maturity.” Sheesh this is rich 👌🏾


Listening to this In the morning while showering was the best decision I’ve made✨ now I’m gonna get dressed and take myself out on a date and buy myself roses✨✨


Girl, I needed this because I was barking all morning, and I just sat down and started crying. I'm crying as I'm typing this. The lack of love I've been showing myself looking for it in others lately is disappointing. I feel like I've lost myself lately. Thank you for these words. I needed them. It's always up to me


Literally just went through a breakup last night, that was completely unexpected so now today I have to move out after 2 years together. Thank you for dropping this. I love hearing your messages.


Self-love is a different ball game if your single...You have 1 choice+ that is to LOVE YOURSELF's hard but the journey is priceless+ empowering✌️✨💖


This was especially difficult for me because I couldn’t even define love, let alone give it to myself. I looked to 1 Corinthians 13 4-8 and my life has changed. Now I treat myself how the Bible defines love to be. And I’ve never been more full.


I was totally in this deep funk because of this very reason last week. I cried constantly all week. Thank you for this 🙏🏾💖


Am I the only one who has it the other way round. I just want a relationship. I’ve been single for so long. I know how to look after myself be by myself, go out with myself, push myself to do better motivate myself, but sometimes I just want a shoulder to cry on or some support to keep me going 😢


FINALLY someone who explains self love in a way that I understand bone deep. The idea about finding the void and filling it yourself is gold that I can practically apply straight away. Your content is excellent instant sub thank you 🙏


As a mental health professional I want to thank you for your energy and your support to empower others to seek self-love. Self love is crucial to your mental wellbeing. I have shared your video with my clients as a source of motivation. Keep up the work mama! It’s truly healing to others.


I’ve realized this as well and I’m glad you said it so I know I’m not crazy. Whenever I feel unloved it’s due to a lack that I started slipping on ❤❤❤


Ah, how synchronized... self love has been the center of my awareness lately. Thank you for this video ❤


Don’t know how I found this video, but I’m so happy I did. My husband and I had a major argument three days ago. He asked for space but it’s been three days. I’ve been keeping busy for the last 72 hours waiting for him to talk to me( I’m anxious attached and semi- codependent). After watching this video, I’m inspired to work on myself, love on myself, take the time to pour into me. I’m so use to “us” that I’ve been forgetting me 😢


Another home run. This is beyond impactful, this is exactly where I am. Thank you once again for sharing. I am speechless and taken back by how well you managed to deliver this message. This is an amazing starting point for healing ❤😊 You are so amazing 🙌🏿


I used to give love and care to everyone but never giving it to myself I still have lots of insecurities but I'm trying my best to put me first this time it's a hard journey for me so please everyone pray for me 💙✨ and thank you Tiffany you've always been there since day one of my healing journey 💙✨


! Shouting amen amen amen .. at my big age Lord knows you have reminded me to wake up! Hug myself ! Love myself, be okay ! Build me. Recognizing individuality, regulating boundaries, my family reminded me. I am the common denominator and I need to show up for SELF and not always allowing people to be codependent or vice versa. Lord I really have some cleaning up. I am not for everyone. You may have just saved 50 percent of my mental health😢.. thank you


“Is this really about him”😮‍💨 we truly project unhappiness onto others in the form of nitpicking. I’ve been guilty of that. Learning to go within and be content with self has done so much for me! Great video Queen🫶🏽


Yes you shouldn’t look for happiness or joy from others. It should come from within. However, just like someone can add to your happiness and joy they can also take from it. Your surrounding influences your mood.


I definitely needed this ! thank youuu


Love love love this !!! Keep shining beautiful
