We Need to Talk About Evangelical Christian Narcissism

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Recently, I attended a Christian memorial service, and the pastor said something during the sermon that got me thinking about the narcissism of Evangelicalism. I realized Evangelicalism causes otherwise selfless people to act in narcissistic ways. In this video, I explore narcissism as displayed by various Evangelicals, like Sean Feacht, Girls Gone Bible, and Mark Driscoll.

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At my best friend's funeral the pastor kept talking about how 'death is the ultimate punishment for our sins '. She was murdered. She did nothing wrong - AND WAS A BAPTIZED CHRISTIAN. Punishment my ass!!!! I was so mad but as I looked around I realized NO ONE agreed with how wrong I thought it was. It was truly shocking


As a teen, a fellow classmate died. She and I were the only out atheists in our grade level. She died in a car crash as a passenger. I live in the south, where churches are are everywhere, but especially next to schools. The church next to our school invited our group over, and I told my teacher that this could be problematic because they may try to proselytize to us. He brushed it off because they told him : " they wanted to support us and feed us in our time of need."

Low and behold! We go, the youth pastor stands up and starts talking about how he had a friend who was an atheist, and he feared for his friend after death because we had going to hell. I was furious! It was the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed someone do after a literal child's death.


The fighting between Christians about "who is the right kind of christian" is one of the things which pushed me away from the religion


I went to a funeral for a friend's husband. He was contentedly agnostic for most of his life, until he became deathly ill at the end. The pastor went to bully him at his bedside until he repented and "got saved". At the memorial service, the pastor insisted on a round of applause for himself for having saved the soul of the departed. I wanted to throw my water at him and spit in his face, but I didn't want to cause a scene since I was there to support my friend. But it was definitely the most narcissistic sermon I ever heard. It wasn't about my friend's husband at all, but about himself and his own righteousness. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.


MY SO's son was killed in a motorcycle accident three years ago. The funeral was organized by the mother at her SB church. The pastor completely ignored my SO sobbing uncontrollably mere feet away from him - all that mattered was getting his canned "you'd better accept Jesus NOW" sermon delivered. He never acknowledged my SO, never said a word about God providing comfort to the grieving. I don't think I have ever been so angry before or since and was so tempted to rip the "pastor" ten new assholes afterwards except that there was no way I could have done so without unnecessary repercussions landing on SO.
So instead I did the responsible adult thing and trolled the church's FB page using my alternate account. It made ME feel better, anyway.


The scariest thing i have ever heard a religious person say was them questioning how someone can have morals if they dont believe in god.

Always makes me wonder what monster they have inside of them to not naturally knowing what is right or wrong, but they need a religion to tell them and keep them subdued. That fucking scares the shit out of me, yet they act like people like me are the dangerous ones.


The taco thing is such Santa Claus energy. Like “what do you mean Santa doesn’t answer your letters?? He got me an Xbox!!! You must not have been good enough this year”. Where wealthy kids are entirely validated while poor kids are left to wonder if Santa really loves them


When I was Christian in high-school I prayed. I asked god for something pretty specific. Something I was told he wanted for me anyways. I prayed for him to make me straight. I begged. I wept and pleaded. I was desperate. I wanted it with all my heart. Nothing happened. Nothing changed.


Note that Mark Driscoll never addresses child sex abusers that are very prevalent in Christian churches.


The pastor of my evangelical church used my Dad's funeral to evangelize. I was 17, already questioning my faith and the loss completely destroyed me. It's been exactly three years today since he died, and I'm not sure I'll ever really forgive the pastor for using that moment for his own agenda.


9:03 He disingenuously omits the REASONS why Jesus said the King would say “Depart from me for I never knew you.” They weren’t rejected because of what they believed or didn’t believe. They were rejected because they failed to treat the most vulnerable and least powerful people among them with love and compassion. “For I was hungry and you fed me not. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink. I was naked and you did not clothe me. I was stranger and you did not welcome me.”
Their treatment of the poor and needy was literally the ENTIRE basis for who was accepted into The Kingdom and who was not. Not once did the King mention anything about anyone’s beliefs.


As a Christian (in Australia), I have always wondered why American Evangelicals are the way they are and the description you gave of an insular culture that completely avoids building relationships with non-christians (something completely antithetical to what a Christian ought to do) and living solely in an echo chamber, it suddenly clicked. I can't imagine living a life where I only interacted with the vast majority of people I know solely in a way that is powered by ulterior motives for fear that they may "ruin me". Whack


I myself am a Christian and as a follower of Christ despite the religious differences we disagree on I think your covering and deconstruction of evangelical culture has really be helpful to me as someone that was raised around this environment not that other denominations don't have their problems too but you've given me the tools to process a lot of baggage I have in a healthy way even with more liberal hispanic parents I still suffered a lot from purity culture and some people in the community around and I want to extend my thanks for helping me deal with that


The fact that the evangelical church is incapable of engaging in any kind of introspection regarding their own role in the deconstruction movement ensures that there will continue to be a growing deconstruction movement.


Attended a funeral of a pagan friend. The family (Christian) had a Christian service. Minister made the claim that my friend had called him during the week before he died and was saved and therefore wanted all his friends to be saved.
*large room of about a hundred shocked sceptical pagans with a collective deer in the headlights expression *
Except that the minister LIED, and i knew he flat out lied because my pagan buddy spent the week before he died at my house and no such phone call was ever made.
After the funeral, i was blazing down the aisle to literally punch the ministers jaw off - i was that mad! - when my deceased friend's husband (who had been excluded from the family and barely let into the building, because, omg, gay!) Got one look at my face, literally jumped about 3 pews and stopped me and talked me out of confronting the pastor, for the sake of the family.
I guess it was the right thing to do.
I've attended a number of funerals like this, though that one was the worst.


As a funeral assistant who works services who’s an atheist I see this far too often . . . I wish they would honor and celebrate their loved ones instead of doing stuff like this


I was told, and I quote, "Your worldly friends will all be burned up. You should make friends that will be with you for eternity." Wow. Eff you worldly people, in other words.


5:12 back before I deconstructed but was starting to be more open minded, I was talking with family at a holiday gathering and someone said that it wasn’t cruel to say gays couldn’t marry, because they aren’t really in love, they just think they are. My jaw sort of dropped, and my unfiltered autistic ass says that is the most arrogant thing I’ve ever heard. Now, I still thought homosexuality was a sin then. But hearing someone verbalize the logic behind the rhetoric just switched something in my brain and really sort of got the deconstruction ball rolling.


I went to a funeral for a friend of mine and as sad as his passing was, his funeral was even more sad. He wasn’t a christian, he told his family many times, but they were. The service was not only a very christian one (which he would’ve never wanted) but it was also so much more than just a christian perspective on death. The pastor spent most of the service trying to get people to come up to the stage and “give their life to the lord”, or “allow their sins to wash away”. They barely spoke about his life or passions or personality or achievements or anything. Just how lucky he is to be with God now.

It was so hard to attend ngl


I hate how the media has changed the term Woke! Woke is a term used by the Black American community that means spiritually and culturally aware! Its means you’re on one accord with the most high and you’re aware of the world around you!
