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INFJs and INFPs are often celebrated for their compatibility, which is reasonable considering they tend to be so similar in many ways. Few people talk about the downsides of the INFP & INFJ relationship/friendship.

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As an INFJ I think it's mostly not true that we rely on intuition though we do at times. I think we rely more on logical deductive reasoning and lack the ability and time to articulate the 10 to 50, 000 different ways we looked at a particular idea to conclude the most likely way things are the way they are. Many possible conclusions get ruled out because of a contradiction discovered in our pondering mind.


I feel like the whole talking about feelings thing where INFPs need to take their time to process it before they talk about it is frustrating to all Ni users. There is a video by a youtuber called "ENTJ perspective" about ENTJ and INFP relationship (highly recommand, it's very sweet and interesting) and he said something pretty similar to what you talked about !


Infp here, and my partner is an INFJ haha.

...”patterns that are super apparent to an INFJ, the infp might be completely oblivious to”
Wow, yup, that is a very real struggle. I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that...well...the INFJ is (almost) always right, even if I can’t see it yet. no matter how stubbornly I fight it, eventually, I'll have wish I'd followed the INFJ's advice.

The ne vs ni thing is really big...one thing that really really works is settings things up such that I bring a million possibilities to the table, and he chooses which one to do. This can literally be for anything ...from major life things, but also what to eat or where to go on vacation, or which video game to play.
It's good for me, because all options are things I like and would want, but his Ni Fe wizardry tends to know which is best lol.


I am so glad that I came across this. My youngest sister (21 years old) is an Infp. I'm an Infj. She told me that she was interested in art. With good intentions, I tried to help her get on the road to an artistic career. I helped her get into college and helped her figure out financial aid. A couple semesters later, she dropped out. I was really worried and frustrated because I thought that she had given up on her dream and that I had wasted her time. I tried to encourage her to get her driver's license and tried to get her a job at my workplace. She said she would, but then she never did and went silent. I know I cannot control her, and it is wrong to push her. I'm worried about her future, but I can only be supportive. Thank you for the video!


INFP here. I abhor people who judge. I feel it’s of paramount importance to take a step back with other people and give them their space to be themselves. I’m a 4w5, and I despise it when someone tells me what I should do. And remember us INFPs are mediators. I’m very proud of this gift. Ty Brendan for all you do. 😊


INFJs are more similar to INTJ in my opinion.


That's exactly me and my friend last. He is too care but too rigid in his advise. And if l don't follow his advise he will be so disappointed. That makes me disappointed too and depressed about it. That made me realise we're both wrong because l don't feel the need to change for better and want to live my way. And he expected too high from others.


I feel like the biggest issue is that I (as an INFJ) want to confirm my feelings (Fe) - see if we are on the same page about our relationship and how it goes and when I try to do that with an INFP I crush into a wall. They find it strange. I was talking with an INFP and I felt like we have things in common and the conversation flows so I said that and he found it awkward and changed the subject. I just wanted to know if it's mutual. On the other hand he was asking personal question about some aspects of my life and I didn't like that so he said I'm defensive. So yeah. That was our last conversation. I don't think I can be in a close relationship with an INFP because I need emotional expressiveness.


I was ghosted twice by infp men. The first one, he ghosted me for a month. Then, he reappeared and said that he ghosted me because I had liked a post, half a year ago, from an influencer that he hated. So, he ghosted me because he thought I was cringe. The second one hurt me the most, because we were so alike. We talked about childhood, dreams, music, art, beliefs... We shared our beloved collections. We talked about spiritualism, and the meaning of life, and death, and life after death. We shared our love for many things. He was the most awesome person ever. Receiving his texts were like opening a box of chocolate. I loved that. And, for a brief while, I think I loved him. But I realised he was taking longer and longer to reply. Then, one day, he stopped altogether. It broke my heart. I think I was too much of a dreamer... To have hoped for something other than being ghosted. I don't blame him, I want him to be comfortable and happy, but I miss sharing our lives. So, I don't think infj and infp are a good match for relationship. I love infp people. They are amazing. I wish we were compatible. But I think infjs are too heavy for infps. I probably hurt him without realizing.


Don't I wish he would have been interested enough in my feelings to ask me to explain them to him. 😑


Why does nobody address how some people are 50/50 infp/infj? I'll score 51% infp 49% infj and then when I retake the test its 51% infj 49% infp. I see this a lot in comments sections below those infp vs infj videos but nobody seems to touch on it in videos.


INFP is … unhealthy INFP are enormously uncomfortable with INFJ’s Judging statements.

Our intense logic from Ti as 3rd irks them.

We use each others shadow functions.
And this tends to make INFP more uncomfortable than INFJ.

I’m not jealous of Ne :’)
It’s just that Ne users and most people in general will never understand Ni besides INTJ and fellow INFJ.

Wish Ne Users and everyone in general would tread lighter with INFJ because we are incredibly misunderstood.

If we are pushy it’s because we are trying to help.

My family is full of unhealthy INFP.
My Cousin went on amphetamine “meds” now she just procrastinates even deeper… but the high makes it to where she cannot see that it’s not changed her life for the better.

Instead of trying exercise; meditation, yoga, she tried the “magic” pill route.

People don’t understand how hard it is for INFJ to watch them kick themselves in the face and refuse INFJ’s deeply insightful and carefully curated advice.


That’s sweet that you think you have a handle on the INFJ. Precious.
