INFJs and INFPs Are Not Weird. We’re Neurodiverse.

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INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are on the spectrum of neurodiversity, and it is because we are neurodiverse that we tend to struggle in life. Most of us feel alienated, alone, and like there is no place for us. However, this is what most INFJs and INFPs don’t know: INFJs and INFPs are neurodiverse creatives. What that means is that: INFJs and INFPs don’t think like most other people, they don’t feel like most other people, they don’t see reality like most other people, and they don’t experience life like most other people. This is what is really going on when a person who is an INFJ or INFP is struggling so much with life. Most INFJs and INFPs try to force themselves into the box society says is “good” and “right” even though it doesn’t fit, because that’s all we’ve ever been taught, and no one has given us the knowledge or the tools to live life in a way that would actually flow with our neurodiversity, not against it. When we try to fit into the “normal” box that society provides, we end up feeling cut off from our own intuition, feeling cut off from our own creativity, and trying to use mainstream tools and methods that DON’T work for us and make us feel horrible about ourselves. The most important thing anyone who is an INFJ or an INFP with a neurodiverse temperament can know is that there is a huge different between the type of creativity that mainstream society teaches us to use (and rewards us for using) and the type of creativity that comes naturally to INFJ and INFP people.

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INFJ-T here. Spent most of my life, assuming that I had some sort of major mental disorder. It has actually ruined me because the stress of being this way has left me physically disabled. This isn't an easy way to be. At the same time, I feel like other people are essentially morons, ha.


When you said “you are not the problem” I teared up a bit


i'm infj and i have adhd! i feel like an alien in the wrong planet. i have no friends and now i have no desire to leave the house anymore. being around people wears me out. people are stupid LOL they do illogical things and they are blind to the truth.


5:55 How to explain that INFJs have psychic gifts without using the word “psychic”.

It’s like we have antennae tuned into the spiritual realm.


I scored INFP for a long time in my younger adult years. The last decade I’ve scored INFJ every single time. I made very distinct efforts to get my head out of the clouds and I’m much happier as a J, regardless of all the dark ominous mysterious perceptions from others. I couldn’t care less about what ppl think. Being an INFP I wasn’t getting anything done and obsessed with love or loving someone else. Fuck that shit, nobody cares and the faster you learn that the better off for you and your art.

I completely agree with her theory on subconsciously creating art. My brain never shuts off. I’ve learned to allow it to just work in the background. Just about every single night it starts turning on and throws a million art ideas at me. In the past I tried to force myself to be creative and it never worked. But when I take a kernel of an idea and sit on it, my mind will work the entire idea without having to write down anything. It gets burned into my brain after the subconscious figures it out, and I never forget any of it. It’s truly a gift that many INF_ have but don’t always rely on, because we are under the thought school that everything is done in a certain way.


Holy moly this resonated, and you'll never believe where I do my best thinking. I'm building a coaching business, working on creative solutions to client problems. So, I drive a school bus in the mornings. I'm up super early, get to see the sunrise over the mountains, pick kids up who are half asleep, enjoy my awesome coffee, and just get lost in my own thoughts. I'm a good driver in general, so that part just goes into autopilot. I come up with the coolest ideas for what I'm going to do that day, or next steps, or just other stuff. I get into such a cool place mentally, something I struggle with just sitting in front of a computer. At 9:00AM I'm done for the day, go home, and just do my work. I love it!


Thank you so much for this I am an INFJ and I deduced I’m
Neurodivergent and that I have indeed always seen life and thought very differently to most. I am very intuitive and my interests are esoteric/metaphysical and I just don’t see life the way the mainstream do. I really appreciate this video as it helps me understand why I have paid for all these courses that I’ll probably never use to try and make me more organised and “normal” (like that was going to happen!!!)
I have worked out that my strengths are in the more “spiritual” realms and awareness of other beings and realms which I am more familiar with. I have always just known things. It confused me as a child why so many people lie, their energy says one thing and their words another!!!!


I’ve been told I’m a very obvious INFP
All I want is to be allowed to be authentic and feel like I’ve never been given that grace and it’s very painful because it feels like everyone else is given the grace to be authentically themselves. That’s love to me


First impressions: This is someone who has explored their depths and has profound insights.


So true. Let others people think you're weird and don't take them seriously.


I feel that I won’t live to see any of the things I feel. I have given so much into many things, everything I do is always overlooked. People would compliment it but walk away. I don’t like my daily life. I have tried so much to shift it. Nothing is interesting anymore. I am extremely numb to life. It has no meaning or excitement to me anymore. This personality is a killer for me. Other people love it but for me, it is the biggest struggle.


I’m here because Iv’e already connected the Dots, and at just shy of 58 and discovering that I’m 50/50 for Autism / ADHD and INFP-T, it’s a bit daunting, but wonderful all at the same time to take off the societal mask and discover self. All of this has been over the last 8 years since my awakening following a stroke at 50. Thanks for the video. Glad it didn’t take a week to write this comment……lol.


Neurodiverse? I like it. So much better than the other adjectives generally used. Thanks. Definitely taking notes on this one.


Seen a lot of INFP videos but you are top notch. You even made me cry in a video I came across with.
Today at work someone told me that I was funny, but funny in a weird way. Even my daughter told me once that I might be from another planet. 🤪


Well, I'm both INFP and autistic, so I feel this!


This is the corne of the internet where I feel most seen and validated. Thank you, Lauren!


Excellent video. Glad I found you.
A book recommendation for INFJs:
Understanding the Anomalously Sensitive Person - Why people think you are weird if you are highly sensitive by David Ritchey.


I really appreciate this video as there's so few on the link between intuition and neurodivergence!

(I hate to be that person but the term is actually neurodivergent. Neurodiversity is the range of 'diversity' in neurology whereas neurodivergent is 'diverging' from what is considered 'typical' neurology).


As someone who is austitic and INFJ, thank you for making this video ❤
