The REAL Reason Why People Don’t Want To Be Friends with INFJs

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As INFJs we find it very difficult to have friends. While most people seem to have all kinds of "friends" the INFJ would likely consider these acquaintances. So, why are people hesitant to befriend an INFJ?

While there are many reasons that INFJs find it difficult to make friends, I cover 4 prominent reasons in this video. I hope this video will help you learn to be comfortable in your INFJ skin!

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This is exactly my experience as an INFJ. I can’t stand lying, fake people or superficial relationships. Most people don’t want me in their life for these reasons.


The truth is I prefer to be friendless than to deal with fakeness!! The older I become the less I remove myself. I am a loyal friend therefore, I need the same way!


As a mature INFJ, I've had a lifetime of people hating the truth.
To top it off, I'm a retired private investigator..


To quote a message I heard at my brother's church last year, "Most people prefer a comfortable lie to an inconvenient truth." And as an INFJ we see through the lies.


It sometimes feels like I’m friends with everyone and no one at the same time. Everyone wants me as a friend when they need me but I very rarely feel like I can turn to anyone else when I need a friend. It’s hard sometimes.


Some points in the video:
1) Most people don't like the truth (we always eventually give it),
2) We are looking for deep meaningful friendships,
3) Most people Aren't looking for progress and self-improvement,
4) We have high standards for what qualifies as a friend,
5) We need a relationship with great communication,
Cool video...thanks


I think the harshest truth I’ve told someone was one of my ex-bosses. I told her she lacks leadership, communication, and overall discipline, with examples. She got mad and tried to fire me but I had already given my two weeks notice and that was my last day 😂😂😂😂😂😂


No wonder I can’t make friends! 😂 All the other INFJs are at home like me! I finally met an INFJ friend and love the mutual shared interests.


INFJ here. I do have friends. Very few, but loyal friends.


People are haters of the truth. They ask for the truth while expecting you to give them a watered down truth and the moment they realize you don't think like them, they hate you.


INFJs are a blessing. They are both genuine and kind. If you don't want to befriend them, I will have them all by myself.


Once I accept someone as a friend, I would do almost anything for that person. My level of loyalty was seen as something scary to most people when I was a teen.


INTJ here. I'm not even going to watch this video. Who the heck does not like INFJ's?! Only shallow fools. Be thankful those kind of people don't like you. They'd never listen to your wisdom and just drain that beautiful heart of yours 💗
You are some of my favorite people to have over for tea and Meandering conversation.

I hope this video teaches you how to either ignore some people, or tell them to piss off.😂 Big Love


Most people do not like hearing the truth while I love hearing the truth, transparency is important to me. Good or bad, I rather know the TRUTH. I don’t understand why people wouldn’t want the truth. Because sooner or later, the truth always prevails.


It’s not that they don’t WANT to be friends- it’s just that they don’t DARE


Imagine this: you tell someone about your secret feelings and they start criticising, 'Why do you care?', they say 'You should let ys go' and they go away to a larger group. That's why I have few friends.


I'm 38 and I'm just now understanding that the world is very mean. I am a late bloomer though. Still grateful though. ❤


I can't tell you how many times I've lost connections because I tell them what they're really thinking/doing, and why. It doesn't half freak people out. Perhaps part of it was that I was very naive in my youth, as I came from a constantly tense, emotionally neglectful household. I really had to study people to learn social cues for my own survival, and in the process, I got VERY savvy about body language, voice, and especially the difference between words and actions.

And it isn't just that people don't want to be friends with INFJs. WE don't want to be friends with most people! I sadly feel contempt for a lot of people, even while I might understand why they do the messed-up things they do.


We’re very blunt and would rather sting you with the truth than to smile in your face and put up a facade lol


I was just talking about this to my husband (INTP) that I look like I fit in everywhere but I never seem to make friendships. People will tell me their deepest darkest secret and then are like “thanks, until next time.” It’s honestly okay with me right now as I have two kids who are homeschooled and me and my husband are very close. Couple this with extended family and I’m usually burned out socially. But it was definitely something I observed when I was younger. My friend who I grew up with seemed to make friends effortlessly and she was much quieter than I was and subdued. I looked more like the life of the party and everyone seemed to really like me yet it would never go any further than that. Once they saw the deeper side of me the friendship would just fizzle out but they still liked me and would come to me for advise. I used to think there was something wrong with me but now I at least understand. This was a great video as it highlighted things I had not readily considered.
