Why I Want To Be A Research Physicist

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Yesterdays video about how long it takes to make a career out of doing physics research seemed to discourage a few people. In this video I talk about why I still think it's worth it by breaking down what I'm looking forward to each step along the way.

Yesterdays video on how long it takes:
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I just honestly like physics. I've never really cared for money.


I don't have a decided end goal, but my drive definitely comes from a deep and embedded philosophical question of why and how.


Experimental Physics: Dedicating your life to the almighty oscilloscope.
Theoretical Physics: Dedicating your life to the math that mathematicians haven't even heard of.


While I'm not a physics student, so I can't say I'll be understanding some aspect of reality or the universe, I love to learn new things. Math is what seems to underpin a lot of fields (no pun intended) and I like how diverse it is as a subject. Like you, I too hope to one day be able to call myself an expert not just because of competitiveness or the joy of being called "Dr. so and so, " but knowing I expanded human knowledge and yeah, can point to something and say, "Hey, I discovered/invented that and it exists in part because of me." Sure, maybe only 20 people in the world will care about what I'm working on, but hey, I'll be living a satisfying life doing what I love and look forward to getting up most mornings and going to work. I'm super stoked to be taking my first grad classes this upcoming school year. I know they'll be tough, but the journey will be so rewarding and this is the first step towards that along with applying to grad programs (oh god). I love your videos man, really inspiring.


Thank you so much for caring about the people who felt discouraged by the last video and then making this video! So excited for the future, especially this channel's future! <3


I don’t see how you only have 8k subs. You’re amazing!


I also haven't started studying at university yet. But so far it seems to me, from my own internet research ;), that there still are a lot of unsolved problems in phyiscs, which I hope to contribute to someday in the future. Contribute positively, of course :D it is just so exciting to describe the world around you in terms of mathematics and just get to know nature a bit better. Researching somethin nobody has ever thought about/done is just so thrilling to think about!


For research, I mostly wanna help all the other particle physicists of the world with Grand Unified Theory. Ya, I might know nothing about it now, but my I know that physicists have been stuck on it for decades and that some physicists like Stephen Hawking spent their life working towards it. That's what I wanna do. I don't want awards or recognition, I just want my perspective out there and to see if my way of looking at things contributes in some way to the progress of the field of Physics.


I find myself regularly questioning both my motivations and capacity to pursue a degree/career in physics, and while I don't really have any specific plans or grandiose desires, the thing that keeps me going is the endless "why?". I suppose that I'm just one of those people that can't simply accept that things are the way that they are and move on, and for every moment in physics that feels overwhelming, there are a dozen that have me sitting on the edge of my seat wondering "how deep does this go?"


A lot of what you said in this video resonates with me. I want to do research because I foolishly want to be another giant shoulders for others too stand upon. I hate only being able to look on the sidelines as physics progresses ever forward. I wish to help clear paths up the mountain of knowledge. Also, and most importantly, I want to help create fresh new dank physics memes!


*watch out for Jackson*
I didn't know you and Tibees actually know eachother, that's cool.
People have told me I'm good at teaching and I've thought about doing that but I don't think I really want to. Granted, right now I don't know what I want to do because everything is interesting. Like, don't you ever want to specialize in a bunch of things? Anyway, I just like knowing how things work, and I always will, so I'll just try to calm down and enjoy my learning experience.


You can definitely still change your focus in terms of research even as a Professor.


Watch out for Jackson

.... No really,

Watch out for Jackson


Thank you for the grat content you've been putting out Andrew, today i was accepted to one of the best universities in Mexico in the physics program and im so happy and excited, i look forward to learning why things move the way they do, why do certain charges interact with eachother in such ways, im deeply curious and so far i also have the intention to be a researcher, i wanna know to the most intricate detail and become an expert at something, and hey, what do you think of double PhD's ?


I'm simply too curious about the cosmos to not care


I just enrolled for a 5 year Integrated Msc in physics program and would definitely pursue PHD.


would be great if we could talk more on this


This is the golden age of physics videos on YouTube!


I am currently getting my bachelor's in biochemistry but I have a yearning for a PhD in biophysics. I admire your rigor and dedication to science, unfortunately where I come from most people aren't as motivated and inspired. So I have been looking at this amazing researcher Jocelyn monroe she is currently working on neutrino oscillations and dark matter detection. I think you and her could do some great work if you reach out. I know it's a little weird but I have the best intentions


Im not studing a physics mayor, I'm doing applied math, but i enjoy learning about physics and the math it uses to work... but I'm hoping to do a phd later on, not so sure about what, but i'd be happy if i learn a lot more mathematics and new applications, i'd be satisfied and happy if i could expand the knowledge in a certain area of my desire, and contribute. And being able to do, idk, a couple new programs that help in some way.
