If your ex is sending mixed signals, TEXT THEM THIS!
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Breadcrumbing is when your ex is checking in on you, but unwilling to progress towards getting back together.
This video will help you know if you are getting breadcrumbed, why it happens, and what to do about it to maximize your chances or getting back together or freeing you enough to finally move on!
If you want more help through your breakup, click here!
If you need more help crafting your breadcrumbing boundary or replying to a reach out, I created a course to guide you through the process! It includes copy and paste texts for the most common reach outs!
This video will help you know if you are getting breadcrumbed, why it happens, and what to do about it to maximize your chances or getting back together or freeing you enough to finally move on!
If you want more help through your breakup, click here!
If you need more help crafting your breadcrumbing boundary or replying to a reach out, I created a course to guide you through the process! It includes copy and paste texts for the most common reach outs!
texts to send back TO YOUR EX 💀👀😂
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